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Generation dee

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Posts posted by Generation dee

  1. If dean bailey had overseen 4 seasons of finals performances, consistent effort and tough footy, then we may have something to be nostalgic over. He didn't, we haven't, move on and look to the future. Nothing but constant pain and "what if" looking in the past. It's happened, lets stop pretending 8.5 wins in a season was a success and look at where we are going- to an era of tough, accountable footballers who actually want to succeed.

  2. If I cared what you or others thought I wouldn't have posted that I wasn't going. There will be plenty reading this thread that also won't be bothering. Yet they won't volunteer the information.

    I don't give a toss what you, or anyone else thinks. I never have.

    Then why post at all?

    • Like 2
  3. So who's everyones nominations for the 6th defender this week - so far we've got McDonald, Pedersen, Garland, Terlich, Dunn and ???? after Strauss was dropped and Frawley came out for McDonald in.

    Sellar is on the extended interchange but surely playing him is going too tall.

    Other options include Watts, Howe, Evans, Bail or Tapscott.

    It would be unconventional (or conventional for Melbourne) but I'd go with Tapscott. Arguably the best footy he's played was down back in 2011 and he'll find more of the ball. Plus you know if its his turn to go he won't die wondering.

    Like it, plus he can give Dunn a chop out kicking in. We need the ball coming out of defence with our better kicks. Collingwoods forward pressure will be similar to what freo hit us with 2 weeks back, and bigger bodies with good skill will be one way we can take that pressure early on.

    What I'd like to see is us get our "loose" player around midfield stoppages instead of in the back 50. This is important because we need more run and chances to create inside 50 entries, but also to add more options coming out of defence. Back our defensive 6 to beat their man, but push the pressure into the midfield and try to get the initiative there.

  4. Ill be there Monday. Even going to take my crow supporting Missus. Ill even buy her a membership. I think she has a crush on Nate jones though, maybe more than my man-crush on him. I love watching this club and going to games is the least I can do. When it turns around, ill have the last laugh on my smug filth/scum/essendrug/9th supporting mates and I will be as proud as punch.

    Ben- the club is bigger than any individual. Did Geelong fans quit supporting when Gary Albert left? Or WCE fans when judd left? I didn't like bailey as coach, but I still signed up every year and went. Because I found positives. Shame you aren't going, you just hurt the club in the long run.each to their own. See you there Monday everyone else!

  5. Play fitzy ff, Dawes CHF, rest gawn/jamar deep. Tappy the sub or bail..

    It just dawned on me. Could Mckenzie play defensive forward? Obviously not going to kick 11 for us, but the ball comes to ground, he is very defensive. Would apply great pressure and stop the ball going out so quick. One of swan, pendles or sidebottom will miss I think. Use Dunn to tag in the midfield.

    Last year sellar killed Dawes, so I think he plays on lynch or cloke.pederson first crack at cloke. Not sure where macca fits in. The issue is small forwards. Bruest and puopolo tore us to shreds, and this week Blair, sidebottom, didak, Paine and Elliot will do the same.

  6. He would merge us on a whim. I would not continue my membership.

    Being a member with constitutional rights to vote on such a proposal would allow you to voice your concerns in a manner that the club could see , "not continuing your membership" shows a derelict approach, by which you advocate the exact reason that you didn't "continue your membership"

    Absolute negligence of the highest order.

    I would prefer Jeff outlined his policies, plans and strategy before endorsing any spill. However, I give him credit for highlighting the current board and their failures, as opposed to the well worn cliché of blaming the head coach.

    • Like 5
  7. Part of me agrees with the ox. Part of me thinks "sure, lets get pumped so neeld gets sacked".

    But for what? Another coach to come in with a 5 year plan? To start over again?

    Mark neeld was never a media charming, charismatic guy hired by the club to woo new supporters and satisfy sponsors. He was bought in to get players who have been lazy, unaccountable and often soft, to play tough, effort driven football. Those that couldn't meet those demands, or those that were a part of the lazy, inept "leadership" group were asked to move on. They were replaced by stop gap, mature players so that the next wave of young, competitive players drafted didn't need to play when they weren't ready, or were eased into senior footy.

    The simple fact is, this was never going to be fixed overnight. We've taken a step back onfield because we lost significant experience in Moloney, rivers etc. but those players were not going to lead the club out of that culture or improve enough to make us a top 4 proposition. Sure, they may have given us another 8 win season. But then what? We have taken a step backwards, but we have last players without the required desire or effort. Standards off field are have increased, we now have leaders who are diligent and will leave no stone unturned to improve, encourage and unite every player on the list.

    So like I said part of me wants to throw my hands up in the air and sack everyone.

    But a greater part of me knows this club has taken steps it needed to,to improve. So ill keep going to games, ill go knowing we probably will get beaten. Ill go knowing that ill get frustrated at moments of poor decision making and skill. But, I will go knowing that we are finally on the right track. Knowing that there is great leadership in Dawes, Clark, grimes, trengove and garland. Ill go knowing that structures are in place to make this club move forward.

    In going to games, I know that I'm also helping the club. Every person going to games is helping the club.

    So my message to you ox, if you want to help the club, go to the games. Go and watch Nate jones hit every contest like its his last, go and watch Dawes present time and time again. Watch fraweley and garland absolutely dominate tall forwards week in week out. Go and watch Matt jones and dean terlich grab the chance at afl level. Go and watch Kent, toumpas, viney, trengove, McDonald and soon taggert/hogan knowing how competitive they are as young players and how long they will play together for.

    If you want to help ox, start being constructive and supportive. It's all too easy to lay the boot in on a team down the bottom. But if you want to help, try some positive reinforcement. Asking for a thrashing helps no one, not now, not ever.

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  8. I'd never blame Neeld for Watts. Watts doesn't have a competitive bone in his body.

    A lot of pre-neeld players don't! Morton, watts, gysberts, cook, maric (although he left the year before) bate.. We've drafted a "nice" player consistently over the last 5-7 years. Jones and tapscott are exceptions, but a vast majority haven't had that "mongrel" that is really needed to take the next step. Dangerfield, hayes, Martin, Cotchin, pendlebury and hodge are all examples of players with that competitive spirit that sets them above good footballers of the watts, hill, Morton, tambling and kade Simpson mould. It's no surprise the competitive players on our list are the ones who (barring injury) are playing better footy- frawley, jonesx2, terlich, garland, trengove(defensively), Dawes etc. could also be why the "nice, less competitive) types aren't going as well as they should be by now.

  9. Simple question for all.

    If the club appointed Mark Neeld to rebuild the football department and the playing list, are results actually important during the first year that the reshaping of the list has taken place? And if results are still important, is Neeld to blame if he was given a mandate by the club to conduct this rebuild?

    I'm not trying to further my arguments or anything else. Just genuinely interest in peoples response and thoughts?

    I bought this up yesterday. For all we know, the board highlighted certain players as "troublemakers" or something akin to that. Hence the reason Moloney and others were dealt with a heavy hands in regards to leadership or playing. We don't know any of this. There surely is a more obtuse reason for the goings on of Moloney and others when neeld arrived. Which leads me to believe perhaps neeld was, in fact, instructed for personnel restructuring before skills and gameplan rebuilding. I don't think anyone can argue neeld is different with the media this year as opposed to the awkward and uncomfortable figure we saw last year, irrespective of this years on field results.

  10. What an idiotic post.,

    You have to be a moron to think we wouldn't be more competitive and win games with Roos or Choco as the coach.

    Idiotic and moronic, eh?

    Where do you propose this money to hire neeld is going to come from, boy? Take into account this years operating loss, payout figures to neeld and schwab, not to mention income down from minimal attendance to home games. You got the money, squirt? You got the cash to get roos or Matthews in? This isn't fantasy football. Where is your proof that roos would make this team better? That he won a premiership with Sydney and a plethora of experienced players? Before you go off spouting "moronic and idiotic" at me, how about you have a look for facts to back up your argument, champ.

  11. But Ron, we are magically going to get Paul roos, Leigh Matthews or hell, swooper northey in and our players will magically have the poise, class and structures in to start beating everyone. It's that simple. Oh, and WYL will start going to games again, BBO will stop kicking the alpacas and new threads started daily will drop from 15 "sack the coach" threads back to 2 "jack watts breakout game?" Threads.

    • Like 2
  12. I don't care how many possessions Rodan got today he was so bad in the first half he should never play another game for Melbourne, he can take Pederson and Fitzpatrick with him.

    What Rodan did with his possessions is the issue, how many times he put another player in trouble, fumbled, or just ran over the ball was a joke, he is way past it.

    Can you pick, an available player on our list, who could come in next week and have more of an impact?

  13. Would the mods please do something about unleash hell and his personal insulting and abusive posts.

    He claims others aren't making arguments. His answer to anyone who disagrees with him is to abuse them.

    Can the mods do something about EVERY thread being turned into "sack neeld" by you, HH, tonotopia and 316?

    At least offer something constructive or observational than "neeld sucks". How great do you feel bashing on other demon supporters who obviously saw a 95 point loss today, same as yourselves? You reckon anyone on this forum is happy seeing 28k turn up to our home game against the top team, and lose by 95?

    • Like 5
  14. If ANY of our players were suddenly put into the Geelong team, I am sure their skills etc would be AFL standard. No we don't need a total change in players, we just need a coach and support staff who know what they are doing!

    I don't normally do this, but you have no idea and you would be right at home on Sesame Street.

    • Like 2
  15. Signs today, in parts.

    However, we would have to be the most frustrating side to ever play in the AFL.

    We do SO many stupid things, which ruin such a lot of good, hard work.

    Nathan Jones, you are a star.

    Got to agree, so many good signs yet so many freaking brain fades. For all that called rodan a spud today, 24 disposals 11 tackles. Yeah he missed a bloody sitter goal, but 11 tackles and 24 touches are a pretty decent return.

    Still wanna know what went on with watts at half time.

  16. If anyone thinks being a Melbourne fan is rough right now, bear in mind we have young talent to work with and some good bookends. Just switch over and look at how st. Kilda are travelling against norf. That's with Hayes, roo, montagna, dal santo all 30 or so. There are a lot of positives with our group. As I type that, bail drops a ball and gifts ANOTHER GOAL.... FMD!

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