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  1. I for one believe you! Thanks mate and god I hope it's true. What's effectively pick 2 + Frawley for Kennedy and Lumumba I would do in a heartbeat. Hopefully we have a few other tricks up our sleeve as well to upgrade 23 and either the Clark pick or the pick we get back from the Swans
  2. Just wow to people laying any sort of blame on Buddy. He was magnificent. One of the goals he kicked no other player in the league would have kicked. Another one you'd struggle to find a handful capable. His play around the ground fending off players. finding space, releasing a team mate etc. was just incredible, especially for a player of his size. The Hawks weren't too Buddy centric at all. If they got the ball out of the midfield more in the second quarter and gave him more chances he probably would have buried the Swans. Most of the game he was basically unstoppable and he was close to winning the Norm Smith in a losing team
  3. Now STFU [censored]! BIRNG. IT. ON.
  4. Hahaha - keep trying to justify the ridiculous. Why don't you come up with examples of bidding wars where each of the parties involved didn't recognise anyone at the table? Pretty confident I could come up with more examples where 2 AFL clubs were involved in a bidding war than you could provide where one AFL club was bidding with some random stranger looking for a bargain! Keep digging yourself a hole if you like. Another joke post.
  5. No. But your analogy is hilarious... "very rarely come across the same people even though it's in the same area and a similar house. Each one is generally unique and has it's own set of bidders." There are 18 clubs. As if you're not going to come across the same people and be bidding against the same clubs often. It's just completely different to turning up at one of hundreds of auctions happening on the same day and your suggestion that it's a similar situation is quite frankly a joke.
  6. Did you see Hodge, Lewis, Mitchell and Sewell going around for the Hawks the other night? Honestly don't think it's a problem at all. In fact, bring it on!
  7. I'm not saying Gold Coast wouldn't be happy to get him! I'm talking about the compensation the AFL gave the Hawks. There is no way he is equal to those players and the Hawks are laughing all the way to the bank
  8. Yep the compo for Harbrow is correct. Can't believe Campbell Brown is rated the same as Rischitelli, Harbrow and Bock. Hawks must be laughing!!
  9. How could he not have mentioned our young midfield as one of the positives? With Scully, Trengove, Gysberts, Grimes, Blease, Tapscott etc. we have a potential A-grade midfield all around the same age. Couldn't believe he focused on small forwards and didn't even mention that
  10. Bruce will play on Steve Johnson I'd imagine...very happy to see him back in for that reason alone. Disappointed to see the boys rested but so happy to see the Big Gizzy debut! Great to see Scarlett out too - I was a bit nervous about the prospect of him lining up on Watts and destroying the confidence he would have gained from last week. Making the trip down to Geelong for the first time in a few years and can't wait...Go demons!!
  11. 3 posts admitting you were wrong...maybe go to confession?
  12. I reckon you guys are getting your Glenn and Brett Lovett's mixed up....??
  13. Love it!!!!! You should send that into the club and get them making t-shirts. They will sell like hot cakes and solve all of our financial issues!!!
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