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  1. Rumor gathering that Jonesy calling it quits. Please no
  2. Get it right guys. The address was 90 mins before the bounce not the ra ra one before they leave the rooms for the start.
  3. From a distance I reckon the back six players are sooking over the loss of rivers. The mids are sooking over the departure of Maloney. The executive are still grieving for the loss of jimmy and the coaching department smarting over the tanking issue. To move forward they all need to get into a crying tank have one big sook up and then come out fighting with the them vs us attitude!
  4. I can recall the coach in his early days of foundation laying being very strong on the fact that players who could not do certain jobs for him on match day would be replaced without question. He only wanted to field players in positions that they are suited to. Well let's see how strong you really are at the selection table this week. Or were those words mere tough talk to convince us mortals that something positive was actually about to happen here?
  5. I too listened to this so called investigative journalist on the radio tonight. In the space of three sentences that came out of her mouth she stated the words "I think" on six occasions. This was later followed up with a "I don't know" and then the big barb that the President, the actual person who I would assume was a signatory on the MFC submission to AFL "was wrong". She hasn't seen the submission that MFC did. She just "thinks" she has!. The loser out of this could in fact be the radio station that is employing her. "I think" she is in fairy land.
  6. So have I got it right. We win 12 games of 66 during seasons 2007 2008 & 2009 so all of a sudden we are that good that we can dictate games and throw them. I think what all of this shows is how incompetent all of the so called expert journalists out there are. They are reporting everything but nothing and missing the fact that WE WERE SIMPLY NO GOOD during that time.
  7. We saw how Neitz dramatically improved as a forward after a stint in defence. I would seriously consider Watts at CHB at least for some game time this season. It may just be the confidence tonic he needs
  8. After looking at the team selected for the Port Game one can only come to a sensible conclusion which is that certain players need to play more games for Sandy to qualify for their finals campaign. Players like PJ, Bizzell etc could if qualified help Sandy to a fourth premiership which would also assist in the development of some of the younger players in that team. Just an observation.
  9. A very interesting obersvation can be made in todays press (heraldSun). Neil Balme when asked about the current circumstances said; "I never thought of resigning. That was just giving up on everyone... from a coaches point of view, you send a huge message to your players if you give it away. The last thing you ever want a player to do is give it away, not go for the ball, whatever" Perhaps Danihers decision to walk before the end of the season sums up the culture of softness allegedly held by the players as called by the experts. Perhaps this has been the hidden factor in our inconsistency. The coaches propensisty to take the easy way out !!
  10. gardiner should tell Danners this week that he will have a one year extension on his contract. He should be told to back up his claims with this group that they are a premiership team by finishing no less than in the top four next year or OUT!. He should be told to completely rest all of the players carrying injuries, play all the kids to get them play time and finish this season in last so to enable some good quality picks in the draft. Put up or shut up time Danners. Set yourself for glory next year not failure!! "Top 4 or be shown the door"
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