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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. A 3km run is a 'huge load'? Hmm.
  2. Not sure why it piqued my interest. Something tells me he's not quite Dunn yet. For sure he's not in your ideal forward set up as of today, but fortunes can shift quickly. Injuries can strike. I think he'll get a chance or two under Neeld to see if he can coax something out of him Bailey couldn't.
  3. Hate to be blunt but I think have lost your edge with that one.
  4. When I read the thread title I thought it was referring to Phil, then thought 'he won't have a problem there.'
  5. Remove that word from the equation if you like. It doesn't dilute the point I made one iota. I don't get the Sylvia apologist's take on this. What is it about the dumbness of the cocktail of booze and young blokes getting in a vehicle with each other that's so hard to understand? Baffling.
  6. I said nothing of the 'facts'. My comment was effectively a swipe at what seems in your stance to be a cavalier disregard for player discipline and an inability to comprehend - as CS seems unable to do - that nightclubs + booze + [censored] mates + cars = trouble. Your boys will be boys line of thought is archaic, John Elliot type stuff.
  7. Yep I've heard it used quite a bit as in 'Hodge/Goddard play that quarterback type role.'
  8. Add anything Americanized. Ie. Catch instead of mark and 'deefence'.
  9. A heretofore un fulfilled talent. And the years are ticking away ...
  10. I wonder if you'd write that if someone you know was killed or hurt by a drunk driver.
  11. In the absence of a defining study I reckon it's the best medicine available for self-satisfied recidivists and should be liberally applied. Is it a bullet-proof preventative? Probably not ... but then again neither are condoms.
  12. 3 flags and a Normy for that player would suggest it was a course of action not without merit. Perhaps the decision-makers in those 'hundreds of other Steve J style situations across otherAFL clubs' wish, in retrospect, that they had been so bold.
  13. Think of it in medical terms as an antibiotic effect. You have to zap the good and bad bacteria if you want be totally rid of the infection. The infection in this case is a shitty culture that has comfortably numbed the club for the better part of 47 years and allowed players like Colin Sylvia to float through careers without ever fulfilling their talent.
  14. Been thinking about this and I agree with HT. Should have been a much stiffer penalty. This isn't going to knock the self-satisfied air out of Sylvia, nor will is strike enough fear into the rest of the playing group.
  15. Tony you are two steps ahead of the pack ... and I like it.
  16. Aussie's not on his own in liking turtles. He should get in touch with this kid ... http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=AU#/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y
  17. Yep ... Monoccular has dibs on the Newton/gravity gag earlier in the thread.
  18. So what if there's a thread here or there discussing small detail stuff. The club obviously concerns itself with it from time to time so what's the biggie if we do? There's five months to fill between now and round 1!
  19. Erm ... that's why I said it was less the sentiment. And it's not really comparable to a definitive fact like the sun's rising and setting, because there are occasionally exceptions to the 'talls take time' maxim/cliche.
  20. It's less the sentiment than the cliched use of those three words in sequence.
  21. You're going to an awful lot of effort to one up me on this one Rp. You've made a good case ... but since you've brought a soccer style theme into it, I'll have to say no cigar on an equalizer. You're going to have to do better to beat my keeper. It's still ... Range Rover 1 - Rpfc 0
  22. Talls take time.
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