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Posts posted by Neita3000

  1. Cannot understand the Jake Stringer/Charlie Curnow comparison.

    The more vision I watch of him, the more I dislike him.

    Sure he's got some athletic gifts, really strong running ability etc.

    But he isn't a natural footballer. That's for sure.

    Of course I am no expert, and we may well take him with pick 7, (can't see it being pick 3) but to me, he just looks like one of those guys that

    will always struggle to make a consistent impact at AFL level.

    This whole 'body of work/evidence' over a two year period is pretty important. And Curnow's isn't great. Obviously injury didn't help him.

    But for where we are and for the reason we traded to get two picks within the top 10 says to me that Curnow will be an unlikely choice for us.

    Too risky.

    Why isn't he a natural footballer?

    Looks like one to me.

    • Like 1
  2. I think you answered your own question. Can you list the games this year where Jeremy showed up?

    It's a bit like Frawley. Great shutdown defender when he bothers to put in. Unfortunately for us, he spent about 17 rounds last year trying not to get injured while deciding on a new club.

    Yeah fair point but do you really think Frawley didn't put in as much last year as he did this year?

    You could easily just as say that Frawley had a better year this year purely due to the fact that he was playing for the top team in the competition.

    I would of have thought if the team improved next year so would of Howe's performances.

    Anyway as a poster said before, he hasn't committed so f him.

    • Like 1
  3. I'm a bit befuddled as to why so many people want Howe out. Seems to me whenever he plays well, we play well. Must have finished in our top 10 in the b&f over the past couple of years. Clearly his asking price is the issue. I'm a bit a flat about the whole thing

    • Like 2
  4. I've said it all along, this has settlement written all over it.

    The club will cop a small sanction - small fine and a loss of draft pick or 2 (which will be replaced with the Sylvia free agency compo, if he leaves at the end of the year). Nothing that will cripple us long term.

    No way this ends up in court. The club has too much to lose and too little money to spend.

    That doesn't sound like a settlement to me.

  5. Barret said we shouldve kept all out high draft picks, pick young kids and trust in them to get the job done. Well Im sick of waiting another 6 years for our youngstars to develop so this trading period IMO has been great. We have enough kids on our list dont need another 7-8 17/18year olds running around.

    Now just sit back and wait for round one to come. Go DEES

    The only "high" draft pick we gave away in essence was 13. Which effectively netted us Dawes and Barry.

    Is that a loss? At this point in time probably, but who knows? We'll have to wait and see.

  6. Problem is there that he is already on a modified program until xmas, so a full pre season is out of the question.

    The thing with Cale is that he is really a well liked, popular memeber of the team, bit of a leader amongst the young blokes, it should not be lost that he has some character, a constant whipping boy of the club, but not once have you seen or heard anything negative from him.

    I for one kind of hoped that he got the oppurtunity to prove alot of people wrong. SOrt of a soft spot for him.

    I don't know about that. Have heard somethings to the contrary

  7. The MFC have totally mis-managed this. There was chance for us to take him at 20-something but that's gone.

    The Suns will bid 2, and I'm not convinced that they would have anyway.

    It is crap the way every other club can get their act together and engineer situations to suit themselves. Example: Luke Ball, Chris Tarrant. Probably Kurt Tippett if the Suns play their part well. Remember Luke Ball saying he'd take time away from football if any other club chose him. Bally doubles down...doesn't he?

    It is amateur hour at Melbourne! If anyone cares to put up an argument of how can we control what is said by Jack Viney, son of a MFC champion... then how on earth are we going to win the hearts and minds of anyone else. He should be as Red and Blue as Norm Smith himself!

    Credit where it's due, I love what Harrington was doing... full marks!

    I agree with this.

    The kid is the Dad's recruiting manager FFS

    It's actually embarrassing how inept club is.

  8. Jack is never going to say that and we shouldn't expect him to.

    He was born to play this game, genetically engineered by two very impressive parents to acquire leather by any means necessary.

    If we are going to play this game of chicken - Jack has to meet with other clubs and he is not going to be anything other than impressive.

    Why not?

    Take away the fact that Melbourne has the right to take Jack under the father son rule and he is just another young player looking to get drafted that has signalled his intentions that he would like to stay at home as opposed to uprooting his life and moving interstate.

    It happens all the time. Natanui, Wingard are all examples of players indicating to interstate clubs that it's their preference to stay at home. I just don't see how it is any different?

  9. i just can't see why GC would bid.

    Assuming Jack has gone in there and said something along the lines of "I don't want to move away from home". We all know interstate kids have done it to Victorian clubs to deter them? What about Elliot Kavanagh's dad scaring off all the clubs last year until he got drafted to Essendon?

    What's the difference? It isn't draft tampering. It's just a kid expressing his thoughts on moving interstate. It's pretty simple

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