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Posts posted by tess

  1. I'm really struggling with this concept.

    I'm over losing. I'm over being the laughing stock of the AFL. I just want to enjoy a relaxing Sunday Night with the knowlege that we've got the 4 points.

    I know everyone wants the much vaunted number 1 pick, but who's to say the number 1 pick will be the best (Kruzer).

    EG - Selwood (6?) looks more impressive than Gibbs (1)

    Dale Thomas (2) has as much tools to work with as Marc Murphy (1)

    I watched Kruzer's game against West Australia and i wasn't overly impressed. He worked hard in a team that was comprehensively beaten and did remind me a lot of Josh Fraser who went number 1 in 99. We do need a top class Ruckman but is it worth a number 1 pick? Im really keen to see him play again this week to see what he can do.

    I think Buddy Franklin got two kicks in an under 18 championship game so one can’t be judged on one average performance.

  2. Maybe this could be like a ladder starting from the bottom of who should go at the end of the season,just a thought. ;)

    And a extremely poor one as per usual. Lynden Dunn is a great young talent who will be given more opportunity in the second half of the season, the position he plays will surprise many. Paul Johnson is coming along very nicely and is a very good tap Ruckman who will only get better.

  3. YES I UNDERSTAND THATS WHY I SAID IT DER, god everyone craps on about premierships well the only way to get better players is to trade some youngsters with potential. How many clubs want older players and they dont want to pay much for them either so it makes no sense to me. Someone like ferguson or bartram would fetch something a lot higher than Bruce.

    The funny thing is I think this comment was serious.

  4. What the hell are footy players doing hanging out at a place like the Spearmint Rhino??? A dirty strip joint for society's low lifes! I am furious that Colin Sylvia or any Melbourne player would attend such a place - god knows they can find trouble at "normal" night clubs without heading for scum of the earth places like the Rhino. A ban on all King Street clubs should become effective immediately.

    Have you been there?

  5. Lets cut to the chase....Voss should not/will not/could not coach any AFL team next year. His comments on Footy Classified on monday night were inflaminatory as a result of his arrogance, imo.

    I believe Danhers will take up a position, whether it be as an assistant or head coach, at Essendon. Chris Connelly will walk from Freo and take up the role at the MFC and Mark Harvey will progress naturally into the head role at Freo.

    Thank god your not on the board.

  6. I hope Vossy took the hint and is preparing for the interview now. I also hope the interview is very soon.

    I kind of felt he was being interviewed on footy classified last night.

  7. I agree, he will will bounce back.

    I thought early on he was trying too hard, and wasnt letting his natural game flow and also a block or two from team mates would really help him as he was getting held at a lot of bounces, but then again we dont like to do the 1%ers.

    Very good point dude.

    Watch this space as the game that turn Brock Mclean. He will learn so much from it.....for the better.

  8. guyz like godfrey, ferguson, holland and ward have zero trade value.

    last year ward, ferguson and others were offered for trade. nobody was interested.

    the guyz who might have 3rd 4th round value include miller and jamar. if someone wants them for that price we should definitely take it, because otherwize they will just be delisted and we'll get nothing for them.

    if we want to get a serious player into the club then guyz like davey, bruce or green have to put up for trade. people must get real. if u want quality you have to be willing to trade quality.

    i also think we should looking at getting some better, younger depth players. i wouldnt be averse to getting a couple of fringe players from the top afl clubs who cant get a game this year.

    i think i guy like Nicoski (WCE), Ryley Dunn (Freo), Ryan Murphy (Freo), Kane Tenace (geelong), Shannon Byrnes (geelong), Jaymie Graham (WCE) could be much better depth than our current list outside our best 22, plus they are young and can improve.

    Let me ask you.

    In regards to Tenace. Are Geelong more liable to trade him or Prismall?

    My believe is that Brent Prismall will become an elite midfielder but has he been given enough game time at Geelong because of their current standing? and are they keen to hold on to him or will he be used as trade bait?

  9. he will not be at the club in 3 years time. i guerentee that. he is too slow and unathletic for modern afl football. and he doesnt have a brilliant footy brain to conpensate for his lack of speed and athleticism.

    You would think, or hope, that the way the season looks ATM, Chris Johnson will be given his chance to show if he is up to AFL standard. That doesn’t mean give him one game and drop him like a potato; it means select him with a plan that he will be given ample games to prove his worth.

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