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Posts posted by Skuit

  1. 26 minutes ago, DeeZee said:

    These journos get away with way too much and it’s gone too far now.

    i would definitely be threatening legal action.

    I agree. On top on the the despicable attempt by Tom Morris to insinuate Kate Roffey had said something racist by presenting her words out of context, somehow Mark Robinson gets away with writing this; “Unbelievably, Roffey said she wasn’t aware of Petracca’s grievances and even alluded to a belief that it was all media-driven.”

    There has to be some accountability.  

  2. 2 hours ago, He de mon said:

    Wait. He said that a friend visited him in ICU the next morning, when he couldn't have visitors for days after the surgery? That doesn't really add up.

    He was allowed one visitor. The friend was someone very close to him. 

    1 hour ago, John Crow Batty said:

    Also, highly unlikely a surgeon would give a random friend that kind of information. Completely unprofessional if so.


  3. 25 minutes ago, Demonsone said:

    You’re kidding me it was a train wreck! She knew what the questions would be & acted as if she and the board are seperate …wow player is icu and you don’t ring him/parents that’s relationship 101 .. needs to go along with many others… I hear Pert works from Noosa ??? 

    She said she hasn't spoken to Petracca's parents in a while. 

    She said she hasn't spoken directly to Petracca about whether he has a preference to be elsewhere. 

    That may or may not be factual. But those are the facts of what she said.

    What she didn't say is whether she had spoken to Petracca's parents while he was in the ICU (which would be a private conversation anyway and not something to discuss with the media). 

    She also didn't say whether she had spoken directly to Petracca as to other issues (but she was well aware of them and the club as a whole was working to resolve them). 

    She also noted that she had at least reached out to Petracca and said that he was welcome to discuss any of his concerns with her anytime he wanted. 

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  4. Petracca's statement during the The Howie Games interview, very lightly edited for clarity.

    "I remember giving the surgeon my friend’s number. I think it was after the surgery so this must have been 3am in the morning. I didn’t know at the time as I was drugged up, but my friend came into the ICU the next morning and basically said that the surgeon said I might not make it basically, that I was in critical condition, because of the internal bleeding and everything."

    The timeline of events isn't clear, but it's a given that he was in critical condition at some stage (I'm guessing at least due to unstable blood pressure), which by its nature means that immediate life-saving intervention was required, hence the chance that he might not survive. There's no indication however that Christian nearly died. 

    Please note, I am in no way attempting to diminish the severity of the injuries and level of trauma experienced by Christian or his friend. Just trying to bring some clarity to a lot of wild statements currently being thrown around on here based on edited snippets and hearsay. 

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  5. 10 minutes ago, bing181 said:

    Lots of jumping to conclusions here without the full story. When I listen to the Roffey interview re Petracca I hear someone with their hands tied and not being able to say what she perhaps could. She's presidential enough to know not to say "Christian's being a prima donna".

    My overall read is that the club is bending over backwards to not portray Trac as the fill-in-the-dots that he is as it would bury everyone, Trac and the club. In the meantime, the club and its staff become the punching bag.

    Exactly. Many of the same posters who are frustrated by Roffey not speaking precisely on the matter are also angered she isn't doing enough to resolve it, without wondering if perhaps these things could be related. It's clearly a delicate situation, and it's not just MFC members who listen to the radio. 

    • Like 7
  6. 3 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    I left it out as I didn't think it was that relevant to what has most people dismayed ie the apparent lack of communication with the family while he was in ICU and its aftermath.

    As Andy Maher said, even if there are organisational processes in place a president is within their right to pick up the phone and say:  Here is my number, call me anytime.  Let me know if there is anything I can do. 


    But we have no idea if she did or didn't. Roffey herself doesn't seem to know what the complaints refer to, but notably made the point that only one person is allowed in the ICU and that the club was out of the immediate loop as to his personal healthcare, which is private by nature - including as to our own club doctors.  

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    I had mixed feelings to this part of the interview.

    From The Age:

    Did you do enough during the two weeks following his horrific injury? 

    '.........So I’m not sure, again, as I say in the media, a lot of this rhetoric around not enough was done, we need to actually sit down and go, ‘What wasn’t done? What would you have liked to have been done? If we didn’t do enough, you know, we can work through that and apologise’. But I’m not entirely sure what the, I don’t believe it relates to medical care, is probably all I can comment on."

    The beginning of her response to that question which you edited out I think is worth including, as it paints a clearer picture of the situation. It sounds like Petracca hasn't raised these particular gripes with the club, and there's only so much the club could have done at the time due to the private nature of healthcare. So she says the club needs to sit down and discuss the perceived shortcomings. If Petracca hasn't been willing to do so, then there's not much that can be done. She makes it clear elsewhere that she has indeed reached out to him, her door open. 

    Did you do enough during the two weeks following his horrific injury?

    Roffey: I’ve read some bits and pieces about this in the media. I have no idea where that information came from. I’ve no idea what specifically that is referring to, so I won’t comment on the specifics. What I will say is that when you’re in intensive care, you can’t pop in and visit. You get one person who’s allowed to come in. In terms of the medical care, you go into the system as a patient of the Victorian health system. And so we’re not in direct contact with him for medical care at that point in time, that’s happening through his doctors. And so we have to find out further down the line what’s happening, what’s required of us, what we need to do.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Red But Mostly Blue said:

    Grabbed a cuppa, jumped online - only 6 pages of Trac to get through!

    Not bad, not bad at all. 

    Easy peasy. Then I'll get to work 🤣

    I thought that yesterday, but the pages multiply quicker than you can read them, and I'm still here eight hours later pushing through on a @WalkingCivilWar diet of multiple Red Bulls despite my proposed sponsorship boycott. 

    • Like 1
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  9. 15 hours ago, hardtack said:

    I suspect that Peter Lawrence is a member of Demonland and possibly(?) engaging in this thread. Could @Demonland please reveal the name under which Mr Lawrence does post on these forums… surely he couldn’t object, all things considered!

    More than that. I get a sense of a paid Tripadvisor-style 'review farm' going on here, which wouldn't be unfamiliar to Peter during his time in Southeast Asia. Totally based on instinct as a writer, but there are some striking similarities in the phrasing being used by various posters, and a 'voice' which doesn't match their previous posts. 

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Indeed, take advantage of the geography !

    I spent a night in Bowen a few years ago and stayed at the  "Bowen Arrow " motel.

    There was also that nudist motel in Mossman in North Queensland called the White Cockortwo. 

    • Haha 4
  11. Can the Crows even give us back our pick under the current trading rules? Also, most of our own fans struggle to identify what ANB actually does during a game. He may be a great role player, but that's under Goodwin's system, and I doubt he would even get a start at Port. I think a third-rounder is a more realistic expectation, if you reflect back on what we've traded in over the years for an early-to-mid second. 

    • Vomit 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, djr said:

    Didn't we end up with about the fifth highest crowd average in the league this season? We had a similar average to Geelong and Hawthorn.

    If we compiled all the legitimate responses to the 'What was your Excuse?' attendance thread and submitted it to the AFL with a stuffed brown paper bag then we could probably jump Hawthorn into 5th.  

    • Haha 1
  13. 14 hours ago, John Crow Batty said:

    His ACL derailed his career. Lost his pace and manoeuvrability.

    He was an absolute pillar in our three-pronged premiership-year defensive set-up for the first six or seven rounds while  building belief among our team until doing his knee against North and ultimately being usurped by Petty. Otherwise, I'm fairly certain he would now have a grand final medallion, and it's not forgotten. Tomald's Jesus-like resurrection this year has further cruelled his career. 

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, DiscoStu17 said:

    Damn. Holy jebus. Nobody wants that -although I suspect autocorrect running wild again. 

    The root chakra, representing stability, security, and our desire for basic needs. My best friend once had his peritoneum removed to combat cancer, and I mistakenly told all my friends that he had his perineum ripped out and naturally they were all very confused. 

    • Haha 1
    • Shocked 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Brownie said:

    I've found a solution tonight to the stress of our footy club burning down. I discovered Johnny Cash a decade or so  ago. 


    J-Ca$h? You just named the next 1,500-page epic thread on Demonland. Never mind bananas, cucumbers are apparently in short-supply across Europe right now due some Instagram kid who makes recipes for adolescent boys. Meanwhile, Trac can go and enjoy the unwholesome prison Blues. 

    Edit: also thanks for the tip mate. Listening now. 

    • Clap 1
  16. 5 hours ago, adonski said:

    We should be going for cheap options like Daniel who can fill a role rather than expensive options like Houston anyway...especially given the current situation of potentially struggling to field a Melbourne Demons 5 a-side basketball team in 2025

    I'm not sure if the hilarious Ivan Reitman pairing of Muggsy Bogues and Farris-White can cover the departures of Jackson, Maynard, Trac and Watts on their own. 

  17. 17 minutes ago, Demons11 said:

    I don’t think that’s on Selwyn though.  He is there to get him to the start line and then it’s up to the coaches from there.  I see your point though 

    The thing is Burgess's influence went well beyond the start line. It was like having another highly-respected motivational coach for the team. 

    • Like 4
  18. 29 minutes ago, adonski said:


    He has told coach Simon Goodwin and other senior figures that he is frustrated with continuously playing in front of small crowds.

    In two of Melbourne’s last three home games, the crowds have been 16,246 (against Greater Western Sydney) and 17,867 (against Port Adelaide).


    Wait up. I don't recall Trac playing in either of those examples. Prior to our fade-out this year, we've been in the top four for average attendance over the past four years. 

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