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  1. Yeah I lost my first ten minute window trying to figure this out. I missed a category of seating but I'm still happy to be going.
  2. I'm a life fan but live overseas now, so the only way that makes sense to support the club is through merch and a 3 game membership. Not ideal but words can't express how good it feels to be heading back to watch this game!
  3. Me watching the clock timer tick down as I try over and over to figure out what Ticketmaster's definition of "password" is...
  4. Yeah it's infuriating. It took me 9 minutes to figure out that you need to put two "passwords" (BAR CODES ARE NOT PASSWORDS!!!) in, with a return between them. I lost my first ten minute window because of this.
  5. oh wow. I logged in at exactly 8am and lost my 10 minute window to purchase tickets because it took me 9 minutes to figure out that the "password" to unlock the tickets is BOTH my barcode number and my wife's barcode number, with a return between them. I did not think I could hate ticketmaster any more than I already did. this is unbelievable.
  6. I'm living overseas but want to fly back to Melb to see this game. I'm a lifelong Dees fan but because I'm no longer living in Aus I'm not an MFC member anymore (I support the club by buying merch these days). I’d need to buy a general public seat. Can anyone recommend which area I should try tickets to? I want to avoid sitting surrounded by pies supporters at all costs!!! It’s been years since I’ve been to a game so I have no idea where I should try and sit. Huge thanks!! ❤️💙
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