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Posts posted by Machsy

  1. He didnt play a lot of games, but when he got a chance, Zak Jones was impressive and exceeded expectations.

    He looks like he'll be quite a good player like his brother, although he'll be fighting for spots with many other very highly rated kids at the swans.

  2. I don't know why people still insist on selecting a "back 6" or a "forward 6" when selecting a side.

    Do they not realise the game has changed?

    Better off just selecting 7 defenders, 7 forwards, 7 mids and a ruckman, and accepting that players will be rotated into non-traditional positions at times.

    DEF: Frost, McDonald, Jetta, Dunn, Grimes, Garland, Lumumba.

    FWD: Hogan, Dawes, Pedersen, Howe, Garlett, Watts, Kent

    MID: Jones, Tyson, Cross, Vince, Viney, Bail, M. Jones

    RUCK: Jamar

    Can't see Terlich getting many games this year...

    Newton & Michie still to prove they deserve a spot.

  3. Frawley will be servicable for the Hawks. But IMO James Frawley isn't worth a player the quality of pick 3 - or what I perceive that value to be.

    I think MFC will get a lot more out of Brayshaw. Just a case where the cards fallen our way - although we've had A LOT of those cases. We've been very lucky.

    That's very subjective, but I think most would say the opposite.

  4. Machsy's post was was clearly a sarcastic dig at those who were unhappy with how Frawley handled the whole thing this year. Are you awake today?

    The both of you seem to miss a very important ingredient in this whole FA versus club loyalty debate. The character of the player.

    You can bang on all you like about Jones 'nearly leaving' all those years ago. But he didn't leave and the bloke has genuine care for this footy club as well as an instinctive drive to bring the best out of himself and others. Something that can't be said about Frawley. Jones is a leader of men. Something the MFC will be willing to pay be bucks for. We won't be seeing a repeat of what happened with Frawley this year.

    Jones' character alone and presence at the club means he's an untouchable. It's worth more than half his contract alone, regardless of his incredible on-field display.

    This argument is over. Frawley needed to go. And you'll be glad he did in 2-3 years time.

    Jones will sign. There's nothing more to it.


    Although... That wasn't my point at all.

    Over your head Steve?

  5. First time I've opened this thread.

    Does anyone know if Nathan Jones has signed a new contract yet, and if not, is he thinking leaving via free agency?

    I think if he doesn't sign by round 1 he is gone for sure, but it'll be ok because he'll be the worst player in our 22.

    Thanks in advance guys.

  6. That's what I like about Harry, he doesn't buy into the group think.

    The rest of the league is scared of Hall and Brown, but Lumumba just isn't seeing it, and both Hall and Brown backed down once they seen Harry wasn't intimidated.

    Barry Hall and John Brown are cut from a completely different cloth to a guy like Wayne Carey, Ablett Jr.

    Hall and Brown are all puff and bluff when it comes to throwing down, wheras Ablett and Carey would throw down, could throw down - and didn't care who it was.

    I knew Barry Hall was never going to get in the boxing ring. He'd of been pressured to fight someone who hit back - and not blokes like Staker who aren't looking.


    I think I know who's all puff and bluff here...

    • Like 1
  7. I, for one, could easily be one of those accused of following group think, being fickle and of succumbing to confirmation bias, or whatever accusations want to be thrown around.

    Simply, I thought Frawley one of our best and most important players, simply because I highly rate his ability and think his type is quite rare.

    But I also realised pretty quickly that I grossly overrated the difficulty and cost of acquiring a suitable mature-bodied replacement.

    I'm confident in Frost's ability, and he has has more years left in him than Frawley.

    I think we have done very very well for ourselves.

    • Like 1
  8. I had to read that twice to make sure I got it right, that's hilarious, I spoke to him, he feels that his form has been inconsistent (not alone) and he needs to put himself first to enable him to fulfil his potential, sounds like Roos had some input

    Why hilarious? It's exactly what he's doing.

    Concentrating on his game to cement a place in the 22, rather than slipping out of it and letting his career slip away from him.

    I don't think that's at all sensationalist.

    We all know that no one can make a comment about a player that could potentially be construed as criticism without you getting your knickers in a twist.

    Don't let your self-indulgent username go to your head.

    • Like 2
  9. I think Grimes will be relieved of all leadership group duties, to lessen what he has on his plate.

    Like many supporters, I think he's concerned with being able to salvage his career.

    I agree, Garland also to take a step back and refind form.

    Dawes wants the leadership responsibility and can manage it, so I'd like him as vice.

    Would be happy to see Cross in there.

    Potentially too early for Lumumba, but I wouldn't mind.

    • Like 1
  10. There's nothing new in this article that I haven't considered before, but as GRRM points out, it's fairly self-indulgent and whiny.

    I can't find much of a reason to feel any pity for a young AFL player, bar the fact it delays their entry into their life's main occupation for the majority of them.

    They make sacrifices in some way, but who doesn't?

    The perks heavily outweigh the sacrifices.

    • Like 2
  11. So... What exactly are you whingeing about?

    The article appeared on the AFL website but not the club website?

    Probably because it was put together by an AFL journo and not a club employee.

    Sometimes the AFL journos pass it onto the club so they have the option of uploading it onto the club site too.

    Sometimes they don't. Sometimes someone at the club has other things going on, or thinks it'll just flood the site so other articles get lost in the sea of content.

    I really don't see what the drama is though.

    Complaint for the sake of complaining?

    • Like 1
  12. I'm very pleased with the way things have turned out.

    Whilst I kept trying to console myself with the fact McCartin was highly rated and we'd have 2 blue chip key forwards, the envy of a lot of teams, I just couldn't see it.

    I'm sure McCartin will be a capable player.

    Good attitude. Competitive. Big enough.

    But probably not as big as I'd like.

    What are the attributes that set him apart?

    I don't see competitiveness and aggression like you see in Hogan or Viney.

    He doesn't get knocked over on field, but he doesn't knock too many others over, and won't when they're his size and bigger.

    Not particularly fast or agile, average at ground level for his size, not amazing endurance.

    For all the hype of him being a "one grab" KPF, I recall seeing him juggle a lot of marks as his smaller opponents fell over around him.

    Kicking is decidedly average.

    I think St Kilda was sold on the player they need him to be rather than the one he is or will be.

    I'm not trying to talk McCartin down.

    I'm just delirious to have 2 blue chip mids, exactly what we need, instead of 1 and a forward that I'm not convinced on, despite him being firmly in the spotlight for 2 years +.

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