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Everything posted by Marty

  1. That's Mahoney posturing to get value in the trade, not the reason behind the trade. As in "Hogan wants to go home or Melb giving him a push because he won't sign another contract"
  2. That's not the public line, the club has said very little, but oblivious from your statement you know more than everyone.
  3. Simple, sign now with the MFC or look elsewhere.
  4. Keilty might not get another contract depending on which defenders we bring in this trade and draft, but he certainly should get another year if there is room. In hindsight we should have bought him in instead of Petty for the Saints game. He had a solid finals series in the VFL and was one of the few that stood up in the grand final. Can't rubbish a player who hasn't even had a crack at the AFL but who's VFL performance have been solid with a few BOG in there.
  5. And as I've posted before, I think the Hogan trade is being driven by the club. Sign a contract now or move on. Which is entirely fair as Hogan has said he likes it at Melbourne and if he did sign a 2/4 year extension and things changed next year and he decided he wanted to go back to WA, then we trade him then.
  6. I was talking about Vanders, I would expect the club to offer him extras to make life easier for him if he was going to stay but not force him to stay if he wants to leave.
  7. Putting up a fight to keep a bloke away from his family who's father just died would not only be a fail for the club but a failure at humanity.
  8. Agree! 4th is par next year.
  9. I work with a bloke who shares the same last name, unfortunately his parents called him Phillip. School must have been terrible. Really nice bloke and funny as $&*%.
  10. Half speculative, half rubbish. Pedo retired, timing was right, gave us nothing when he came to the senior side. Loved Pedo at the club but it was time. Vince retired, also right timing, can't have Vince and Lewis in the same side. Those goals he missed in the VFL grand final were a sign. He would have nailed them under a heap of pressure in his prime. Also loved Vince at the club! Balic retired. Should Mahoney sit him down and say "no son, you have to play" Kent trade, huge gamble offering him a 3 year deal with his injuries, we don't want to be the barstard club that tries to make him stay on a 1 year deal. Do the best for your family Kenty! He kicked a beauty against WC but it was a full team effort that won us that game, and if you want to highlight 1 player from that win it was Melksham. Tyson speculative, we don't know any specific's yet. Hogan also speculative, we don't know if the club hasn't offered him 2, 4, and 6 year deals and said weigh that up with your offer from freo and give us an answer before trade period. Which is the club doing what best for Melbourne in my opinion. King and Flipper couldn't get a game in the VFL and we are bringing in Preuss. That's a win Bugg, it was time to go. Mckenna, we may never know. But everything else is spot on. At this stage I'm calling TOP job FD. Then let's wait and see how things pan out.
  11. It would effect everyone who is renewing their contract for next year, how big a slice of the pie Hogan takes. Startat the top and work the way down.
  12. If Hogan did inform the club he wanted to go home we wouldn't all still be sitting in limbo. My Guess (I have no inside knowledge) is; - Jesse goes to exit interview, everybody's happy, club says go rest up and get your foot right! - Jesse meets his manager, manager says "got another offer from Freo, I'll tell Melb and get the ball rolling on contract negotiations for next year" Jesse says "all good" - mangager meets with club and Mahoney says " yeh we've decided that we're not going through the will he sign or will he leave circus next year. It's to distracting for the other players. Here is 3 different offers for Jesse to look over, we can sort over the finer details in December, but we need an answer from Jesse by Friday and a signature by Christmas."
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