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Posts posted by deeko

  1. I suspect he didn't drop it. He went to dispose of it in the storage rack and missed by a few metres. Mark it down as a clanger.

    Haaaaaaaahahahahaha.... Ah my office just got a bit of a shock after I literally LOL'd there.

    Thanks bud, made my morning

  2. I'd be tempted to ask Jesse Hogan to remain unshaven for the next fortnight and hope that he pass off as Jack Fitzpatrick.

    Do you think anyone would notice?

    Yeah...probably everyone...

    I'd say once he clunks his 12th grab and slots through his 5th people would become aroused. Whoops, sorry, I mean suspicious

  3. Further to that, he has averaged 2 marks per game this year.... not good enough... and had kicked 2 goals from 9 games compared with Gawn who has 6 from 6

    I agree that his output hasn't been acceptable however you can't compare goals.

    Gawn played 90% of his time up forward and 10% in the ruck.

    Jamar was the opposite. I don't think he is the type to take a few bounces down the members wing and slot one from 55 either

  4. the worst part is this:

    if you are a player, either about to be drafted or potentially moving clubs, how would you like the prospect of going to the MFC?

    - extremely poor track record of developing talent, even when given the best quality draftees, means your potential as a player is unlikely to be reached

    - what appears to be years of cellar-dwelling ahead

    - what appears to be a spud coach

    - what appears to be a dysfunctional administration and divided and dwindling supporter base

    - despite (sort of) making some inroads in recent years, substandard economics/facilities/staff etc

    - shown nothing but disrespect from the football world

    - terrible crowds and fixturing meaning you never see 'the big stage'

    - low profile club means less opportunity for endorsements, post-footy media career, not being in the paper etc

    - money (the big one) undoubtedly we are lacking here since the paper-bag/VISY nature of the system makes a mockery of the salary cap

    what do we have in our favour? The fact we play at the G and the fact we have a long history, that's about it. No longer can we talk about the upcoming stars on the list because we have shown our ability to actually turn these players into superstars is severely hindered

    what needs to be considered here also is not just players wanting to come here, but given all of the above, do we wonder why there seems to be a lack of passion and effort shown by those currently wearing the jumper?

    of course, pretty much all of the above doom and gloom can be turned around fairly quickly if we start winning, but gee we seem pretty far from that right now. The next couple of years is very dangerous territory in terms of who comes and goes, and whether we have any hope of building a quality list that actually give a stuff about the club.

    Depends on the person being drafted.

    1. They could be the type of person who likes being led, happy to have a crack and just follow suit then you're right, the MFC is not the best place to be.

    2. They have the type of character who does not accept losing, does not accept mediocrity from himself or his team mates and plans to give everything they have to make this club great again helping to lift us from this doom and gloom they have the opportunity to become a legend in the process, someone who will be remembered as a great of our club forever.

    Let's recruit more of the second type.

  5. Didnt Joel McDonald also pull out of the squad this week with injury? Cant be a week go by without someone mysteriously being omitted from this list

    Just read in the report on the website from Misson that he dropped a 50kg weight on his toe.

    I couldn't help but laugh a little thinking thats just a typical MacDonald thing to do.

    Ahh Joely boy, love his efforts, hate his brain fades

  6. Jamar's value off the field, especially to Gawn and Fitz, is underrated massively. I bet he has been doing a lot of work with Gawny and without a mentor figure Gawn might go astray like many a young player at the MFC.

    completely understand your point about getting rid of the older gen but the ones you mentioned were leaders (excluding Miller) so never should have left but Jamar is clearly not a leader but just an experienced player.

    Sorry Deemolition but I agree with Django here.

    I have seen him working one on one with Gawn and Spencil multiple times and when he speaks, they listen. Although yes, around the ground I agree with most in that he does not have the impact he once had but let's not forget his primary role in winning the taps in which he still holds his own.

    Until young Maximus has fully developed then Jamar is a must keep. If that takes the three years of his most likely final contract then that is fine.

    I have been lucky enough to speak with the Rush before and was hugely impressed. He is a confident and intelligent person who has a great passion for our beloved dees. If you haven't had that priviledge I suggest some people should have a look through some deetv footage and have a listen to him speaking, you won't be unimpressed. He is a leader that has always been a dee which team mates would have in higher regard than some leaders we have brought in.

    Why he was removed from the leadership group this year I have absolutely no idea but I would love to know if this has had an effect on his game day mentality as he openly admitted it hurt him.

    His All Australian year he was an animal at smashing packs all the time and was great chopping out in front of forwards in that space. I have no idea where that Rush has gone but I would be forever in someones debt if they could bring him back

  7. Good Calls

    - Tom Gillies was shocked why we would want him. Made me wonder if anyone had ever seen him play.

    - Gysberts won't have any effect at the Roos

    - Morton won't get a game with the Eagles

    - Freo will be genuine contenders

    Bad Calls

    - Dees to win about 10

    - Dees to seriously push some top teams

    - Eagles to play off against Freo/Sydney for the flag

    - All doubters of Watts will finally shut up.

    - Mark Neeld is our savior

    • Like 3
  8. Very few seem to give a stuff because they have been treated like a mangy dog - being kicked around for months and years and pretty soon all fight is gone. They stand whimpering in the corner. Thats how this club feels to me. It will show affection for anyone that gives it a pat.

    I really like this analogy here jnrmac (and I hope you don't mind me stealing it for another time). In this case however I don't agree with it.

    All see the mangy dog but few notice the bone he has and even less know he will rip there arm off if someone tries to take it.

    That's how I feel towards the MFC, its mine, I love it, always will. No one will take it from me.

    In looking at other comments in this thread, I still struggle with the idea of how changing the board will have any effect on us climbing the ladder.

    I said this in another thread, without Dicker before Kennett and the fortunate time they had high picks (netting a star leader in Hodge and a marketers dream in Franklin) I doubt Hawthorn would be anywhere near where they are now.

    Other than picking the coach, which in hindsight we shanked, I don't understand how Jeff Kennett or anyone else could get us more wins. More times than not he is driving Hawthorn players/coaches/supporter insane with some of the trash coming out of his mouth.

  9. I am in the get rid of Neeld now camp as damage is continuing to be done and if something doesn't change soon it could be irreparable damage.

    This is what really worries me.

    I worry that the players have given up under him and don't believe they can win with him there. Just watching the game again (glutton for punishment) there is so much frustration at each other, confusion on faces and finger pointing going on it's ridiculous.

    Would have loved an insights to the players mindset at quarter time to know if they thought they could win this or were they just waiting for the flood gates to open.

    I still draw hope however from watching the Jones' smash through packs, watching Col play his heart out, watching T Mc run off his man into space and Dawes crashing packs and ripping opponents heads off in tackles.

  10. Get him in the side and the commentators really will have trouble keeping up with the Jones'.

    So many Jacks and so many Jones'

    My god I hope there is a Jack Jones out there somewhere we can get our hands on

    • Like 4
  11. Is that it? Typical of McLardy, doesn't get his back up over anything, even the future of his own position. Wish we had someone a bit more strongly spoken.

    I'd be careful what you wish for there Django. I don't think Don should be getting his back up everytime someone takes a dig at our club. If he did he would be paying a lot of his hard earned towards chiros. He knows the dire situation and the last thing we want is him out in the media firing back at everyone looking like is losing his control.

    Firstly, I really think most people completely under value the work Ian Dicker did prior.

    Jeff definitely would be in the field of a 'strongly spoken' individual but I still believe he is just being an attention seeker here. Most Hawthorn supporters never took to him and he was continually in the media for the wrong reasons. Even players had to cover for him at times when he ran his mouth (remember when he compared homosexuals to paedohiles or something alike).

    Also, Jeff's position was made a great deal easier by the football team himself. Just prior to him becoming president Hawthorn had already bottomed out and received some absolute superstars via prior drafts in Hodge, Mitchell, Birchall and Roughead.

    His job was made even easier when arguably one of the most exciting players of all time in Franklin arrived which straight away added another 20,000 bums on seats and set up supporters for another generation.

    Unfortunately our bottoming out didn't net the same results.

    • Like 1
  12. I think we have to retain him for another year if he want's to stay on. Who know's, he might want to have a spell.

    For to long we have been showing the door to many players, some who deserve it, some who don't. The spirits of the one's who didn't deserve it will continue to haunt the MFC with lingering effects.

    If he still shows a bit and wants to stay on then definitely keep him for another year. Hopefully this show of devotion from both player and MFC has positive effects on the culture and the next generation of players can see the MFC is somewhere to start and finish your career.

    Also from speaking to a couple players I have met and watching training it's obvious he is loved by the playing the group. They lift a bit when he is out there and we can't afford to lose another person who is seen as a leader after losing Riv last year.

  13. I love Davis' effort from the couple Casey games I have seen but this match up will be some-what reminiscent of Zac Dawson playing on Ant Rocca... we all remember how that ended up.

    Cloke is a beast and can chop up the best when he gets his mojo up. He man handles Chip at times.

    I don't mind Sellar as he is a tryer but that's really it. Still he is our only option and I squirm while writing that

  14. Mzungu, Spurr, Ballantyne, Barlow, Hannath were mature aged recruits who weren't originally deemed good enough.

    Dawson, Clancy Pearce, De Boer, Sutcliff, Crozier are presently no world beaters. There's eleven players there. Half Freo's team.

    Barlow, Fyfe, Pavlich, Duffield, Mayne, Mzungu, Johnson, Griffin, Ibbotson, Hill, Crowley, McPharlin, Zac Clarke, Pearce, De Boer all played in the team that lost to Melbourne by 89 points two years ago.

    It's amazing what a good coach with great structures and game-plan can do when the players believe and work for their coach. Conversely, the opposite can be true - and dire.

    That is just a gorgeous post

    • Like 1
  15. Salary and injuries aside, Garry Lyon was no "coulda-been"

    Best and Fairest - 1990, 1994

    All Australian - 1993, 1994, 1995

    Captain - 1991 - 1997

    Leading Goalkicker - 1994, 1995

    Grand Final team - 1988

    Night Premiership - 1987, 1989

    Best First Year Player - 1986

    Team of the Century member

    Media Association Player of the Year - 1995

    Victorian state player - 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994 1995

    Yep, what a hack ;)

    You can't prepare for injuries in a contact sport unfortunately its just one of those things that happens and happens to all clubs.

    I think it hits us worse than most due honour lack of depth.

    If you knew that the Pav and Sandi would be out all year who would rate the Dockers this highly? Shows how good they are... And how good we ain't

  16. I love Joely Mac just for his attack on the pill and have been saying for a while he should be played as a defensive half forward.

    The reasons being not only he works his backside off to beat his man one on one but his kicking and decision making won't hurt us so much if he is putting it forward rather than clearing from defence.

    I think he offers a lot more there than Dunn and his wannabe agro.

  17. The two boys you mentioned were both high risk high reward, very sad they didn't work out but both are involved in some of my most enjoyable moments of being a supporter over the last few years. Even when we were bad, they entertained and gave a reason to go to the games.

    Would love that Pennant if you could complete a report for us, would be simply fantastic

    Cheers mate

  18. How could he possibly be worse than 50% of our list!

    Take him


    I shuttered at the thought of picking him last year thinking it was the last thing our young list would need. I also had an opinion that he would never make anything of himself, just have a sulk and we would never hear of him again.

    Now I haven't seen him play this year at all, Pennant St Dee you have and say he doesn't work hard off the ball. Surely this is something you learn more as you get older? Considering there is no tagging allowed in TAC comps (and I am sure it's the same in the WA equivalent) I'd say most players out of these systems don't work hard enough off the ball when they come into the big leagues.

    Once upon a time Demonland was split between who to make captain for our beloved dees. Brad Green or Aaron Davey. There was a lot of faith in Flash being able to complete the job. Sure he squibbed a contest, struggled breaking a tag and went missing for a couple years but he is still a hugely loved figure around the club and is highly respected by his team mates. Every training session I have been too you can see the way his team mates lift when he does something good. They love him.

    I really think Flash would be super at mentoring Dayle and Dayle would love every moment of the support he would get.

    I think we need to take a punt on him. We desperately need talent, any form and this kid oozes it.

    As a role player (goal kicking FP/FF) he is also exactly what we need. And to be racking up the numbers he is in that sort of quality it's very hard to look past him.

    • Like 1
  19. If you kick the ball low and direct into the forward line instead of high and indiscriminately, you draw your forward to the ball. Two weeks ago in Dawes' first game, I reckon Col kicked the ball over his head about 5 times when a more precise kick would have changed those turnovers into shots at goal (or at the very least given our midfielders time to run into the forward line and lock the ball in there.

    What should happen is we run the ball out of defence, give the ball to our best ball users and hit up a leading forward (Dawes, Howe, Tapscott, whoever is in there), who then wheels around and kicks it either to a marking contest where we have the numbers or to another leading foward.

    Sylvia just gets the ball and either tries to break the lines unsuccessfully or kicks a high up-and-under rainmaker to no-one. The way he plays will usually see him kick a ripper goal once a week, but he could be far more valuable by exercising a little restraint.

    I predicted before our Richmond game that our delivery into the forward-line would be much better with Sylvia out. Lo-and-behold it was; at one stage we were kicking a goal every time we went in there. Surely we have to ask ourselves why that was.

    I want us to keep him, but we simply need to use him better. That's all.

    I agree with where you say what 'should' happen out of the back line, that's where we need Watts & Strauss to really come along but I have my worries there.

    Against Gold Coast I sat on the forward flank at the Punt Road end and I can remember him kicking the ball twice over Dawes head (noting he was battling two Suns) to big Maximus who also was continually out numbered. I thought Dawes was used as more of the decoy in his first outing then a CHF. Not sure if this was Col's random thinking or more of a team strategy. By this stage Howe was behind the pill and Tappy was just lumbering around.

    I do remember once however he didn't lower the eyes and kicked it 50m to no one but I still think that's just panic footy with little other option.

    The delivery was better against the Tiges as I am not sure they really turned up to play and we gave it everything... for once. Also the fact Flash got a few touches makes a massive difference.

    But back on topic, although our Colin is a curious case, I really think we can't afford to lose him

  20. I think it would be great to get Daisy and we should but he is not the so called 'A grader' that we need. Is he a hard at it midfielder who would inpire and mentor our young draftees? If he is the best we can get so be it but I think we would still need an 'A grade mid' who crashes into packs (congestion), good by foot and would be and inspiration and mentor to our youth. Even an ageing Chris Judd would look a saint in our midfield and be more use to than us he is to Carlton (they have lots of mids and he generally plays up forward). Daisy alone is just not the answer we need someone who can win their own ball but also be able to dispose of it (to compliment Jones).

    I really rate Daisy (as my previous comments probably suggest) and I think he is an A grader but is just over shadowed in that outfit by Swan and Pendlebury who are two of the very best. I would love us to chase him and chase him hard.

    I do agree however with your query around would he inspire/mentor our younger players. I don't know anything about him off the field honestly but it's a good point.

    Instead of Judd, what are your thoughts on Simon Black? As from his effort as a sub for a quarter and last weeks first half against the bombers all I can say (and still say after 12 years of watching him) is WOW!!

  21. If Col can stop destroying his teammates' good work by bombing the ball over the heads of our forwards or getting caught in tackles, he might become a useful player. Until then, he's one of the many reasons we can't seem to collect long chains of possessions; he turns the ball over far too often for someone with his skill level.

    He's a pretty good player, but unfortunately he isn't as good as he thinks he is - and that is his downfall. We need to keep him if possible, but we have to learn how to use him better.

    And kick the pill to who?? The endless amount of team mates who spread for him?

    I'd rather him kick down the line 55m for a 5% chance of a mark then kick it sideways/backwards for a 5% chance to retain it.

    No one has ever brought up his kicking ability before and he is easily still one of the best kicks in the team. It's just this year the options when he has the pill have dried up.

  22. I must completely over rate some players after reading some of the comments in these threads for those people who think Daisy is soft and the Col is not needed.

    I wonder what he really has to do to earn the respect of some people here, it sounds like anything under 30 touches and 5 goals is not good enough.

    Let's all agree that he is never going to be that star player, he will never win a brownlow and he will probably never win a coaches award for being the king of 1 percenters like our Jordie continually does. Also, he is not a leaders boot lace but that's not his fault. Some people are born with it, others aren't. Why should be try turn him into one?? Memories of Brad Green flood back.

    He is a genuine HFF who has stints on the ball, ala Chappy or Stevey J and no I am not putting him anywhere near the standards of those two but his position should be similar 75% in the forward line with a chop out on the ball. Maybe if the ball was forward a bit more we would see some more Col action.

    Now from the half way mark last year (and after coming back from a big injury pre season) he averaged 22 touches and a goal a game which I don't think is to bad in a team that was complete filth.

    This year, removing the Essendon disgrace and noting our team is even worse than last year he is still averaging 20 touches and a goal. This is his limit and I don't know why so many would be happy to see a player getting these numbers leave.

    Most will say that he is continually kicking long to no one which watching, yes I agree, but also from being at the games he has stuff all options to kick to, we all agree there is no spread and without Clarke or Dawes I'd probably rather kick it to an opposition player than Sellar as well.

    We continually cry out for decent grade mids and the one player we have with some talent people are happy to see the back of.

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