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    Joel Macdonald

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Rookie (1/10)



  1. with trade week coming up and a few players available i believe we should make a play for someone. wer at that point in our development where players can actually recognise that we are going to be a force. imo we should either go for mundy or salopek. mundy can be a great player for us and will be an a-grade player pretty soon while salopek is underated in victoria and is at a good age (25).
  2. i also believe they are 1 of the top sides but this is there first time playing in melbourne for 2010 and weve played at the g all season so far. home ground advantage maybe?
  3. our dees take on the red hot lions this week. imo its going to be very difficult to get up with a win but what i would like to see mostly is a willigness to win the ball and compete as we have all season (minus rd 1). although if we do win, it could be seen as a MASSIVE finals push seeing as though our fixture is alot easier compared to other teams eg. port, eagles, north coming up and an easy run home
  4. fellas just dont you worry. jack watts will be an afl superstar at. you must have faith in him now because once he hits his peak and tears apart the league, i hope i dont see all these fans jumping on the banwagon. believe in the KID from now!!
  5. mate gawns got a knee reco thats why he hasnt played and thats why he went at pick 34. dont worry gawn will be good for this club
  6. moloney? grimes? bruce? green? who should be the one to lead us into our next premiership?
  7. one thing about this fella is that he gives his all
  8. Now i know its not very wise to be judging someone who hasnt played a game yet but did we make the right decision to pick up gysberts before a bigger key position player like talia or black? sheedy wrote during the week how a club needs 12 or more midfielders but was it worth giving up a big body who can also play forward or down back? feedback on gysberts form for casey would be appreciated
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