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Fritta and Turner

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Posts posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. 14 hours ago, Demon Jack said:

    Great flashback to game number 1. Think this was Jeremy Howe's first game to from memory.

    Dennis Cometti at 2:13 😄


    Are you sure it is him? Got a free kick....

    • Haha 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Webber said:

    As a dweeby aside, the Lisfranc injury is named after Napoleon’s cavalry head honcho, Générale Lisfranc, who reported the injury occurring commonly to soldiers who were knocked off their horse, only to have a foot locked in the stirrup in forced plantarflexion. Ouchy. Too much nerdy-know? Not if you want to win your next pub trivia night! 

    Can we blame The French?

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Saw a post on another channel during the week reflecting back on the Lever trade that we gave up 2 first rounders for and got back pick 35, which turned into Harry Petty (can just see the bounce crew doing their numerology thing on that).  The two first rounders ended up at Carlton through some on trade for someone and they got players who I forget, because I'm assuming they are just average, not great footballers.

    I think we won the Lever trade even though we gave up two first rounders and Freo may still win this one.  Unless we can turn pick 4 into Reid and/or JT can work his magic yet again.  Give me a proven gun player over picks most days of the week, but all the same I'm also hoping our footy department and JT and spin their magic.  The most valuable part for us is Freo's low finish giving us an oppertunity to top up and keep building for sustained sucess while we finish higher up the ladder in premiership competition mode.

    I think Carlton used one of those picks on O'Brien who was delisted to a rookie, reinstated and is apparently on the outer.  I have almost total faith in our recruiting team, and as you said let them do their magic.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Return to Glory said:

    Strong argument that it was the lesser lights that kept us in it. Chandler obviously but Smith was good as was Taj. Felt Trac had a stinker. No idea what his numbers were, but there's times when they don't give the full story.

    Trac had 26 disposals and Taj 7.

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