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Posts posted by BIG JIM

  1. I am the proud new owner of Jordan Gysberts' Match worn Reach Nab Cup Guernsey!!! Glad to help out the Reach foundation and get something Kool anyone else get one?

    You beat me mate well done but i got cale morton and lucas cooks so im happy.
  2. Im not passing any personal, social or moral judgment on what has occurred with Liam - which you would see if you could progress past the opaque and obvious inclination of many here to attempt to imply some sort of barbaric or ignorant theme into what I have written, and then conveniently get 'up in arms' with a whole host of sanctimonious expressions.

    To summarise my views:

    - MFC is a business, and very recently a struggling one at that (some would say its by no means out of the woods)

    - We are struggling for sponsorship and membership

    - a player (not an aboriginal - that is incidental) has requested personal leave whilst injured and before the start of a very important season for the club

    - this player has been arrested, and charged, with possession, intent, and causing serious injury with a machete

    - being charged with a criminal offence, NOT PROVEN, is cause for summary dismissal in nearly all employment relationships

    - accordingly, MFC should and I have no doubt will, one way or another, bring an end to its employment relationship with this player at the appropriate time. I support this.

    - the financial ramifications for the MFC as a result of this could be catastrophic.

    - I wish this player the best and hope he comes through it as best as can be hoped.

    It will be interesting to see how the club handles this given its recent spouting of 'no-nonsense' and 'elite preparation and expectations of players' which is purported to be some sort of panacea to our listlessness and inconsequential existence in the league which has been the hallmark of recent eras.

    This is a sad day for the MFC and liam i have not much of an idea of how life is were liam is from but this is a time when we as a club should stand as one and fully support liam. I also pray the person who is in hospital is going to be o.k.. I hope this does not end the magic liam has made for our game it would be a great shame for this young man to miss out on playing football after all the good work he has done till this point. I think the club should stand as one and give liam all the support he needs but he also must face the same set of rules that all melbourne players face. The only good thing that could come of this is that the country might have a chance to see what some of the issues that face the Yuendumu community and other communitiy's like it. Lets all wait and see what comes from this before we jump on anyone and just hope the club can get through this and not lose sight off all the hard work in the last 6 months.
  3. Liam is getting on the first plane home if he has not been charged this is not what we need as a club after all the work we have done. The club will always be bigger than one person so if liam does not come back after this then sorry liam you have to make up your mind because we cant afford a year like the saints after 2011. I really hope liam gets home even if the whole family comes with him.

  4. I have got to say anyone who is playing with weapons like this are not someone who should be walking the streets of this country. I dont think liam will have anything to do with this sort of crime everytime i have meet him he has been very nice. I pray liam has not been to melbourne for the last time. Chanel 7 said he had the weapon but news can be bulls%%% sometimes i hope this is the case.

  5. If your held by police liam has done something wrong or he would just be helping with questions we have done the right thing to let him go but if liam has done something bad then this will really hurt liam because you cant be given time to help family then go break the law. Mark neeld has allready shown colin what is the elite way to deal with things like this and i think liam may well be in the bad books for a while sen just said there is a knife involved and liam is in jail not good

  6. Please dont start this again on this thread

    At risk of upsetting people again, i want to say that giving players breaks when injured seems to be a common theme down at MFC, does anyone know if other teams do it?

    Could this be a reason for the 1 - 2 weeks turning into 2 - 4 weeks as it takes them longer then expected to get back into it?

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  7. I think it will be 1.moloney 2. jones 3.watts 4.grimes 5.magner/clark the reason i think moloney is i think he will have a better year than last year and with the help of bigger bodies he will be elite around the ball jones is still very young and he did some garry ablett like things around the ball on saterday.Watts will be the next james hird with his football brain. jack grimes is a very classy player with great reading of the play and magner is my smokey he just knows how to find the ball and win it barlow number 2

  8. I am an MCC/MFC member. I haven't renewed MFC but will soon. I rang them to see if I could swap the 6th scarf in a row for a cap which would be of some value to me. Many other clubs do caps instead of scarfs. I mean how many scarfs do you need. I live in Sydney and a cap can be used all year round. They said no but if I "donated" the scarf and the rest of the membership pack to the club I would get a $25 gift voucher which I can use if I spend over $50 at the demons shop. It really annoyed me and put me off renewing at the time. I still will before the season but the attitude sucks. I live in Sydney and the MFC full membership is a donation I make every year to support the club without getting any benefit. What does it cost them to swap the scarf for a cap.

    Yes i think that is a bit slack i think you should email that post to the club and i think you will get your cap give it a go

  9. There is alot from last year who have yet to get on board im sure most will but i think with the change we have had at the club we should be reaching the 40,000 this year if not it is a fail in my view. We must beat last years 36,000 members

  10. I really think he will have a big year. When he went near the ball against the pies on saterday he just looked like one of those players that looks like he is a step above everyone else with speed and class so im really lookin forward to see him this year GO Colin

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