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Everything posted by RudeBoy

  1. Just for the record, Liam was nominated, not only for being the first ever fully initiated Aboriginal to play AFL, and the first from the desert region of Central Australia, but also for his work as a teenager in mentoring other young Warlpiri people to get off booze and drugs, working with the Mt Theo program. To have already won the award for the northern Territory is an enormous honour. In most year's he'd be a likely national winner, but this year he's up against a Victoria Cross medalist from the war in Afghanistan, so I don't like his chances.
  2. I can assure you all that Collingwood had lost interest in Liam, which is why they never arranged for him to be nominated for the national draft. Rupert Betheras, myself and a couple of others then pestered the AFL to allow him to nominate for the PSD. Melbourne had first pick and the rest is history.
  3. Being quiet and reserved amongst strangers should not be confused with being introverted. I made the same mistake when I first met Liam, thinking he was extremely shy. FWIW, a couple of the assistant coaches have told me that Liam is probably the most extroverted player on the Demon's list when he's amongst the players.
  4. I know I get carried away, but don't anyone dare underestimate the leadership potential of the Warlpiri Wizard. Liam is a natural leader, who captained the senior Yuendumu Football club at 19yrs. I've seen him revving up his team in the huddle on numerous occasions and he is incredibly inspirational. Give him a year or two, and then he should be considered for the leadership group.
  5. After being overlooked in the national draft, it was inevitable that the Gold Coast would pounce. It would have been great to have the two Warlpiri warriors, playing as bookends, so to speak, but alas, it was not to be. Good luck to the young man.
  6. He might still get picked up as a rookie in the PSD.
  7. As teenagers he and LJ used to be rivals, a la Carey vs Jacovich. LJ certainly rates him. He doesn't quite have the silk of LJ, but if anything he's quicker and has an even bigger leap. He'll need some fattening up, but he could be an exciting player, in the mould of Daryl White.
  8. Believe me he's already bulked up considerably with pure muscle. I sound like a broken record I know, but you ain't seen nothing yet. The Jurrah jet will take off in 2010. Whatever you do, make sure you're at the 'G' for round 2 - against the Pies.
  9. I've just been notified that the channel 7 special on Jimmy's journey, with Liam to Yuendumu will be aired this sunday night at 6.30pm.
  10. Keep your eye out for his cousin Liam Patrick from the Warlpiri community of Lajammanu.
  11. Liam Patrick is a great player, very fast and possesses a phenomenal leap, perhaps even out doing LJ in that regard, if that's possible. However, his overall skills lack the silk of LJ. Overall, he' be a great pick up. Seems the Hawks are also interested in drafting him. His chances of succeeding in the AFL, however, would be far better at Melbourne where his cousin is located. Here's hoping.
  12. Martin Flanagan should have a story in The Age tomorrow, so I don't want to spoil his thunder. However, let me just express a huge thanks to the MFC for inviting me to accompany them on such an amazing journey. As most of you know, I have been to Yuendumu before and have had a relationship with their community and Liam's family in particular, for around 7 yrs, but to re-visit there in the company of Jim Stynes was an enormous privilege. The club will no doubt report on the trip in their own time, but it was clear that the main purpose of the trip was to pay their respect to Liam's family and community, to better understand his background and culture and to reassure the people in Yuendumu that his Melbourne 'family' are taking good care of their beloved and favourite son. I suspect this visit may turn out to be the start of a long-term relationship between the MFC and the Yuendumu community. Channel 7, with Tim Watson, were also there, preparing a lengthy story on Liam and Jimmy, which probably won't go to air until March next year. As Japaljarri reported, last night also saw Liam win the NT Young Australian of the Year, which means he is one of 6 finalists for the Australia-wide young person of the year. I'm happy to provide a few more details on the trip, but I'll wait until after the story comes out in The Age tomorrow. One thing's for sure, you should all be proud of the Melbourne football Club for their commitment to the core values of respect and integrity. As the foundation stones for the re-building of a club, you can't find better than that.
  13. I'm going up to Yuendumu with Liam early this week, so I'll post a report on the trip later in the week.
  14. There's no definitive answer to such a question, as its a subjective call. To me, Liam is definitely a star, but to others, not quite yet. It seems to me that there are two aspects of a star player - neither of which correlate to being the best player. Firstly, 'star power', to me is a trait which attracts crowds. In Hollywood, for instance, Sylvestor Stallone is a 'star', though clearly not the worlds greatest actor. This year, Liam became a star for the Demons, evidenced by the excitement and thrills he provided for Demon fans. Make no mistake, he is a drawcard. On one level, that makes him a star of the game. Secondly, in pure football terms, a star player is one - not necessarily the club's best player - who is capable of changing the course of a game off their own boot. As opposed to some great accumulators of the ball, these players are capable of doing freakish things, unpredictable, and brilliant things, which others cannot do. This makes them a star player. Although LJ only played 9 games, I reckon he showed aspects of these traits in almost every game he played - despite being regularly benched when he looked like taking a game apart! In summary, there's no right or wrong answer, but to my way of thinking Liam is already a star player without doubt.
  15. What makes a star is a subjective opinion. In my books, a star player is someone who people go to watch play. That's star power, and Liam already has it in spades. Is he Melbourne's best player? Certainly not, but I reckon he's already the Demons biggest star.
  16. Too right he's a star. This is a kid who travelled 300 kms from the desert to get on a plane and come to Melbourne to try out in the VFL at the end of 2007. He then turned his back on Collingwood's VFL team to return home to care for his best mate who was dying of cancer. Then he puts his hand up to get drafted to a club where he knows no-one and to live in a big city completely removed from his family and friends, where he has no-one with whom he can speak his own language. Too right he's a star. I first saw Liam play 4 yrs ago at Yuendumu and was stunned at his ability, poise and self confidence on the field. Remember, he has never completed a pre-season training regimen, so next year he'll be bigger, stronger and fitter. Naturally I'm biased, but within 2 years he'll be the biggest name in the AFL - bar none.
  17. I don't know, but my guess is that someone at the club probably suggested to LJ, that it might be a good idea for him to take over Robbo's jumper. He would have considered it an honour. He was certainly very happy last night.
  18. Believe it. I was there and several people at my table nearly fell off their chairs at hearing his words. He was pretty fired up. On another topic, Liam Jurrah was thrilled to win the best first year player award, and to get Robbo's jumper.
  19. If anyone is interested on SBS tonight at 10.30pm, you can watch Liam present an award with Michael O'loughlin at the Aboriginal 'Deadly Awards', which was held at the Sydney opera House on Thursday. Liam was also nominated for the 'most promising sportsman', but the Sydney centric organisers, gave it to a rugby league player instead. Still it was a terrific achievement for LJ to even be nominated.
  20. If he can do a swap, it would be wonderful if he could get number 15. It is the 'Jurrah number' in central Australia, worn by his father Leo, and by Liam at Yuendumu.
  21. Fwiw, Liam Jurrah could not get back into training quick enough. He's returned from Central Australia, fresh as a daisy and raring to go. I predict a very, very big year for our Warlpiri warrior in 2010.
  22. As someone close to Liam Jurrah, I am overjoyed to hear of Flash's 4 yr signing. Let the good times roll!
  23. Thanks to all the Dees supporters who have embraced Liam in his first year of AFL footy. He's at a great club, and I truly reckon he'll be much, much better next year after he's completed his first pre-season training. He's absolutely loving his time at the Dees, surrounded by a great bunch of teammates and coaches. I've said it before, but i'll say it again...the best is yet to come!
  24. Martin Flanagan has been very supportive of Liam Jurrah's journey, dating back to early 2007 when he did a story on Liam's first visit to Melbourne. He's a genuinely top bloke. Having had a bit to do with the Demons football department this year, I can only echo his comments on the club's unity and the quality of the people. Make no mistake, the Dees are in good shape and in good hands.
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