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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 1 hour ago, dl4e said:

    It is simple really. We have to beat the filth. I don't think I could put up with the trauma of waiting till the crows wet coke game if we lose.


    But if we win, we still need to keep an eye on the Sydney & Port games. Both will win, but if Sydney don't win by significantly more (30+) than Port then we are on the bus up to NSW.

    Unless of course St Kilda do us a solid and bump the tigers to 6th!

  2. I really like Frost, but my main concern with losing him is that it would give us less flexibility to allow TMac to float and/or play forward, especially when the backs start getting injured.

    'Decent' KPP's, of which I think it is fair to say Frost certainly is, don't grow on trees.

    Would much rather cough up a player type that is absolutely surplus to our requirements and can be covered even in the event of multiple injuries.

    Guys like Spencil for example.

    That said, I am fully aware that we 'gotta give something to get something'....  just wish it wasn't Frost! 

  3. We've avoided Nichols & Razor Ray again - phew!  

    For this week its...

    #8 - Brett Rosebury

    #11 - Curtis Deboy

    #28 - Troy Pannell 

    Actually surprised there isn't a bit more discussion about our umpire appointees each week, as they can make a massive difference to how the game plays out.

    Razor & Nichols are my two 'hope to never get' types, but there are another half dozen or so on my [censored] list 


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  4. I never understand people who hurl abuse and at the players from the stands.  They know full well that the people they are yelling at can't heard them, so only conclusion I can draw is that they think all the people sitting around are actually interested and/or need to hear their little gems of wisdom.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Demonland said:

    Thanks for all the suggestions but I have someone picking me up and taking me to the airport so I really just need the best accessible meeting point that then has good access to get to the airport. I have time up my sleeve so I can walk to a spot away from the ground.

    An ok place for a pick up is between AAMI park and Hisense on Olympic Boulevard. Plenty of pull in spots there.

    From there follow Olympic Ave > Alexandra Ave > City Rd > Power Street and you're on the Freeway > Citylink






    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jibroni said:

    I used the Skybus last week to get the airport and work fine. Tram No 70 will get you from the G to Southern Cross Station for no charge. It will take about an hour.

    Is that the "free zone" ?  

    It was a while ago, but the last time I was on the #70 from the G to the city we were told the free zone didn't start till you got to Flinders street and the part behind tennis courts an up Batman ave was still a paid zone.

    Has that changed?  Or do they do free "footy special" type services now?

  7. 28 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    Neck exercises.

    I wasn't being smart.

    Just wondering how it'd be done and what exercises would specifically target muscles in neck.

    It's obviously not something like arms, legs or core which you can train more directly...

  8. 16 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    They have also been working on strengthening his neck muscles to minimise the whiplash effect. May have helped in this clash, not sure though


    How does one strengthen neck muscles exactly?  

  9. Posted this in the "3 word" thread, but more relevant here...

    I didn't think Petracca was that bad yesterday. His ability to go at the loose ball in a 2 or 3 on 1 situation and either come away with it, or knock it to the advantage of a team mate is unreal, and he did that several times yesterday.

    Also, how good would that goal have been in the first if not for the smother?  

    He is not smashing it in the eyes of the statisticians, but then neither are guys like Hannan, but what they do off the ball and/or to help others get the ball shouldn't be ignored.


    • Like 11
  10. I didn't think Petracca was that bad yesterday. His ability to go at the loose ball in a 2 or 3 on 1 situation and either come away with it, or knock it to the advantage of a team mate is unreal, and he did that several times yesterday.

    Also, how good would that goal have been in the first if not for the smother?  

    He is not smashing it in the eyes of the statisticians, but then neither are guys like Hannan, but what they do off the ball and/or to help others get the ball shouldn't be ignored.

  11. There was a big contingent of very confused looking students at the top of the Olympic - some with a distinctive eastern European accents - trying to figure out what they needed to do, where to sit, deciphering what the food offerings were... etc.  Beneficiaries of the free tickets methinks, and a few of them had brand new merch on!  Hope they liked what they saw yesterday and come back!

    • Like 4
  12. 15 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:


    Great courage by the young man to keep contesting after a heavy head knock - Stevens unfortunately had concussion and a burst ear drum.

    Gus: “My mum’s here somewhere, so I’m sure she would’ve nearly had tears coming out after that,” he said on Fox Footy.  “It was a pretty solid hit. I’ve had a few of those and I feel fine, so I’ve got full confidence. I’ve done all the work.”

    A proud day for the Brayshaw family.  So rapt for him (and us).

    Yeah was definitely heart in the mouth stuff when he took that knock. 

    As they said on the TV commentary though, it may have been the best thing that happened to him, as from that point on in the game he was awesome.  


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