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Posts posted by Chelly

  1. Clarkson is showing what makes him a great coach. He has changed the set up so that it can live and thrive without Buddy Franklin and so far, they don't even appear to have missed a single beat.

    On the other hand, North wouldn't be worried yet about he season ahead but I don't think the hype about them challenging for top four is warranted. In fact, I'd like to see us knock them off this season - they've been our hoodoo team for way too long.

  2. What I enjoyed hearing PJ say at the AGM was about the supporters and the members who havent rejoined and saying I understand why and we lost your trust and he didnt put any crap on it and knows its up to the club to get members back.

    If that was Schwab talkin he would have spoken about us being the oldest club and would have mentioned past players and gone on about the mcg being our home. Then he would have spoken about the blazers that were his brilliant idea.

    Its good that PJ isnt wasnt connected to our club before hand. He just tells it like it is.

    Sorry but when I think back to recent AGM's I didn't notice that great a change in presentation and in the things that the speakers stressed on the night. The only difference I saw was in the way Paul Roos ran his presentation which was as polished a performance as you can get. It was all too brief as I would have liked to have seen one or two of the younger recruits but I suppose Roos wanted to keep them under wraps.

  3. It's really been a strange preseason. We're reading on an almost daily basis about players going down with injuries. Most AFL clubs are affected and it's going to be very interesting how the different clubs fare with injuries over the year. Dave Misson had a great record with injuries when he last combined with Paul Roos and I'm hoping he can repeat it in 2014 at Melbourne.

  4. Training Report

    I arrived at Casey Fields at the advertised starting time of 9.30am or was it later than that*?

    In attendance were no players but there were 12 CFA officers there and I assisted them in putting out two bushfires that were threatening to burn the house that the players have been training down.

    It was all over in 45 minutes and we all adjourned to the pub for a few drinks with Campbell Brown.

    * can't remember because I'm suffering from a mixture of smoke inhalation and intoxication.

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  5. Do you know him? How do you know he's a 'really good guy'. Crickey, he treated the players very poorly. So stop this BS. But yes it's time to move on.

    ... and you have intimate knowledge of how he treated players including the circumstances and all the facts and dates of each incident in which you claim he treated players.

    Really ...

  6. I fully agree with you P-Man about how easy it is to look good during preseason. I have been to a lot of preseason training over the past 5 years and it usually looks clean and sharp, and that is because they are running freely down the oval with no real pressure on. The only different preseason was Neeld's first few sessions where it was fully revealed how AFL-unfit many of our players were. I can still see Blease, Gysberts and Bennell getting yelled at!!

    It wasn't just them that earned the wrath of the coaching staff when I saw them. I'm quite certain I saw steam coming out of Craig and Misson's ears about the condition of some of the older, more experienced types.

    I think however, this is where preseason training has changed over the years. Back in the day, the more experienced guys used to know exactly what was required of them by the start of a season and they would bludge a bit at this time of the year. It's much more professional today and players have to treat it more seriously.

  7. Latest - Richmond spinning their wheels - Dusty sticks by manager Martin and Tigers stuck in standoff

    I don't know if it was intended that way by Caro or Richmond but I finished reading this piece having a lot more sympathy for Carr and the Martin position than for the Toigs. A player is entitled to have representation by a manager and Richmond have been clearly trying to undermine Carr and the relationship with his client.

    But even if Caro or the Tigers are trying to send a message to Shane Martin in the article, they probably didn't factor in that the bloke can't read.

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  8. And a truly remarkable achievement to finish 3rd in the b & f considering he wasn't in the best three for his team more than once or twice during the season.

    I think it might have something to do with the unique voting system at GWS where they weight the votes by multiplying the score by each player's pay packet.

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