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Posts posted by Seekers SEECAMP

  1. Like I said in an earlier post, unfortunately ATM it is, until there is a concerted effort from the AFLPA for the AFL to do something about it. Again drawing the line is a problem.

    Although it has hardly any relevance to this topic - I was trying to put across the point that I felt there was a way to put a view across construcitvely without engaging in personal abuse and just downright disrespect, a concept you have clearly failed to have grasped.

    I would hardly call it sooking.


    Putting ther preachers hat on again Slander?

    I made an observation, which was canned. A sledge? Doubt it! Nasher plays footy. So do you. Don't be such a pussyfoot. If Nasher has cool heels, as he suggests, it should have been water off a ducks back.

    But I draw the line where we are talking about the comments made about a 6 year old girl..sexually orientated smut..Selwood is a grub and I will watch this unfold with great interest. What you call & I call differ Slander. What I grasp is common decency. What you grasp is your business.

  2. If you read either Scoop or my earlier posts on this subject, you'll hopefully understand where the line is drawn.

    Also as Nasher said the "you don't understand if you aren't a parent" line is complete bull. Those who truly don't understand are those who haven't stepped on to a footy field and copped crap before.

    You either get sucked in by people talking unmitigated crap (which is generally the price of free speach) or you don't. That's all.

    Free speech hey Slander? So where the hell do you draw the line? Sledging of this magnitude is just not on.

    Lucky for Neale, we have some sense of decency on this site or he would really be copping it in the nackers, if you know what I mean. BTW, you were one of the 1st on this site to sook how perverse it was that we were baying for his blood and poor Neale would be jobless.

    Seekers, we are all trying to argue our point of view, but do NOT cross the line by taking personal shots at other posters.

  3. Ha ha ha ha!!!

    I see the joke! You're calling me a paedophile! That's really funny!.


    You clearly don't get the idea of sledging, because that's just bad. That's where your team mates cringe and leave you alone.

    Sorry pal, youre pretty much alone on this one. Maybe when you grow up & maybe, just maybe (but I seriously doubt it) have kids you'll understand, you peanut

  4. You don't have to like what he said, the arguement is about whether what he said was punishable.

    The answer is that I don't like what he said, but there is nothing wrong with it.

    Formerly Spunjy, now mild mannered adult in major metropolitan playground.

  5. Which comes back to Nasher's original point, that the sledge is not offensive, but rather stupid, because it's not true.

    I don't see it that way. It's offensive regardless, and is inappropriate.

    Totally agree Jaded.

    FWIW, being called 'a so & so Jew' and you're not... reckon if you tried you could find a few who may take offence. It takes all sorts.

    But as for Selwood, if what he said is true, is scum.

  6. I certainly give us more chance than I gave us against the cats. The only reason I have any hope? The Demons and Dockers have easily been the two softest teams of the year, given their lists and experience. The only reason we're any chance at all is not how well we play, but how badly they play. Also, unlike the Cats, Saints and Hawks they don't know a lot about the G.

    Their form at the 'G' is pathetic. Unfortunately this year, so is ours.

  7. Seekers,

    FWIW I also think Daniher is a realist and understands that anything other than top four will probably se him not get another contract.

    I have disagreed with some of the things he has done (particularly during matches!) down the years, however to reach the highest level of coaching and playing AFL commands some level of respect. Coaching is by no means an easy gig at any level especially in the AFL where fortunes (and supporters) can be fickle.

    This thread isn't directed at people like you or Jaded who give a realistic perspective of the situation. It's more directed at the litany of morans who write things along the line of "ZOMG I hope he lose his jarb as we will b sooo much betterer under Garry Lyon or Michael Voss!!1!1"

    I just find it sad that there are people who seem to be enjoying our and Daniher's plight at the moment! Because those fates are very much intwined.

    Fair enough Slander...fair comment..and I totally agree with you.

  8. A director of the melbourne football club is my godfather and old man's best mate. having spoken to him today, there are 7 or so players that he thought won't be playing next year. He said Bizzell should play, and its ridiculous how the club gives him a 3 year contract and he cant get a game ahead of these 7 other players. And expect some changes to the side this week. petterd and buckley seem likely to get a gig.

    What, Neale won't have the final say this week..Slander, he is totally gone!

  9. True, I hope neale keeps his job because to do so means a drastic turnaround.

    That however looks unlikely to say the least but gee I hope it does happen.

    I also hope Yze, Godfrey, Miller, Bate, ward, Jamar and everyone else on our list performs at their best because lets remember winning games of football is so much more important then being able to come on this board and say on Sunday night 'I told you so'.

    I am sure Neale would totally agree. Its just a damn shame he is clueless.

  10. A true supporter accepts things as they are, takes the bad with the good or indifferent and turns up every week.

    What would you prefer?

    No one turns up to games or signs up as members as some form of protest against the fact we haven't won anything for 43 years and because the current team is struggling?

    As for the comment "I support a club, not an individual." Good point but while Daniher is coach he is part of this club and I will support him.

    Daniher has no idea. After 10 years enough is enough. Windy Hill beckons. If still in doubt Slander, read my previous post.

  11. .... that there are a number of people on here hoping someone loses their job?

    FWIW, I sense Daniher to be a realist. 10 years as senior coach has exceeded his personal expectations by a mile. Time for him to join an elite company of former coaches who have been there, done that eg; Matthews, Blight..only difference is, these guys have silverware.

  12. The club comes before the individual, any individual, be it a player or a coach.

    Everyone who posts here has the best interests of the club at heart.

    Some believe that Daniher's coaching is no longer in our best interests.

    You can hardly blame Melbourne supporters for being frustrated, fed up and ready for a change.

    You've been reading these boards long enough to know that the calls for Daniher to be replaced are nothing new. In his 10th year as coach, and still no premiership, time seems to be well and truly ticking.

    It will be unfortunate if in the end, a long and miserable injury list, is what brings him down.

    Mind you, our issues are deeper than our injury list.

    Spot on Jaded!!!

  13. He is doing some coaching for the AIS squad this year.

    He would also have learned plenty from Matthews, one of the most successful coaches ever.

    He is one of the smartest footballers to ever play the game and played with courage and passion which is something we lack.

    But your right, he'll probably be crap. :blink:

    Mind you, his apprenticeship creds are already looking better than G.Lyons.

  14. ND's post-game comments don't sit too well with me.

    On The Footy Show, he said the main obligation of a coach is to win games of footy. Coaches do have some responsibility to make the game a spectacle, but he said it all comes down to winning.

    We take on a good team in Geelong with heaps of firepower. We are down on our firepower with Neitz and Robbo out, Pickett at Sandy and Davey in horrendous form. It didn't take Einstein to work out that if we were a chance to win, we'd have to reduce Geelong to about 10-11 goals. We'd have to make the game an ugly scrap, slow it down, get numbers back and try to score goals on the break. There was no way in the world we'd win going head-to-head in a shootout.

    Lets see if Neale adopts the 2nd half tactics against Geelong in the 1st half against the Dockers..and if were up at half time...what are the chances he'll try the 1st half tactics against Geelong in the 2nd half....... ?

  15. Yep, the coach is totally and unquestionably blameless. Just explain one thing...why is it that over Danihers 10 year reign, the players have been able to look like superstars one day, yet duds the next? Our inconsistency with form and fortune (injuries or none) has been the garbage we have had to swallow year in, year out.

    If you want to go looking for positives, injuries is no place to start. Try '87 under Northey...or that there are only 18 games left.

    Daniher is out of time ..and out of excuses.

  16. Not necessarily. The way I see it the bonus here is for the assistant coach being given an opportunity to step-up & demonstrate his value to the club, whereas the head coach has failed. If ND goes, there should and hopefully will be a cleanout.

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