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  1. Why did you ignore half his post? What is JKH's upside? I don't see it either. But I think he gives it a real go. I'm just not sure he's fast enough to lock down a position.
  2. Lol. I saw a lot of Port Adelaide players at a stand still multiple times through the game - moments when Watts was still providing run. And yes he makes mistakes - were any as bad as our captain hand passing directly to a Richmond player 30m out directly in front? But that's a pretty immature response by me; expecting flawless play from any player is unreasonable (and I suppose unless they decide to tunnel it under their legs, mistakes are forgivable). It is also irrelevant - you guys will see what you want to see when it comes to Watts. And maybe he'll be dropped from Port Adelaide next week never to play again. But here is the issue. We thought we were in a finals window. We gave up first round draft picks and a lot of $$ for a third man up based on this idea. So our decision to offload an experienced half forward seems completely at odds with this focus - because we didn't have a ready to go replacement. I think Bayley will be solid - but he needs games. And he won't get them while we're in this "window". I was surprised we pushed Watts out so hard, with nothing really to gain from it - but I really hoped our list was stronger then it appeared. So far it doesn't appear to be the case. Instead it looks like the decisions we made last year have hampered our list development. And not even getting Howe and Dunn back will save us
  3. No single player is the problem. I thought that would be evident by now. Jones has got the most out of himself as a footballer. A lot of his peers that have come and gone can't say the same thing. I think he has done everything possible in his power, as an individual and a leader, to help the club succeed. Having said that; yes, he is a limited footballer. And maybe you don't find him the most inspiring figure (I don't either, really). But to suggest he is 'the' problem, or any problem, is just unfair and misguided. It isn't his fault that the club has failed to get A quality mids onto our list. Sadly for him, after our team's recent efforts it looks like he will be long gone by the time we do put together a real first class midfield (if ever?).
  4. LOL you guys are obsessed. He's one of their highest disposal winners. Been involved in a lot of plays. Covered a lot of ground. Has quick hands and decision making. Been asked to swing across half back and the forward line. Laid some tackles. Landed a huge bump in a recent passage of play. But yeah because he's not Dangerfield he's a spud who should be in a dress. And we're still paying for him! Good thing we got rid of him so we can make way for hard nuts like..Bugg and...you know...all those other amazing half forward talls we have in our line up.
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