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Everything posted by FreedFromKysaiah

  1. Couldn't ask for a better role model in footy than Gus Brayshaw. Whatever happens, he'll always be a MFC great. Love ya Gus
  2. Hi gents, like many others on Demonland, watching us fall behind early against the Pies made me want to comb my hair with a potato peeler. It seems we often take a while to get going. How do you fix slow starts? Is it even possible, or is the Dees’ propensity to play from behind just one of those mysteries of the universe? if we concede the first 3 to the Blues I’ll have an outer body experience from which I may never recover. thanks in advance
  3. Thanks mate, spot on. We own that song now!
  4. The conditions won't suit them, that's for sure. I honestly think our 5-6 wet games this year are a blessing. We'll know what to expect and how to get it done, learning from our mistakes from last time.
  5. I read somewhere today that they haven't played a wet weather game all season. No idea if that's accurate and CBF fact checking. But happy to run with it. Also this is my first post on Demonland - hello! [Edit]: If it's true that the filth haven't played a wet weather game this year - I think that bodes well for us, regardless of our W/L record in greasy conditions this year. When there are tired bodies at the start of the 4th quarter and our bulls are continuing to throw their weight around - the cream will rise to the top
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