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Posts posted by TrueBeliever

  1. yep I'm still feeling bitter about the whole $AGA....so I'm suggesting that we term a new phrase for whenever you are shafted, lied to, ripped off, betrayed, let down, manipulated, deceived etc......you have just been "Tom-Scullied".

    I have tried it with a few mates and seems to work quite nicely...here are a few examples where you could use the new term:


    You catch your girl friend/wife cheating on you with another friend of yours......"Damn she totally Tom-Scullied me!"

    You ask a mate to come help you move house on the weekend, he says 'yeah I plan on/ anticipate being there', but come the weekend he ring s up and says he's down the pub. "Damn he totally Tom-Scullied me".

    The AFL stack the GW$ situation to make it impossible for clubs to keep their young guns...." yep footy fans got royally Tom-Scullied there".

    Feel free to call me bitter...or add your own story of when you have been "Tom-Scullied" B)

  2. Very interesting insight. Thanks for the info Ron, hadn't heard anything along those lines before.

    yeah the player I spoke to at the dinner said the same thing, very happy to have a little more time to do things outside training etc

    Great night well done MFC

  3. All season we have been an uncompetitive disgrace against anything approximating hard, pressure football. We all know it has been embarrassing to watch. Something like this Saturday was bound to happen as a result. Now if you accept that inevitability, then whatever changes are made, and DB going is the obvious one, Schwab it seems to follow, Connolly to stay and Viney to coach (according to this morning's media) they will be in DIRECT response to this on-field garbage. And that's being kind to garbage.

    Whatever any of you pretend to know, or are wildly happy to theorise on regarding the off-field goings on at MFC, they will always be secondary to the performance of the team. We have a revered President to oversee that side of things, and we should give him our trust to get it right, as it relates to creating the environment for WINNING GAMES.

    I was logically expecting a 15 goal loss, and then a wobble through to the end of the season, where we finished with 10 wins and DB reappointed. That would have been a statistical response, not one based on the reality of how we play the game. For all the teeth gnashing, hand wringing, tear-threatening, scarf burning mayhem it's created on here and in the media, I am glad this happened, because it has sparked a clear-eyed view of where we are.

    There's nothing like having a problem appear with crystal clarity to fashion a sharp and direct remedy. Sure there are casualties, and I'm genuinely sympathetic to them, but we were showing NO signs of competitive progress. In fact, we had regressed from last year.

    You don't have to like the way it happened, but I say celebrate the change.

    Here Here!

  4. WOW after today it really feels like the progress we had thought we had made has been undone.... Will a flogging like this be the catalyst for the change we need? I hope so.

    The only glimmer of hope is that some of the young brigade seem like the most determined and tough.

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