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Posts posted by Bleeds_Red_&_Blue

  1. Someone told me today the little wizard will be out for round 1. Is this true?

    Based on last years game where we should have won until the wonder boy willed the Suns into a win, If Abblet plays we will lose. If he doesnt we're a chance.


  2. Third consequetive Bluey. Only the great Jim Stynes has done that.

    Played every game this year .. again

    Ambassador for MFC on and off field

    Does not demand credibility, but earns it

    Easily in MFC team of the decade and arguably player of the decade

    Thank you Nathan Jones

    You are now my favourite MFC player.

    Cant wait to see you in 2015

    • Like 14
  3. No reason why we can't do to Hawchoke what the Aints did to Fremethtle the other week

    We have alot of Roos questions to answer for and the boys will come ready to cut the head off the AFL ladder like we did to Essendrugs a few years ago!!


    Lets smash them hawks tomorrow !!

    • Like 2
  4. I am an extremely passion Dees supporter

    We have not won at Etihad in donkeys years

    Brisbane are at $2.12 to beat Melbourne

    I am a gambling man

    I just put $100 on Brisbane to beat Melbourne at $2.12 to pay out $212

    If we lose, I win $112

    If we win, I will be overjoyed at breaking our Etihad hoo-doo that I will not care about the $100

    Am I a bad supporter?

    (Have you ever done something similar?)

    • Like 1
  5. So I landed this morning in Alice Springs, semi overcast but nice Melbourne-like day.

    Been walking around town in my Melbourne gear with a few randoms yelling out "Go Dees".

    Had an Alice Spring burger on the main strip, hopefully I can hold it down.

    The most surprising thing is how many Indigenous folk are wearing Melbourne guernseys.

    Cant wait to see my boys.

    Carn the mighty dees!!!

    If we win .... My word I'm getting drunk tonight

    • Like 2
  6. Call me crazy but I have a 3 day weekend (work roster) next week so I've decided to fly from work in remote WA to Darwin then to Alice Springs to watch our boys play on Saturday against Port. I have never been to NT.

    I flew to Melbourne last week for the Tigers game (and yes to see my Mrs) and had the best time at the G.

    Anyone else going out of their way to Alice Springs or am I simply crazy?

    P.s. I have the day before and after the footy to kill some time, anyone recommend a good way to spend a few hours around Alice Springs (drive to Uluru is too far)?

  7. Given that we are about to play GWS and that the last time we played them marked one of our darkest hours, I would like to hear all your thoughts about what you think answers to these headline questions could be. Please keep it Melbourne relevant as I'm sure we all need a bit of humor in our lives right now. Feel free to ask your own headline questions and answer them as well. Here are a few to kick us off:

    Headline you will never see about Melbourne –

    "Spencer favourite to score third consecutive All-Australian honours"

    Headline you would love to see about Melbourne –

    "Dees thrash Geelong by 186 points. Dean Bailey rises from the dead and shouts 'Thats what I'm talking about!' "

    Headline which would make you sick about Melbourne –

    "Hulk hogan revels football is no longer his passion"

    Predict a headline about Melbourne in 5 years time –

    "Food poisioning saga at the Beijing Demons continues"

  8. Good afternoon all,

    Im a numbers and stats person so frankly going through every teams lists and making some charts heres what I found:

    Melbourne Rankings

    Measure Calculation Stat Ranking Who is top

    Experience infront of goals Sum of career goals kicked by players 965 goals 16/18 Sydney 2505

    Experience on field Sum of careergames by players 2037 games 16/18 Fremantle 3199

    Maturity Average Age of all players 23.6 years 16/18 Brisbane 24.92

    Fattest Team Average Weight of all players 86.25 kg 13/18 Collingwood 88.54

    Tallest Team Average Height of all players 187.63 cm 14/18 Fremantle 189.28

    Age Closeness of Players Standard Deviage of ages 3.18 2/18 GWS 2.59

    Taking out GWS and Gold Coast, we have the youngest list, we have the least amount of experience kicking goals and the least amount of games out of any other club.

    Interestingly, apart from GWS, our players are closest in age respective to one another than any club as most of our players are between 21 and 25. In other words our ages are spread out the least. Can this mean they boys can grow as a team together?

    I did the exact same analysis before the 2013 season, got similar results and look where we ended up.

    Please dont hesitate to ask if you have any ideas for other stats you'd like to see.

    From all these stats I'd be interested to hear everyones conclusions......


    Matt the Stat Man

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