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Everything posted by Deeluded

  1. Really? That's a great tip. Thanks! I bought the armchair membership and the watch aft pass last year.
  2. But we don't need a wall apparently... ?
  3. I'm in Denver, Colorado. Are there any other people in the US?
  4. DeJuan Blair played in the NBA with no ACL in either knee: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2009/11/no_ligaments_no_problem.html
  5. More hope yet. Generally, when a club suspects a torn ACL, it is usually confirmed pretty quickly. Surely a good sign that there is no confirmation at this stage...
  6. He is so anti-Melbourne it is almost laughable. You can guarantee, without fail, each of his 'contributions' to the commentary is a negative comment about Melbourne.
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