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Posts posted by Deefolt

  1. apparently most of the working dog teams are hardcore dees fans, so much so that i heard a rumour that they did some meetings at dees functions, that is where a few of them met. RoB sitches wife is also a hardcore dee, the woman who used to be on neighbours, jane kennedy i think her name is

  2. i thought this was a brought up thread from a while ago when i saw the title.

    Please tell me OP that you are joking and just wanted to see a reaction. As he has signed a 2 year contract I doubt Melbourne would want to trade him anyway

  3. Just having a look at the ladder last night our wins this year have been against teams in positions (as of now):

    15th x 2, 14th, 13th x 2, 12th, 10th, 5th and a draw against the Top side.

    This needs to be taken into account I believe when rating how we've gone this year.

    also should be taken into account the very close games against 4th position and 1st positiong earlier on in the season.

    Also things dont necessarily mean everything now, when we beat brisbane they didnt have the injuries they do now. That same side beat the first place side. Think must be taken from when we beat them imo not right now.

  4. I'm now sick of the "get into the gym" talk regarding Cale.

    If he's like me, he can do all the gym work in the world and eat everything possible but will struggle to put on weight. It's called a "hard gainer" or, if to be more precise, having a fast metabolism. It's something out of his control. I understand his position!

    There was a twitter talk between the boys (exageration or not) that seems to assume cale should eat a hell of a lot more, the big boys beamer, sylvia etc apparently eat shite loads more then morton. Nothing to do with body me thinks

  5. I'd give the job to Bruce. He's proven to be the best run with player we have at the moment. Probably the best "footy smarts" for the role on Hodge, might just be a little on the short side. Definitely start with Bruce though

    WOOO someone who agrees with me, I think Bruce can do it as well. Hodge isnt THAT quick so brucey should be able to keep up with him

  6. yes, and all those players you've mentioned are better now than they were then. Maloney isn't in and never has been in the same league. Re best 22 I stated a la Julia, moving foward. Don't care bout this year, next year or the one after. Near 50 years of mediocrity or worse. Hope we're building towards a winning a premiership not a repeat of 2000.

    Um okay Tom Lonergon and Mark Blake can get a side but moloney or jones not good enough... wtf?

  7. I cannot believe that some person/organisation has been paid money to come up with such a bland and souless logo. It does not grab my 50 plus years demon heartstrings. A football- how original. A southern cross- great if we were miners. A trident - relevant if King Neptune is a major sponsor. It's too much - less is always more. Thia is typical agency cr--.

    They have already mentioned that this is not the logo and they are bringing back a new demon soooo....

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