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Everything posted by Retrospective

  1. I have plenty of doubts based on what we've seen in the 12 qtrs of footy MFC players have attended so far this season
  2. No reason for us to wait til the end of the game.... we should be able to rustle up 22 team jumper owning supporters to throw in from the first bounce.... at least there would be an excuse for not knowing the game plan
  3. Agree that we need to keep these 2 but why would they tell him stf all. (If that conversation was had now they'd be more inclined to ask the coach what he'll be doing next year)
  4. being dropped from this rabble for a week would be a reward.
  5. If the club had any brains they'd find a way to motivate and retain obvious talent like Frawley and develop it
  6. According to MN and his cheer squad....everything was hopeless when he came along. Apparently his solution has been to make it worse (much much worse). Who has he devveloped? If you think we are closer to success now than in 2011 you are a true optimist ( or too simple to join the dots) Didnt have a plan A...definitely has no plan B
  7. Nope... the club and internal politics lost the players..... I think Bailey still had them
  8. They should be told that the beards must stay til we win a game........FARK...I'm getting a vision of the future The Age April 26 2025: Jack Watts (above) says "We are getting closer to that win.. we've just got to stick together and work on the simple things"
  9. He'd be better off to wait another fortnight.... then he'll be able to ring all the remaining supporters in an hour
  10. I expect there'll be plenty of focus on Watts being subbed off......... Might as well have painted a huge bullseye on Jack whilst pulling leaves and bushes over the rest of the farce
  11. We've already been down the path of sacking our way to success.......to much cheering here..this is supposed to be the mid point of that strategy delivering fruit...
  12. DM '...so just take me through it one more time......we get hold of the ball ....then what was the other thing?' MN "....let's cross that bridge when we get to it..."
  13. What happened to all the " Great stuff here we go really changing things up .....cutting out the dead wood...getting really fit....bringing in new culture with mature age recruits who can teach our boys professionalism" Blah blah blah It can't all fall at MN's feet, the players didn't help him look any good today. But that didn't save Bailey. How does losing to PTA (who won 1.5 games more than us last year, and have imploded) , by 13 goals in round one at home at the G compare to going down by 186 away to Geelong. At least DB delivered to his plan.... got early picks (which we squandered)
  14. "Take the bull by the tail" "it's been a game of two halves". Surprisingly enough And non football related "...they misunderestimated me....". GW Bush
  15. the way we have been travelling over the last 5 years you'd reckon we would be able to deal with a season in chaos and a long off season.....and potentially would have exhausted the well of low brow threads. Alas it is not so......prepare yourself for months more of this in the lead up to 2013 when the plan all suddenly clicks and we start to win a few games !
  16. Can you make a "banner" with just one player?
  17. so if it's all about the experience of the side why: sack bailey.... surely we just had to sit back and wait while the necessary "games into the kids" strategy delivered success Chop Green hold onto draft picks to get young talent... Because its more complicated than just experience. I've seen this stuff floated before and while it is part of the explanation for our current situation it's not 'the answer" and to me it does start to sound like excuse time And the concept that this season is an improvement on last is farcical.... It's not... it is a 'orrible orrible season and a bitter disapointment.....doesnt mean that Bailey was going to get us there either but don't tell me that what is being dished up this season is an improvement
  18. His contract is coming up ......Are we going to look at other options or just annoint? Check if there are others we should consider? Interview someone else? That doesn't mean his term should not be extended.... he may in fact be the best guy for the job. But how about we go out and check One thing for sure.....if we don't consider anyone else then he will be the bet option on the short list of one.
  19. According to the commonly held views here CFH you need to: cut deep and get rid of half the burger... even if it was ok last time go for veal ... the youth option get someone else to use the ingredients to remake the burger....but as a Kebab cos that is the way the restaurant up the street did it 2 years ago just keep going for the next 5 years in the hope that one day the burger will actually be better remember the one option not available is to simply go to a different restaurant that gives you what you need......dees supporters are made of sterner stuff
  20. It is not just how bad are we now.....I'm more depressed by the complete absence of improvement....I reckon we are worse now than we were at the start of the season.
  21. His inability to compete with the players he has available to him is real worry. So far been able to reduce the capabilities of the list. The argument that he doesn't have the best list in footy misses the point....power clubs build ability into all their players....not just the handful of stars. We are going the other way atm.....reducing the guys that we had hopes pinned on to plodders...Neeld deserves time to get it right but his side needs to be showing a lot more by mid next season or his performance needs to be reviewed by those that matter
  22. Matt Bate is living testament to our inability to nurture and develop talent. Has been played in any and every position over his career, including as a lead up forward for ages with a team that consistently kicked over his head, in between stints in the 2's MFC has been unable to either rectify his weaknesses or build on his strengths. Suspect his career would have been significantly different at any other club. He highlights our deficiencies as a club....(how do you think Judd would be going if he'd come to us.....I expect he'd be being discussed as trade bait!)
  23. Neeld has not delivered what he promised.... Yet. Perhaps he will, maybe he won't. He is not some protected species, any more than the players are. Right now we are terrible and there is very little improvement to be seen. To say Neeld didn't know the list and infer that he was some how surprised by the talent he had to work with is disingenuous... he was in the industry and coaching against this side, and put himself up for the job...if he didn't understand what he was signing up for he is completely responsible for that. Between the players and the football department this team has somehow managed to get WORSE this season. Players recruited on the basis of their demonstrated skill and capability suddenly can't play and a coach recruited on the basis of demonstrated ability can't coach.......what does that say? To me it is sign of a deeper failure in the organisation when individuals can't deliver their best. The answer unfortunately is not a simple as sack the players or sack the coach.
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