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  1. FA period officially ends at 5pm today so will be shortly after that I'd think
  2. That's no proof what so ever that the MFC has put an extension in front of Chip
  3. Can you confirm the MFC has put an offer in front of Frawley?
  4. Was it.....nothing other than an internet rumour as far as I'm concerned
  5. He should take note of Jordie's effort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0juYA2aDN6Q
  6. He's not listed on our website as being employed by the club
  7. They don't really fit the bill as they're not playing suburban football this year
  8. When all of the players are here, team photos are done and height / weight measurements are done....the list will be updated Hard to get Dawes' height / weight / photo when he's not even at the club.... EDIT: lucky you're not an Essendon Supporter, you'd be going insane They don't even have Goddard listed in their team listing, and still list all the delisted players http://www.essendonfc.com.au/team/list.asp
  9. The site has been updated with new players - just not updated pictures / height / weight They're probably waiting for everyone to be back at training before photos / height / weight etc. Could be worse, Essendon don't even have their star recruit - Goddard - on the playing list
  10. Hard to tell with North supporters, sounds exactly like something they would say
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