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Posts posted by dee-luded

  1. 19 hours ago, radar said:

    Where's the outrage?


    No apparent consent

    Public exposure

    Filmed and relayed world wide

    Imagine if a sportsman - maybe a cricketer - did that. Maybe to a female sports reporter. 



    Todays social double standards are narrow minded against males,,, where women can do anything & its ok. 


    If a woman kills her baby,  its ohh,  poor girl has post natal depression.   If its a fella,  'he's evil',  'rotten bastard',  hang him up,  etc,


    the war on men must stop.....  & the focus must be a holisitic approach to our western bred-in/nurtured-in cultures,  where most of these attitudes have been subliminally taught to us as infants.  There they grow from that point.


    On 17/03/2016 at 0:20 AM, mordja said:

    Ha, we are getting short of whipping boys I guess. At least Godders et al are behind us if we are worried about JT being a list hog.


    Go Dees

    this suggests the criticism wasn't justified. over the last 2 seasons...  of certain players not performing & still in the side.

    Its not as if the player not chasing or contesting,  only had one leg or something.  or was heartless?


    But its great that  'those'  players are now seeming to put in.

  3. Here are some snippets of past aggression,  showing how it was to play,  to some extent when Barass played the game.   How is it that this tenacity vanished from our Jumper over the past few decades since Barass played?

    ... an example of his playing demeanor,  from the 20 second mark


    Other power sides have exhibited modern versions of his tenacity,  even if somewhat dirty.


    But we've manage to just get about.   Why,  did we lose that tenacity?


    .... any thoughts,  1970 til 2013 ?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, picket fence said:

    I remember going to Mass on a Sunday Morning to stand at the back( Outside ish) Recount the game played on Saturday! Any conquests made on Saturday Night and then plan for the pleasant Sunday Morning which could stretch into the afternoon before thinking about the Sandy Drive in on a Sunday Night!  Bitters Man, I know you will Like this!!:wub:

    Oh Bliss!

    Sandy Drive In,  many a good time had,  going down there for a Sunday night session,  & Moorabbin Drive In,  & Oakleigh Drive In,  just to cap off a great weekend.  :wub:   ahhh, the 70's.

    • Like 1
  5. 59 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Which end of the horse 'luded?


    .... being the Lygon St Blues Bros',  & its a horse,  it stands to reason its the fishy end,  Bbo...  the head.


    if it was say,  the Sainters doin'  the promo,  it would have been pin the tail on the Ass's,  Bbo...  & so,  that would be self X-ploratory...  or so Montagna would say.  Apparently he likes to play blindfolded bedroom fetish's,  in the dark.


    either way, the idea's a HorsesAss

    • Like 1
  6. 40 minutes ago, Biffen said:

    I believe they are providing a free face tattoo stand for the kids.

    Wonderful initiatives by the Tigers.

    Braithwaite just keeps on producing hit after hit -sadly the same shyteful  song each time.

    I might sell vomit bags at the gate.

    Just lucky its not  'the blues'  he's singing for,  the horses might go missing one at a time.  And possibly ending up in someones bed one night,  just to send a  'business as usual'  message .


  7. 17 hours ago, biggestred said:

    Remember when you went to the footy to talk to your mates?

    the worst thing is not the songs in pregame,  or any half-time entertainment...  but to me its the adverticements over the loud speakers during breaks,  when you want some personal time to read,  or chat,  or whatever.    AFL,   stop bombarding us with commercial rubbish,  which we cannot switch off.  This is like torture,  you cannot escape it...  unless you do not attend the game !

  8. 5 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    I am not sure that I follow.  I use the Dandenong line myself to get to the G, and you are right that the new arrangements for the trains will mean trains on that line will not go directly to Richmond. As you said you can either change at Caulfield or as I said go to the new CBD South (2nd stop after Caulfield) and either walk from there (which is probably what I will do) or get a train from nearby Flinders St to Richmond. More hassle than now? Yes. End if the world? No. 

    I'm sure the footy trains would run to the 'G' on gamedays.  Just because of changes Re underground tunnels thru the Domain & to the city,  they won't rip out the existing rail lines from Richmond to Carnegie & beyond,  so its just a matter of using the old route for special MCG major events,  & for the Tennis centre,  Rugby @ aami,  etc.

  9. 31 minutes ago, TeamPlayedFine39 said:

    It's frustrating, but Petracca's something we've got ta get right. When I think of him returning to playing, I really only think of the toe injury and forget that he's in fact coming back from an acl. 

    As keen as I am to see him play, the club's right to be ultra-cautious.

    (I do getter feeling that 4-5 years ago we may have fast tracked him for round one)

    I think I'm quietly glad he hurt his toe when he did?  seriously.  as its taken the pressure off him around making the Rnd 1 team,  & has slowed his pre-season recovery..  Delaying his season start,  & will shorten his season a bit..  All in all,  I think that delay is a good thing giving him more time to get right,  after a full 12 months out with a serious injury.


    Just as long as the toe injury is right.

    I think a lot of our younger kids will be competing against one another at the same stage for games after Rnds 4 or 5.  Stretch ANB Petracca, then Trenners as well.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

    "Be sentimental if you want"...youve completely lost me..Robbie Flower..Stephen Tingay..Neita..Andy Lovell..


    This is the dumbest thread ever started. Cannot wait for the season to start

    well don't bother,  its really simple to satisfy you then, you can stay away from reading this thread because its silly...

  11. 20 hours ago, Ted Fidge said:

    It would make more sense to knock down that stupid effin ferris wheel and put a stadium there.

    ....  or next door to it ?


    In the map above :.....  see the 'E-gate reactive',,  within the circular railway track,  just west of the Nth Melbourne railways station. 

    This patch of ground is adjacent to Nth Melbourne railway station.   Which serves all of our SthWest, Western & Northern railway lines from/to country Victoria,    & including Adelaide, Canberra & Sydney lines.   All passing through the Nth Melbourne Station,  on the way to Southern Cross station.


    This was to be the site of E-Gate stadium...


    Image result for E-Gate stadium


  12. 22 hours ago, binman said:

    I can't believe i'm saying this because i hate Docklands but it would be crazy for it to not continue as the second AFL ground in Victoria. Why?

    • It is perfectly located - a ground is needed to service the West. I live in Altona and as much as i dislike the ground it is brilliant to be able to get one train from my place to the ground. Brilliant. For me the time it takes out of my weekend (kids, housework etc etc) is a big factor and getting PT to the g, whilst not too onerous can take another 30 each way than Docklands.
    • Praha notes that it screws up Docklands. I agree but who cares? Its not the AFL's responsibility to make the Docklands a pleasant environment (by the by i reckon the Docklands has been a huge [censored] up and unbelievably we look like repeating exactly the same mistakes at Fisherman bend - but that's another story)  
    • We don't play there that often so the fact that it is a [censored] ground is not an issue for me - that said many people like it and as someone who sits at the top of the Ponsford the view from the top level at DL is brilliant
    • The AFL will own it soon enough. Use it until the end of its lifespan (say 2035) and it will be worth billions more than it is now. They should buy land under the Bolte now or in the ezone just past North Melbourne Station as someone else suggested and build a new ground once Ethiad is finished 

    How would you like a boutique stadium immediately SthWest of the Nth Melbourne railway station?

  13. 5 hours ago, hells bells said:

    Obviously our best possible 22.  Is that the question though?

    yes...  by Rnd 12,  some players underdone right now,   may be in the jumper...  I'm asking who people would like to see play,  based on either form &/or sentiment. 


    5 hours ago, Curry & Beer said:

    why qb?

    Because today is a wet day, & this weekend of no footy, & Q/B is almost mid season,  so some of our players who are not available just yet,  whether injured & underdone,  should be ready by the time this game comes around. 

    So its an opportunity to let the hair down & let your heart choose a side from our full list,  including rookies.

  14. 4 hours ago, dee-luded said:

    Watts your idealistic 2016 Q/B game side ?  from our current list.

    yes,  be sentimental if you wish.  not for sheep stations this one.


    1 hour ago, Curry & Beer said:

    why qb?

    well name them... your Rnd 12 team...  there are some unavailable at this time,  who'll likely will be ready to play ?


    there is not one AFL ground east of  PuntRd-Hoddle St... within Victoria.    Eastern Victoria being ripped off.


    the AFL punters of the SthEast & East of Melbourne, especially the regions are being treated poorly.   The supporters,  the communities which could use games out in they're area,  the Business people, & the Tradesmen & workers could all use a stadium being built @ Sth Dandenong.



    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, NotOnMeth said:

    Not sure there's any way I can prove it to be honest. Just gonna have to grin and bear it. Is it possible to pay the basards in 5c pieces?


    all you need is someone who was waiting for you, saw you turn up at 2:25pm... that'll do it. & remember that its the federal pollies cuts that cause these grey ghosts to be made nasty.  since around the Kennett/Stockdale  timeframe,  the econo-nomics took over the world & people fell out of favour.


    its time for the wheel to come around,  to where people matter,  not taxes & wealth.   Tax should not be a dirty word for the greedy,  they should learn to love that 'word',  & feel proud they are financially contributing to a better society's services,  for all.

    team community.

  17. 19 hours ago, Maple Demon said:

    Canadians are the ones that are strange by definition.

    Don't confuse us with Americans who, as a group, were silly enough to elect George W. twice and appear stupid enough to make Trump the Republican nominee.

    the Americans luv a good gun fight.  addiction number 1


    & they luv an enemy to shoot at.

  18. 6 hours ago, Fat Tony said:

    The city of Melbourne doesn't need three stadiums to host four games of football per weekend. The AFL just needs to sort out a more equitable distribution of income to ensure that the poorer clubs can compete.


    your right in that  'the city of Melbourne',  doesn't...


    the Dandenong region does.  The Peninsular & East Victoria need a boutique stadium,  @ Sth Dandenong,  where the 2 rail lines intersect, & the freeways intersect.


  19. 2 hours ago, old dee said:

    They would need to pinch parkland I believe dc.

    The ground would move back towards the G.


    Moving a massive building while the people were still inside; 30 years ago!



    2 hours ago, Mach5 said:


    My understanding is that the Jack Dyer stand is heritage listed and would need to remain intact.


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