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Everything posted by JV7

  1. JV7


    Week 5 tips Bengals Seahawks Steelers
  2. JV7


    Gees he was good.. I'm not suprised he played well given the falcons record against rookie QBs, but taking nothing away from Teddy he was awesome Yeah you'd think with all the players the vikes had out the falcons would be able to get the job done. They can't play out of the dome for sh*t
  3. JV7


    [censored] me this team dissapoints me more than melbourne
  4. JV7


    I wouldn't be suprised if the raiders knock off Miami...
  5. JV7


    Haha I come here to escape the names: Watts, Blease, Strauss, Tapscott, Morton, and most importantly.. Neeld! I used to think that american football was a stupid, long, boring and complicated sport but taking a small interest last year and now getting right into it this year, I absolutely love it. I find myself more excited and enjoying watching NFL games more than AFL games... If games were broadcasted at reasonable times I'd find myself watching a heap of it.
  6. JV7


    Tough round(arnt they all) week 4 tips: Saints Falcons Lions
  7. JV7


    Cowboyfromhell, what's your thoughts on this weeks game against the falcons ? I'm never too confident leaving the dome. You Blokes have a few key injuries on top of Peterson missing.. Do you think bridgewater is up to it ? I have a bad feeling heading into this game, This could be a test to see if the falcons really have improved
  8. JV7


    I had the day off too.. As much as I loved the falcons winning, a contest would have been a bit more exciting. As I said earlier not sure what to read into it, I think Tampa bay were very very average more so then us been awesome.. I'm praying the Vikings can keep the saints bad form going.. Been 2-0 in our division is very encouraging though
  9. JV7


    There is a chance! I don't know what to read into this peformance... I think it's more so the bucs have been terrible rather than the falcons been awesome. On a side note, I'm heading to a falcons game in November against the cardinals, absolutely pumped. Travelling to the states for 4 weeks and while staying in New York doing a day trip to the dome. They better put up a good performance!
  10. JV7


    28 to zip already ... there goes my day off! Good for you obviously ... the Falcons are back?
  11. JV7


    This is unfamiliar I don't know what it's like to follow a football team that is dominating
  12. JV7


    Anyone who's is interested the tab does allow you to multi up division winners. I went with: Cincinnati in AFC north Philly in NFC east Patriots on AFC east Denver in AFC west @ $4.64 odds.. That is very good value Then another: Cincinnati Indiana Philly Patriots Denver Green Bay @ $21.34 odds Then one involving everyone: Cincinnati Indiana Philly Patriots Carolina Denver Seattle Green Bay @ $79 odds
  13. JV7


    If we lose to the bucs I'm changing teams
  14. JV7


    Week 3 tips Ravens Packers Colts
  15. JV7


    Yeah I know in some sports you can't multi certaint markets into each other.. Seems ridiculous you could get 65-1 odds of the favourites winning there division.. Guess I'll duck into a tab one day soon and try
  16. JV7


    Does anyone know if/have put a multi on at the TAB including all the division winners ? I have a feeling you can't because I just multied up all the favorites for odds of 65-1... Even if you left some 50/50 ones out you could get odds of 10-1...
  17. JV7


    Gees the saints have been pretty average in there 2 games... To lose 2 games the way they have isn't great. Pretty happy though it has opened up the NFC south division a litte bit... Cowboyfromhell Hopefully your boys can knock the saints off this week and really put the heat on them. As for the falcons, pretty dissapointing effort, always going to be tough on the road against the bengals but when green goes down early and Marvin jones out would have thought we'd put a better effort. Matt Ryan was nowhere near the previous weeks game. Big division game on TNF, got Friday off work so looking forward to it!
  18. JV7


    Yeah I do.. Bit complex tho, thought it'd be like supercoach but there is a bit more too it haha.. I dno what I'm doing
  19. JV7


    It's certainly a lot tougher to tip than you think! Saints over browns Patriots over Vikings Seahawks over chargers
  20. JV7


    Spoke to soon.. Colts fought back well
  21. JV7


    Wrapt to finally be on the end of a close win.. Must have been the melbourne supporter in me but I thought we were gone once the saints got infront late.. Matt Ryan was awesome. Caught a bit of the broncos game aswell, gee they looked good
  22. JV7


    Just called in "sick" for work tomorrow, couldn't not watch the opening game against the saints!
  23. JV7


    My round 1 tips: Patriots Panthers 49ers
  24. JV7


    Yeah not sure what the go is.. Over the weekend I bought game pass & Apple TV to hook the iPad up the tv so I know I can come home Monday nights and watch the replay.. Dno how I'm gonna go not checking the scores all day Monday but it'll be a good way to get through a Monday at work!
  25. JV7


    Sorry to be a pain with the questions haha... But it I get the game pass do they have replays avaliable ? I ain't gonna get up at 3am to watch it live. I was hoping to tape the games on iq and watch them later after work even though it'll be tough to resist looking at the scores but now I might have to get the game pass instead and hopefully be able to watch a replay on it
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