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Posts posted by tess

  1. I went to training yesterday. After previous disappointments I now ring the club first on 96521111 to confirm location.

    The rehab group as previous indicated by Goodoil concentrated on handball drills and with asst coach Williams starting by throwing one or two balls at and between the players who are staggered in a semi-circle fronting Williams. He then progresses to drilling mongrel kicks from close range to improve reflexes, ball handling etc. The player who misses the ball or fumbles it goes to the far left and when time is up the player who is at the far right side is deemed the winner - of what

    I don't know.

    The fit players were split into several competing groups (tops vs skins) and did a number of drills from touch footy style, one with tennis balls and another with footballs (handballing). Others did kicking drills and/or running drills similar to a beep test however instead on all being in a line it appeared they each ran a separate 'u' shaped track. As compared to previous years it appeared the players were doing a fair bit of running as part of these exercises. There was no 'all in' running drills. In another exercise groups of 4 players, lead by a captain, had to run and handball across the width of the oval running criss-cross patterns to avoid two defenders. Several teams were put through this drill and then it was expanded to two teams combining to avoid up to six defenders.

    While Sampi was with the rehab group (with Davey along with the others id'd by Goodoil) both he and the other players were definitely including and accepting of him. He appeared to be enjoying himself - as did Davey in particular. It will be interesting to see him when he joins in training proper.

    In all they trained for in excess of 2 hrs and it was pretty hot.

    When would they do weight sessions?

    Whould it be after a session such as this or the next day?

  2. Here's a link to the official TAC Cup stats for the final between Calder Cannons and Northern Knights - http://taccup.footballvictoria.com.au/defa...aspx?s=fixtures (go to the 3rd round of finals matches).

    Second Preliminary Final Northern Knights 15.7-97 def. by Calder Cannons 16.15-111

    Northern Knights

    Goal Kickers: T. Bongetti 4, P. Veszpremi 3, M. Hurley 2, B. Meredith 2, J. Cachia, M. Kreuzer, N. Thomas, B. Power

    Best Players: B. Meredith, M. Kreuzer, L. Stanton, T. Hood, M. Hurley, B. Hanchette

    Calder Cannons

    Goal Kickers: S. McKernan 3, T. May 3, J. Melksam 2, D. Putt 2, M. Farmer 2, A. Kite, D. Daniher, C. Tsardakis, D. Joyce

    Best Players: T. German, J. Trengove, J. Polkinghorne, T. Dulic, T. May, J. Melksam

    Player Name No Gls Bhd B KE KIE HE HIE HR Tks FF FA HO CM UCM

    Dean Putt (HFF, I, RU) 34 2 1 0 4 5 4 1 2 1 0 2 4 2

    Matt Kreuzer (RU, FP, I, VC) 1 1 0 2 9 6 6 3 5 2 1 0 20 0 10

    Do you still think Putt killed Kreuzer in the final?

    Putt kicked a fair few goals this year.


  3. Not a bad team if I do say so....

    Backs Sewell (Haw) Rutten (Ad) Morris (WB)

    H/Backs Maxwell (Coll) O'Brien (Coll) Nicoski (WC)

    Centre Lockyer (Coll) McDonald (Melb) Mattner (Syd)

    H/Fwd Pearce (PA) Bock (Ad) Davey (Melb)

    Fwd Lovett (Ess) Brogan (PA) Lovett-Murray (Ess)

    Rucks Cox (WC) Foley (Rich) Fletcher (WC)

    Inter: Sandilands (Freo) Prismall (Geel) Copeland (Bris) O'Halpin (Carl)


    Drummond (Bris)

    Young (Haw)

    Carroll (Melb)

    Graham (WC)

    Byrnes (Geel)

    Thornton (Carl)

    J McDonald (Bris)

    Stiller (Bris)

    Griffen (Ad)

    Osborne (Haw)

    Any guesses what they all have in common?

    Brent Prismall was drafted (number 32 overall) in the 2004 National Draft.

  4. Are you stalking me? You sure seem to follow me closely on here and Demonolgy

    If you want to join my fan club, just say so and I will send you out some info

    Its just really hard to avoid seeing you. As you post an average of 6 attention seeking threads a day.

    I suppose it is school holidays

  5. Hey mate

    If you are going to post crap can you make it a bit more realisitc?

    Its on par with the crap you post so i dont know what your on about.

    Hawthorn do not want to trade Roughhead. Why would they trade their 2nd overall pick in 2004, when he is just starting to hit his straps. To think that Hawthorn would be thinking Dowler and Thorpe are a better option at this stage is silly.

  6. Soft as butter

    Mentally weak


    Do we need more players like that at Melbourne?

    Judd had the chance to come to the MFC and help bring us back to a footy power. He had chance at glory with the club he grew up following.

    But Judd took the easy option. I have lost all repect for him. I hope his groin never recovers, and I hope that a Matty Whelan spear tackles him on Queens Birthday breaks every bone in his pathetic, money hungry body.

    Chris Judd, you are a mercenary.

    You absolute pathetic tool.

    I dont think you have too many friends. You sound like the type that would turn on anyone and everyone in a heartbeat.

  7. Seriously YM, you are a tool.

    Caro, whilst not being a favorite journo of mine at least has the guts to ask the hard questions as she is aware she will never be in the "boys club".

    There is not place for a sexist attention seeking [censored] like you in this forum.

    In all my time on various forums on the internet Yze Magic is the most attention seeking individual I have come across. He got chased off big footy which speaks volumes.

  8. Dick Pratt's reportedly offered Judd the captaincy. Are they getting desperate or really stupid?

    Judd said he doesn't want to be captain. He wants to come to a club and gain respect first.

    Pratt also stated that he would be offering his two daughters to Judd. One will be hand feeding him grapes while he lies in a hammock as the other waves an overly large fan.

  9. He is overrated, and Bartel his mate will go down as a worse Brownlow winner than Woewodin

    On certain forums you can block a person so you dont have to read the tripe they write, is it possible to do this on demonland?

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