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Posts posted by tess

  1. Petterd will be the steal of the draft

    CAC is a genius, he does it every time

    petterd, bartram, rivers, DAVEY! All absolute steals

    We would be stuffed without CAC, who in my opinion is the most important man at the club

    What about Bohdan?

  2. they are ..but ... atleast we arent missing 3-4 other good players at the same time

    id like to see davey miller yze and whealan all play this week

    Bate played Miller's position very well last week. Perhaps not rushing Miller back in the team is a good idea. :huh:

  3. I watched the replay this morning expecting to bag Ward for all his turnovers, however there weren't actually that many. It felt like more while at the game.

    Creates great drive and pace out of defence but accountability is the problem.

    Undecided whether he's best 22.

    You should watch the last quarter again more closely. He did not hit one target by hand or by foot when he had pressure applied to him. He also did not contest with Welsh in a marking contest which resulted in a goal.

    Its all great to say he didnt cough up his uncontested possesions but he is absolute liability IMO.

  4. Just thinking about having Sylvia back in the forward line. He is definately better on a HFF than in the midfield I reckon.

    I still think he should be tried as a midfielder and i dont believe he has been given enough opportunities to become one. In saying that his work up forward has been really good in the last month. There's a fair chance a new coach next year would try and mould him into a midfielder that kicks goals, ala Scott Thompson.

  5. Seeing David Neitz handball to Ricky who had 2 opponents on him in the forward 50, instead of kicking long to the goal square, was clearly not a natural instinct for him. He was following instructions, and they were some dumb instructions.

    You have a good point there. When he saw Neitz dish it off i thought it was extreamly unlike him. Sometimes in life sometimes it may be best to ignore stupid instructions. ;)

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