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  1. deenovo


    .........(smile)..........join the dots, and see the italicised word in my initial post.
  2. deenovo


    hmmm, really?....... see the italicised word in my initial post.
  3. deenovo


    Injury management was a key issue in what transpired. It is important to remember that the medical staff have a medico-legal responsibility for the welfare of the patient (i.e. the player) which must come first. If things go pear-shaped due to medical mis-management then they are at risk of being sued - and this has indeed already happened. The cases of mis-managed head injury, and the long term consequences, that have been highlighted this year are examples - and there are others that have flown under the media radar. Being a hot-shot sports scientist is all very well but there is an element of "all care and no responsibility" about it. My guess is that the medical staff decided that, on a risk-management level, they were not wiling to be a party to a situation where they felt the medical care and welfare of the players was being compromised. Remember that robust discussion, differences in opinion, etc.... are all a normal part of the medical process (particularly in a sporting club!). So, for them to feel that the situation was so unacceptable that they should depart (after so many years of loyal service) speaks volumes. Watch this space......
  4. deenovo


    ---------------------------------------- The departure of our medical team is very unfortunate and they will be missed for many reasons - they were very experienced, and highly respected, very loyal and dedicated. The reports on this thread of a conflict are correct - Misson is a "my way or the highway" type of person, who believes he knows best. While that may be acceptable within his area of expertise it is most definitely not when it comes to medical issues. The problem is that there has been such turnover in staff (and many are still shell-shocked) that there was no-one in HQ who had the experience or expertise who was willing to tell Misson to pull his head in. The problem now is that it will be difficult to find anyone of quality to fill their shoes - once the word is out and about that Misson is a PIA to work with (and indeed it is already) then quality sports med personnel will be hard to recruit.
  5. agree entirely. Achieves little that is really constructive Bates about to join the ranks of the VFL........
  6. yep, agree, gone, will not be seen again. Destined for the ranks of the VFL.
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