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Rookie (1/10)



  1. Heard the interview. Quite the well spoken young man, was good to hear his perspective on his game and size (or lack thereof). Did expect that he would have bulked up more over the preseason so was alittle disapointed there, but he is working on it, and he's only 19, so lots of time to grow into his body. He is one of the few midfielders we have with any height so lets hope he continues to progress.
  2. Some good and bad points for today, competitiveness (which we all know is Bailey's favourite word) was up and the boys had a real go. I was however disapointed with some of the skills and decision making throughout the day. We were ensured that those key areas would be improved, and perhaps they were, but alot of work still to be done, but I guess thats not news to anyone. Just want to see the improvement continue and something has to be done with the forward structure, or lack of, as it might have been.
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