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Posts posted by JTR

  1. 23 hours ago, Dr.D said:


    Whoever was calling for Oliver to be dropped, please kindly remove yourself from demonland and assess how much you understand football and whether you should really be commenting on melbourne and our players.

    The most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time!!

    So what are the rules here?  Only Oliver?  Are there allowed to be calls for other players to be dropped?

    If so, and if those calls are also wrong, will those people be expected to exit demonland? 



    As to what expect from our players, Oliver is one that most would rate as one of our best and rightfully so.

    I wouldn't expect then to find myself cringing any time he so much as thinks about kicking it. His kicking is a problem. Certainly not drop from the team worthy, but it's something he must work on.

    We can't afford to have multiple players in the middle butchering it by foot, especially when under no pressure at all and he is one of a few

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  2. 5 hours ago, JTR said:

    I forget what quarter it was, but the moment where Jackson recognised we were likely to win a centre clearance, burst forward to take the forward handball, then run away and get it inside 50 was a thing of beauty.

    Legit plays like a mid.

    3:05 mark, in lead up to Bennell goal

    General play, not centre clearance, but still....  ?

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  3. 12 minutes ago, old dee said:

    I think you have missed my point. If you don't beat a team you are not better than them. The score board says it all.

    On the day sure. 

    Not overall though, which was my point and what I think binman was getting at with his comment re us being a better side than Geelong.

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  4. 1 hour ago, old dee said:

    Agree with most of that Binman except the first para. We did not best the cats so we are not better than them. The only measure that matters is winning or losing. 

    There wouldn't be any such thing as an "upset" if that was the case.

  5. 2 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    "Upcoming byes won't be at the same time and are likely to be scattered across three or four weeks but Melbourne and Essendon won't have one".


    I don't mind that.  Normally players would take a bit of a holiday etc. during the bye.  But now they are stuck in the AFL 'bubble' effectively in lockdown at their respective hubs.  They have and will have plenty of downtime between training and games for r and r.  For those with a bye, 10-14 days without structured work is a lot of time for golf etc

    As long as there is no flight involved for the Ess game or at either end of the game we should be fine.

    What I wouldn't like to see is the Alice game to before or after it.

    Probably more interesting (to me) from that article, was this...


    "The AFL is hoping to hold this year's Toyota AFL Grand Final on October 17, which is the same day as the Caulfield Cup is currently scheduled for.

    However, the sticking point remains the contract situation that has prevented players locking away their future, particularly for those who are unsigned beyond this season.

    The injury risk that comes with the truncated fixture was "unacceptable" when footballers' futures were in doubt, Marsh said, even though it was "an extraordinary year" with the COVID-19 crisis.

    Marsh had an online discussion on Wednesday with all players, who stated this issue was "critically important".

    He has presented that stance to AFL chief executive Gillon McLachlan, and expected to hear back from him on Thursday.

    "If we can't get this contract situation sorted out, then it becomes an unacceptable risk from the players' perspective," Marsh told SEN radio.

    "So I think we then get back to just playing weekly, like we've been doing, which is an option. There's no reason the season couldn't extend for another three weeks.

    "We've said since day one here that the players are prepared to play until the end of the year, and that hasn't changed. We may need that runway depending on where this virus gets to."


    Sounds like a LOT more water needs to go under the bridge yet.  This contract situation has been lingering for months.

  6. 23 hours ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    I’m thinking we play the finals in Auckland.  It might be the only safe haven come late October. 

    Geelong would love that....  

    GMHBA - 170 x 115

    Eden Park - 137 x 110 

  7. 16 hours ago, Wadda We Sing said:

    Incredible watching this, so much passion and excitement. The games this year without the crowds are so stunningly stark in comparison, its like a different world. Lets hope we can get back there. Stay safe everyone.

    I know right?  Clips like this remind me how much I've already forgotten about what it feels like to be in stadium full of people going nuts. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, BigFez said:

    One of my all time favourite passages of play.  Up there with the Hannan goal from the 2018 EF.

    Mine too! 

    Also on my list along with with those two, is the passage of play from the 2018 SF, where Gunston hit the post, and we went right up the other end from the kick in for a goal by ANB.  BT: "Cant believe it, cant believe it, cant believe it, CAN NOT believe it!"  

    Also this from the 2014 game vs Essendon when Salem got the goal less than a minute from the end for a 1 point win.

    TMac was crucial in the chain so the "Macs" certainly have form when it comes to being involved in memorable passages!  ?


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  9. 2 hours ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Yes. Agree. Not sure why the players were left behind. AFL are paying for accomodation costs and transfers and majority of living arrangements. Need to keep the team together. 

    Mahoney said they had sought feedback from clubs already in hubs, and there were arguments for and against full squad vs reduced.

    With full, whilst it was good to have them all together for training/match simulation...etc, it was logistically harder to move the extra players/support staff/families around.

    It had also been observed by some clubs with full squads that the players who are not likely to get a game were tending to treat the trip as a bit of a vacation and creating a distraction for those in the best 22 or the fringe of it.

    Whereas with reduced, it was opposite. Easier to shift everyone around, greater focus on best 22.. etc, but then the obvious downsides to splitting up the group. Last weekend for example, to make up numbers our non-playing guys in the hub had a joint training session with Sydney. 

    Suppose they also looked at the performance of teams in hubs with reduced squad (Port) vs full squad (West Coast).

  10. Not ideal playing Brisbane at Metricon instead of NSW, but it's probably better to have the certainly of where we'll play now, rather than be like GWS/Richmond or Sydney/Hawthorn who are in still NSW for round 8.

    Given how fast the COVID situation changes, who knows this far out whether those games will actually be in NSW, or moved, or even postponed.

    We already have one catch up game hanging over our heads, so maybe thats why we were shifted, to prevent possibility of 2nd?

  11. 3 hours ago, Satyriconhome said:

    Chook, while there is no place for racism, which I abhor, already sent a message of support.

    Your question could be answered on here where I have been called in the last week, idiot, pig and delusional 

    I myself got dragged into it unfortunately through frustration at the lack of action by the mods

    Social media and forums like this provide people the opportunity unrestrained to put what they like, behind a cloak of anonymity.

    Until there are real consequences it will continue

    Somebody in a thread called for supporter insurrection, may be the incorrect use of a word, but if somebody took it as verbatim

    ^^^ this is all that needed to be said and I don't think many would disagree.

    If you'd just left it at that rather than add the preceding comments trying to link or compare your experience here to what has happened to Harley, we wouldn't have another derailed thread.

    I know you feel hard done by, but this is not the time and certainly not the thread for it, so please stop.

    • Like 2
  12. Sorry if already mentioned in the article, or thread. Too much reading for me this early in day!

    One thing that's been bothering me this season is the lower angles they are using, presumably in an effort to maintain the crowd noise illusion and not show empty stands in the background.

    It's particularly bad when play is on the opposite wing to camera and all the players are running around in the top 1/4 of my screen. Looks terrible, especially when ball is kicked and it disappears out of the top of the screen. 

    Same happens when they do that close-ish angle from behind the player kicking on goal. They don't track the ball, meaning it disappears out of top of the screen and we don't see where it's going till it comes back down.

    Makes me feel like I'm watching the game from the concourse of the G.

  13. Haven't read any of this thread so if already said I missed it.

    It'll probably been an unpopular opinion/observation, but does anyone else think Bennell plays like he doesn't want contact? He had a couple of chances to go hard but pulled back. Also when tackling he just sticks his arms out rather than fully commit with body and they run right through him.

    Yes I'm sure I'll get given a list of names who have their own moments of poor play. I've just been particularly focussed on Bennell this game.

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  14. 1 hour ago, big_red_fire_engine said:

    Brisbane and MFC are the only 2 teams to have 40+ inside 50 in each game this year. The only real difference between 2018 MFC and 2020 MFC is conversion rate. I suggest the shift in forward personnel today with Weid and Bennell is a good start. That is what makes the stat so damning and also why we are not far off turning this about.

    Stat they had on Footy Classified earlier in the week showed Brisbane have the lowest play on from a mark % in the league. It was something like 20% whereas last week vs Tigers we were almost 40%

    If we could slow down a little and only go when it's actually on I'm sure it'd make a massive difference. It's probably also help the likes of Viney spot up the much better options inside 50 rather than sending in blind bombs.

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  15. 16 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    O Mac is good kick. Mostly under not much pressure. His decision making is still not great though. 
    petracca is a far superior kick. I’m amazed I have to even argue this point. 

    I didn't realise it was an argument about Petracca v OMac?

    My point was that OMac is a lot better kick than most give him credit for. That's it, full stop.

    Again, the comparison to Petracca was yours.  If you're not happy with that one given their relative playing positions, then compare him to pretty much any other defender in the game, KPP or otherwise. Stacks up against all of them too.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    And if Petracca was chipping it around the back line I’m sure his % would be higher. It’s a little different at stoppages. 

    You used Petracca as the comparison... ?

    There are a lot of knocks on OMac, but kicking is not one of them. 

    Jason Johanissen (if you want a comparison with a defender) was rated as one of the best kicks last season, and he is 72.1 for career kicking efficiency. Still less than OMacs 74.4

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  17. 10 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    Anyone that thinks Tomlinson is stiff, just rewatch last weeks game. One poor game can be excused for sure but not putting your body on the line for the team, you are cut. 
    well done Goodwin 

    Chaplin said that tonight. No knocks at all on his running, but they need him to be better at the contest. 

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