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Posts posted by deeko

  1. I really like Nicho after this effort.

    He must know it's going to be hard for him to crack more games going forward but I love the way he always seems to give it everything he's got which you can't help but admire.

    Even if he is not getting a game he sets the fitness bar high and makes people chase him all the time which at least is a positive.

    Same as Bail, they mightn't be quite good enough but at least they are fair dinkum in giving it there all.

    • Like 2
  2. Sydney of 05 had a very handy back up ruckman in Jason Ball & from memory he retired after the GF and Stephen Doyle was back up the following season. Pretty sure Ryan O'Keefe played mostly as a forward back then and as you say Hall & Micky O were the two main targets with the resting ruckman. Amon Buchanan & Schneider were two small forwards they had.

    Thanks Pennant.

    Can't recall Doyle at all and don't remember clunking many grabs inside the forward 50. So really it was Hall, a non threatening ruckman, to mid sized forwards in O'Keefe and Micky O and some smalls.

    In comparison we are hugely top heavy unless we go long and quick.

    Very exciting how Roos will play it out.

  3. Struggle to understand why people are underwhelmed with Jones re-signing. He might not be a star but guess what, he was (according to our coaches) our 4th best player last season.

    We have to continue holding on to our good players and get over our dream of kids coming on with 'potential' and playing players before they are ready or before they have earnt it. It's this line of thinking which I believe has stuffed so much development so far.

    It's this thinking in which we let go players like Moloney and Rivers, who with all there faults, were very good players and we need more and more good players so these kids with 'potential' actually have to force there way in to the squad.

    I'd much rather Matt Jones playing in the guts getting his 20-25 touches a game rather than playing the Toump (who clearly wasn't ready) and watch him get completely smashed physically (and mentally) why he picks up his dozen or so touches.

    Although I can't see Matt Jones winning any All Australian spots anytime soon, I still believe he is firmly entrenched within our best 22. Let's see if Salem, Toump, Tappy, Blease etc are good enough to take his spot.

    • Like 1
  4. Roos game-plan won't be the same as the one he had at Sydney. It wouldn't be the same if he was still coaching Sydney. There's also no doubt that Longmire got them to attack more. This was broadly canvassed years ago.

    Naturally there will be strong elements of the Sydney game-plan, as that's how Roos believes footy should be played. Premierships are won by defence and he'll build from there.

    I think the exciting thing with the game plan here will be the big forwards we have in comparison to the Swans had while he was in charge.

    From memory the Swans key forwards were Hall & Micky O. Can't recall who the second ruck man was which would have seen Jolly rest down there although I am sure he would have from time to time. O'Loughlin was hardly big anyway. Am I missing another obvious big forward?

    I thought Sydney played some super exciting football last year under Longmire going long and direct but I suppose its easier when he had a few more bigs to play with picking up Tip, having the Canadian come on and cameos from Reid and Goodes playing predominately forward.

  5. Improvers;

    1. Trengove. I think he will remind us why he was so highly rated this year and return to where he should be along the natural progression stages. Is tough and skilled and will remind us early how good he is. For those who think he is slow, I saw him last week in a busy cafe and we both did the bolt for the last available table dodging waitresses, patrons and tables requiring speed and agility. He got me by a couple seconds and I had the easier run. You magnificent b@stard Jack

    2. The Toump. He is fit and he is hungry. I don't think he will ever be a big 30+ possession winner where those comparing him to Wines will complain as he will be. Fortunately though the Toump will be making forwards lick there lips when he runs at them with the pill in hand. Has so much polish that it's silly. Will have some really damaging games this year and will make opposition teams worry.

    3. Blease & Tapscott. I put them together as they are both similar. Both have gotten worse the longer they have been on our list which I think says something. They both have favorable traits that we need however I think both lost the passion to play a bit. All they have to do is get about 14 touches a game to receive a 50% increase in return which as an investment I like. Whether they get a game however will be interesting. Along with Strauss, this must be close to there last go at it. (I didn't mentions Strauss at all as I don't rate him at all). I have good memories of a nearly 30 possie game for Blease against the Suns a couple years back where I thought, 'finally he has arrived' and love Tappys courage reminiscing of him in the back pocket taking a solid grab backing back then getting up and brushing it off. Both are clearly better players then where they finished last year.


    1. Jordie Mc. I love Jordie so this is hard to say but he probably doesn't do enough to warrant a game. His tagging ability seems fine but he just never hurts oppositions on the offensive. Still I'll never be upset if he is named as at least you know he is fair dinkum when he is playing.

    2. Bail. I have always like Ro but I think his scone will force him to call it quits.

    3. Dunn. I just don't get what he brings to the side and why so many here rate him. People crap on about how he never loses a one on one marking duel which when you are the height of a key position player defending the oppositions 4th tall you would bloody well hope he doesn't lose one. I can't recall him taking a pack mark with the dukes out, can't recall him putting his body on the line, can't recall him doing anything of merit other than some good games against GWS or a helpless Tiges a few years back. He has been around long enough now to make one of many spots he could play his own, he hasn't.

  6. Well there's were we'll disagree. I've seen cocky Geelong players do it from time to time (maybe only once a game or two). It looks great when it comes off as it speeds up the play and leave the oppos flat-footed. It takes confidence and skill which maybe Pedo doesn't have IF that was what he was trying to do.

    I'm also inclined to give Pedo the benefit of the doubt because I don't recall seeing him do it again.

    I appreciate you giving him the benefit of the doubt Sue but from playing a lot of footy there is no player in the world who would risk tapping an uncontested mark down to someone to keep the play moving. Also, there is no coach in the world who would recommend this as the risk is simply to great for only a small reward (gaining a quarter of a second).

    I have seen Stevey J move the ball on similiar many times but when he does it the ball is still in motion and its not an uncontested marking situation.

    Pedo looked scared here, nothing less nothing more. If I was an opposition player I would have absolutely given it to him here and make him remember it, if I was a team mate after watching that I would have been nothing less than incredibly embarrassed. Just like I was as a supporter.

  7. However his best game for the year was against the Cats, go figure.

    That's because the cats paid absolutely zero respect for him and let him do his own thing all game. Just like the did with Gysberts so I wouldn't be to excited by this game he played.

    Still, I am a big fan and think he will be a really good 10 year player. He has an incredible desire to push himself further and a want to get better. You can see this from the way he trains, the way he runs and how he speaks. And unlike a lot of others on our list he has a heap of polish which we desperately need.

    I still have relatively low expectations on him for the 2014 season but expect to see some cracking quarters/halves here and there.

  8. I can't recall the incident, but if the above is true, what the heck is all the fuss about? It is perfectly reasonable to protect your body after you have done what needs to be done for the team. Or are people saying he should have marked it (and then ducked) rather than knock it down? Anyone have the vision?

    It's on youtube Sue if you search for Cam.

    There was no contest and it looks amazingly soft.

  9. My BEST 22 + entire squad!

    Garland Frawley ???

    Cross McDonald Grimes

    Trengove Jones Watts

    Howe Dawes Toumpas

    ??? Clark Hogan

    Jamar Vince Viney

    Int: Tyson, Michie, Gawn, Fitzpatrick

    Players who need to lift to claim the flanker positions: Salem, Blease, Strauss, Evans, Tapscott, Kent, Clisby, Riley, Barry, Hunt, Kennedy-Harris

    Depth: Dunn, Byrnes, Spenser, Pederson, McKenzie, Matt Jones, Bail, Terlich, Nicholson

    Rookies: Harmes, King, Georgiou, Jetta

    I really like the look of this team, but can't see Cross on a HBF however as his kicking probably isn't good enough. He will in and around the guts from the first contest of Rd 1 I would say.

    I'd definitely play Terlich.

    It's also probably a little big. Don't think we can play Dawes, Clark, Hogs, Jamar, Fitz and Gawn in the same team. I'm confident the Rush will turn it on again under Roos and if not, no worries Maximus will take over. I'd say Rush will get first crack though and they can't both play.

    Same feelings this time every year being excitement... and it scares me

  10. Over the last 2 years although the sample size for him is small, Strauss has the best disposal efficiency at the club.

    Nothing better than making wild claims that are completely incorrect!

    Wow.. You really are in a 'haze'.

    His sample size is very small, can't recall many games where he had over 20 touches playing in the easiest spot on the ground around half back.

    Can't see him making it

  11. then outmarking Dunn when he had no right a minute later. Kick came in for Hogan and it was probably going over his head. Dunn had the run up and should have spoiled. Hogan pushed back hard, somehow bumped Dunn and then took it at full stretch in the wet. Would love to see Hogan thrown into a few centre bounces next year a la Jarryd Roughead. Looks like he can just do it all.

    This can't be right, I read many comments by posters here stating Dunn is impossible to out-mark one on one.

    This Hogan kid must be alright

  12. Interested (not salivating) at watching Blease & Tapscott next year. They have both had enough opportunities now to show more than they have.

    Seen enough of Vince and Cross to know what they will bring to the table and very happy.

    As for the three however:

    - Can not wait to see what Jesse will bring to the table.

    - Not sure what Tyson will bring as have't seen him enough

    - Same thoughts at Tyson mirror that of Michie.

    Excited for both Michie and Tyson, just hoping we get our draft/trade period right this time

  13. I'd love to know if there are any specific drills where the backs, mids & forwards are training together so we might get an idea if a certain player will be looking at at new role this year.

    For example, Grimes returning to backline, Tappy up forward or within the mids (if he is ever out of the rehab group) or even Clark having a run around with the Rush and big Spence.

    Thanks guys and gals xo

  14. I loved his hardness however was always nervous when he or any other of his backline comrades had the ball as there we never any movement up ahead (not there fault). Instead he was forced to try pin point near impossible passes. He reminds of Bartram but with with better skills and better beard.

    I like the comparisons between Mullett and himself but feel Mullett would have greater spread and therefore less chance of shanking the kicks.

  15. Agree with most of the above but I am not sure what you mean with that line.

    IMO he has "hurt" us in numerous games I have watched with poor disposal and poor decision making.

    I am not trying to can him, I just think his skill level is low and that will mean he never rises above being a useful tagger.

    Apologies, on having a second look I didn't explain that overly well.

    I meant he wouldn't hurt opposition teams when he has the ball, exactly what you are saying.

  16. There lies the rub Redleg.

    We will know we have a good side when he is struggling to get a game.

    Jordie is the first admit he has all but a freckle (couldn't help myself) of the talent of others in the team and league. Still doesn't stop him diving head first into packs, tackling at will and doing everything he can to stop his opponent.

    I like him being around as he sets a standard for people to follow and his endeavor is unquestionable.

    He actually received a lot more of the pill in his first few years and is a better player (like most) that what has been shown over the last 24 month disaster, but he will never hurt teams.

    As you said OD, look forward to the day he isn't good enough to get a game but in the meantime I have no worries with him in the 22.

    Everyteam needs a ranger

  17. Dreams are made of this hardtack

    It would just be a simply gorgeous scenario wouldn't it :wub:

    Unfortunately over the last couple seasons they have done very well with there recruiting/list management and I think they will up around the top half for at least the next few years to come.

    Still, we can always dream of a better, happier place.

  18. I was there and will happily answer any questions regarding my observations.

    Or not.


    Have they completed any drills which sees backs working together, forwards together and mids? If so, was there any surprises with a player being in a different group? Like Terlich in the mids, Grimes back with the defenders etc.


  19. Good God...That really does sum up the last 7 years in one frame.....We recruited little babies...The others recruited men.

    The Red & Blueprint.

    Josh Hunt lost all his 'men attributes' when he short armed a contest running back in the flight. He went out and got a full sleeve of ink done to try gain some toughness.

    If you took off you rose-coloured glasses, and stopped clapping so loud, you might have heard the negative doomday forecasts about Cale.

    I don't want to be seen as a Cale fan as I was quite happy when we delisted him as it was obvious he wasn't going to be good enough.

    Not sure where I put on any "rose-coloured glasses" or "when I clapped so loud" but obviously in doing so I missed these so called "doomsday forecasts" about Cale during his first year.

    If you could attach some links to articles written in 2008 about how awful Cale would be to enlighten me I would appreciate it.


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