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Posts posted by demonfanjezza

  1. Some of the stuff i have seen shot down of late has been more or less due to the name calling and inability to accept another's point of view without getting angry about it and resorting to name calling.

    Yeah same i have noticed that, there is no need for that

  2. Yeah....as much as I love beating the pies, I have to agree with the last few posts - not a lot of point teasing a team for not making the finals (they can still get there!) when we are so far away from the top 8 ourselves.

    Lets just concentrate on lots of cheering for Neita and do our bit to get our boys over the line.

    110% agree deesrock :)

  3. WOO HOO! Just got an email from the club to say my kids were some of the lucky ones selected to form the guard of honour for Neitzy - don't know who is more excited, them or me!!!!

    Well done to your kids Deesrock. you certainly must be a proud parent. Good luck and an honor to cheer on the big man on the ground

  4. Melbourne FC - Didn't look injured!

    i don't know what it was, but we seemed to move easier, tackle harder and ran more freely. robbo seemed to move as crisply as ever, davey seemed to have regained toe, pickett showed he still has something to offer. didn't seem like the same melbourne team of the previous 4 weeks

    also it did not look like the melbourne that has played for a majority of the 2007 season. It was like the team of the 2006 season which made us proud

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