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Posts posted by dee-tox

  1. It is bizarre the lack of love for Jamar.

    It was the midfield that dominated for Melbourne, and Jamar was the reason for this. He gave Moloney an arm chair ride for a start.

    To not include him in the top two on the ground is staggering.

  2. It's not a concern for me because I have no idea of the quality of the information. Doesn't strike me as being particularly high though. And people have a tendency to see what they want to see, or turn up with pre-conceived notions about a player's behaviour, then just write that rather than really observing anything.

    There are very few people who I would take the word of in the absence of seeing things with my own eyes. If I believed everything everyone on Demonland said, I'd have died of MFCSS years ago.

    I was also at Casey for the first time. I agree about Watts looking lazy. He was just going through the motions in my opinion.

    Don't want to come across as negative, but there was an exercise that Scott West was running where the ball handling at times was terrible for AFL footballers. Young Troy Davis it seemed failed to hit a target at any time, while Spencer fumbled and bumbled his way around. Far too many handling errors for my liking.

    On the positive side. I was amazed at Scully's pace in the 220 sprints.

    Addam Maric is looking like an AFL footballer.

    Strauss was working well in the one-on-one spoiling exercises.

    Jamar was working brilliantly and young Cook looks to have pretty decent hands.

  3. To my way of thinking it's not fair to compare Trenners fitness with Sculls. Sculls ran out the season well,,, where I hear that Trenners body was getting tired & sore.

    To my way of thinking the tired body would require a bigger rest, to recover, prior to starting a big heavy pre - season schedule. It takes 2 - 4 years to develop a big tank & a resilient body.

    He's on his way.

    It seems obvious that JT has done plenty of leg weights over the break. I reckon he's being groomed for a more inside role. With plenty of running throughout the pre-season he will slim down and shouldn't lose pace.

  4. I for one am pretty keen on him pretty sure he will be available up too the fd now

    I have my doubts on Darling.

    Firstly, because of his size.

    Secondly, how does a player who prides himself on physicality recover mentally from a fractured skull?

    Thirdly, what role would we want him to play? Dunn, Bate, Petterd and Jurrah are all similar height.

    Fourthly, when there are questions about character, they tend not to be one-off incidents.

    I'd be happy to draft Smedts and hope we pick up a 6'6'' potential forward later in the draft.

  5. Last year I made this thread to see how we'd go in 2010.

    After Bub's suggestion I thought I'd put a new one up. The season is split in two halves because you can only put 20 options in.

    Depends on a couple of factors. Injuries and development.

    Obviously we can't afford serious injuries to major playmakers (Jamar, Green, Davey, Frawley etc)

    If Maric, Morton, Blease, Tapscott, Gysberts, Trengove, Scully, Watts and Bennell show significant improvement then we'll make top-six. Bailey's credentials are on the line here, as a teaching/development coach and if he does his job like he has with Jamar, Frawley, Garland, Dunn and Bartram, we'll be cooking with gas in 2011.

  6. Sensible point.

    Watts as the big strong KPP CHF - crash packs, take big marks and a booming dangerous kick.

    Grimes as a captain prodigy and help glue the backline together.

    Trengove will be our tough in-and-under type. Not afraid to get the hard ball.

    Fitzpatrick is another KPP prodigy much like that of Hale - forward/ruck.

    Viney the ball magnet. Tough and ruthless.

    Think a few bloke are overating Fitzpatrick! Will strugle to make it.

  7. I know everyone is entitled to their opinionn, but i can't beleive Davey does not make it in some peoples top 6 players, he was best on for me, along with Jamar and Moloney.

    6. Davey

    5. Jamar

    4. Moloney

    3. Morton

    2. Garland

    1. Jones

    Good point Jerry on Davey. He was superb.

    3 Jamar

    2.5 davey

    2 Moloney

    1.5 Garland

    1 Jones

    .5 Morton

  8. I was at the Carlton Vs StKilda game and noticed the quick and damaging small aboriginal Blues forward line. I was wondering who we could play as a small, skilled yet hard-at-it small backman. Loosing Whelan (a gun) has left a big hole in the backline.

    Back pocket options;

    Bartram is quick and tough, but his decision making probably cost us the game against the Dogs (probably should be dropped)

    Bennell is better as a wingman/forward (too loose as a backman, may be used if needed)

    Aaron Davey is better as a wingman/forward

    Grimes is a fantastic HBF, may be too big for the small aboriginals.

    Cheney, Joel Mac, are too slow for the mosquito fleet

    potential choices

    Jordie McKenzie - he is tough as nails, a great tackler, fairly quick and good decision maker. Could be a version of Akermanis who started in the BP.

    Neville Jetta - He is tough, quick, tackles like a demon and may be worth a look

    Strauss - He is being groomed as a backman, I am unsure about his speed and toughness, but has beautiful skills for a backman.

    Rohan Bail - He is quick and agile, hard-at-it, good skills, good on the ground and in the air, is worth a look.

    Sam Blease - I have not seen him play, however somebody posted a comment that he plays like David King. (if he is anything like King, we have a gun)

    We must develop tough, skilled, smart back pocket players just like we had with Yeates and Whelan, Ward, Brown and Walsh. Without them, Carlton will carve us up.

    It is a good point you raise and something that has worried me for a little while. We need to clone Matty Whelan.

  9. No better feeling than winning 3 on the trot is watching Essendung fall back in a heap to

    where they belong. They lose one game by 65 pts and its a national outrage - welcome to supporting mediocrity.

    Our backline is no doubt grateful to the input from one Sean Wellman who Essendung is eyeing keenly!!

    "I have heard ALL of Mark Williams (Chocko), James Hird, Matthew Lloyd, Scott Burns and Sean Wellman have been contacted to discuss a potential coaching panel in 2011.

    Despite each of the names above all having various contracts, they all have get out clauses and are potentially available for the 2011 season.

    So prepared is Essendon, my source tells that each of the names above have been told in no uncertain terms "don't make plans for 2011 until we've had a chance to talk further" after flagging the possibility with them. " --


    Lets make sure Essendung dont steal our Sean leave them to implode all on their own.

    Strange how things work out. Wellman was sacked by the Bulldogs three years ago.

  10. I think the issue with Hawkins is similar to many key position players and how difficult it is to play that role in today's football. You only have the plethora of high draft, key position players that have not lived up to expectations. Think Gumbleton, Hansen, Thorp, Sellar, Dowler, Hawkins, Henderson and Josh Kennedy. Current game plans make it difficult for key forwards to perform. It is only the truly outstanding players such as Riewoldt, Franklin, Brown and Fevola that have defied this trend.

  11. 6 - McDonald

    5 - Green

    4 - Grimes

    3 - Bruce

    2 - Trengove

    1 - Scully

    Rubbish. Absolute rubbish.

    Dunn was appalling. Should be dropped. He is lazy, unskilled, doesn't man up, doesn't work hard enough. Just awful.

    Dunn was vying for worst on ground along with Spencer, Bennell, Miller and Bate.

  12. Ha, ha. I'll buy that. It makes sence.

    I reckon Neita could have qualified the way he walked with the forward and back head movement.

    Apparently he was known as Duke at the Lions. If he is half as good as the Duke we had in the 80s an 90s I'll be happy.

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