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Face Your Demons

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Posts posted by Face Your Demons

  1. Oh what a day. Traveled down with a bus load of Demon fans. Joked about what if we win told not to expect to much. Walked around to the rooms which were thown open by Northey. Could not believe we were allowed in before the game. When back to my seat and was asked what the smile was wall about. Made the statement just been in the rooms we are going to win by 100 points. You could just feel it.

  2. And of the top 8, only three have an experienced premiership-winning coach (Malthouse, Clarkson, Worsfold). The other five have coaches who had never previously had a senior role before becoming coach of their current club (Scott, Ratten, Lyon, Hird, Longmire). Three of them are in their first year.

    No that can not be right untried coaches are no good and should never get a gig. and that Clarkson and Worsfold are both at there first club.

    So that means Malthouse Claekson and Worsfold must coach six clubs each next year.

    UNKNOWN FACT> In 1897 the VFL started with 8 teams, In 1898 seven teams tried to sign an experinced flag winning coach. cause thats the way to success.

  3. Please someone convince me that we should be going dowm the UNTRIED coach AGAIN.

    I want to through my laptop through the window at the moment and just yelled at the dog!

    PLEASE CONVINCE ME this is a good idea after our past coaching flop?

    I guarantee you finals next year. Thats guarantee. If we have him we have a very very good coach.

    Don't fall for that UNTRIED rubbish. 6 of the last 7 flags have been won by so called untried coaches

  4. Channel 7 saying Demons have signed Mark Neeld as senior coach

    Neeld is not a Bailey. Bailey came right out of left field with no coaching background, just a good talker. Neeld has been coaching for rhe past 11 years in one form or another.

  5. More who do I want to win it

    I did have the Filth with Nathan Buckley as the one I would love to see win it. Then G W S after the Scully affair. Now, well now i want Freo to win it.

    I still have room for the Blues and Bombers.

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