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  1. Putting ther preachers hat on again Slander? I made an observation, which was canned. A sledge? Doubt it! Nasher plays footy. So do you. Don't be such a pussyfoot. If Nasher has cool heels, as he suggests, it should have been water off a ducks back. But I draw the line where we are talking about the comments made about a 6 year old girl..sexually orientated smut..Selwood is a grub and I will watch this unfold with great interest. What you call & I call differ Slander. What I grasp is common decency. What you grasp is your business.
  2. I knew I'd cop it. Why? Perhaps it might have [censored] him off?
  3. Free speech hey Slander? So where the hell do you draw the line? Sledging of this magnitude is just not on. Lucky for Neale, we have some sense of decency on this site or he would really be copping it in the nackers, if you know what I mean. BTW, you were one of the 1st on this site to sook how perverse it was that we were baying for his blood and poor Neale would be jobless. Seekers, we are all trying to argue our point of view, but do NOT cross the line by taking personal shots at other posters.
  4. Sorry pal, youre pretty much alone on this one. Maybe when you grow up & maybe, just maybe (but I seriously doubt it) have kids you'll understand, you peanut
  5. Formerly Spunjy, now mild mannered adult in major metropolitan playground.
  6. Totally agree Jaded. FWIW, being called 'a so & so Jew' and you're not... reckon if you tried you could find a few who may take offence. It takes all sorts. But as for Selwood, if what he said is true, is scum.
  7. Yep..had a look at the stats and quite right BBP. House & land package on Freo.
  8. Their form at the 'G' is pathetic. Unfortunately this year, so is ours.
  9. Fair enough Slander...fair comment..and I totally agree with you.
  10. Sounds like you are in the know, Lord. Interesting!!
  11. What, Neale won't have the final say this week..Slander, he is totally gone!
  12. I am sure Neale would totally agree. Its just a damn shame he is clueless.
  13. Daniher has no idea. After 10 years enough is enough. Windy Hill beckons. If still in doubt Slander, read my previous post.
  14. FWIW, I sense Daniher to be a realist. 10 years as senior coach has exceeded his personal expectations by a mile. Time for him to join an elite company of former coaches who have been there, done that eg; Matthews, Blight..only difference is, these guys have silverware.
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