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Mozzie Bear

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Posts posted by Mozzie Bear

  1. RIP Robbie Flower

    Condolences to your family, friends, to all those connected with the Melbourne Football Club

    I've heard the word loyalty mentioned in connection with Robbie since this sad announcement was made. At a time when the MFC was not travelling well, there was a magnificent and graceful player who devoted his football career to one team and became a legend. Thank God for your loyalty and commitment to the MFC. Rest in Peace.

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  2. I was very excited today with that little glimmer of a possible massive upset against the number one team in the comp. I'm sad we didn't do it in the end but thrilled that we are now a competitive team giving themselves every chance to win. To come so close against Port is a great effort. I am looking forward to next week and every week after because now I will be listening with every hope that we can win will win more games this year.

    I'm a happy little demon and everyone else should be too.

    • Like 6
  3. I am beside myself with joy. Every week I think we are getting better and better. After the game today my 90 year old Mum had the theme song on repeat and she has really seen the good teams of the past. It makes me even more happy to see the joy she has when we win after the last few years of total pain and devastation. I think we will need to start a thread for Roosy to stay - please stay....he is our messiah and dare I say, in front of the Reverend. Another thing that gives me great joy is seeing the positive comments from everyone tonight about all the players who have been lambasted over the last few years. It just goes to show how important a leader of Roos calibre is to the team and their ability to produce good competitive football. I bet the teams we are yet to play are no longer thinking we will be an easy win. Bring on Port Adelaide.

    • Like 7
  4. I'm a happy person right now. Didn't expect a win but how wonderful is it - feels like we just won a premiership. Ok, the season hasn't stared yet but there is hope. What a difference the new boys made especially Bernie Vince and the young lads. I think I will go and have a good cry now while I sing the song again. Thank you Paul Roos for giving the boys their spirit back.

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  5. There was an article in the Sun stating the buglar would not be at the MCG and would only play at other venues. Don't know why. Personally, I liked the buglar. I like hearing the song before the game - gets me in the mood so to speak....I don't know why he has become so devisive!

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  6. I love David. I love that he has dealt with his addiction and shares his story with so many. It is a credit to his strength of character that he has hit rock bottom and come out the other end. sometimes it is the challenges of life and our frailties that truely become the message to be shared for others to learn. My hat dips to the big man and think there but for the grace of god go I. Hope Melbourne offer him a mentoring role to one of young fellas.

  7. I'm loving the Darwin reports and seeing the boys run around. I'm getting a bit excited about the year to come. Have always thought these trips are about the bonding not the benefit of high altitude - especially not at this time of year with so much time before the season starts. Good work Matt - keep it up - tuning in every day...

  8. It's a grand old flag tonight....happy for the boys, happy for the coach, happy for the supporters - so happy to see the boys try their guts out all night and how great to see their response at the end of the game especially that big smile on Mitchs face, fantastic.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm a disappointed too but we seem to have gone from wanting to savie the club following the Energy Watch debacle to eating our own.

    In the last six months we have appointed a new coach, a new football department, fitness coach and heavens knows what. The world has changed in more ways than one for this group. They are learning a new game plan and have totally different expectations on them both individually and as a team.

    The last month has been horrendous both on and off the field BUT I am not burying my team just yet. I have to have hope that this group will learn to work together just as Neeld plans. I will not give up and neither should you - any of you. Instead I intend to look for the positives and they will always be there. Magner has been a great find but we can also ask why he is succeeding where others are failing and perhaps the answer lies in the fact he is a mature player, given a great opportunity and that he is not scarred by what has gone before.

    I will be patient and hopefully there will be joy for us before the season ends. If not, I will shed a tear or more, crack a bottle of wine and think of the future.

    • Like 3
  10. RIP Jim

    Condolences to Sam, his children and family

    We have such great admiration for all the work you have done for the Melbourne Football Club and for the wider community through Reach.

    You will be missed but you will also be remembered for the wonderful human being you were.

    What a privilege it has been to have you as a significant part of our club - indeed to save it. We couldn't imagine our lives without Melbourne FC as a great part of it.

    Love you Jim.

    Helen and Maureen

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  11. does anyone know where you can listen to game abc doing football park, sen doing football park ch 10 doing football park don't have pay tv

    3Aw and Triple M also you can go to the AFL website and listen online - this is what I am doing!

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