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About BfmV20

  • Birthday 20/02/1990

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  1. HAHAHAHA oh man 3 cheers for the demonland posters who have ripped this guy to pieces LOL Although i reckon people should ease up a tad, this guys probably driving to the west gate now after he's read all this and woken up and realised who he is barracking for and what he has just done!!! bahahahahah
  2. Haha like many others you have given me my highlight for the day. And all this coming after your pathetic (understatement) performance on the weekend. And you say we've managed to win a premiership every 12.5 years..or something?...when do you see Fremantles next premiership coming?... even the most optimistic supporter of your club wouldn't give you much chance of winning one in the...well lets just say future. Oh and still to this day, no one will, and ever care for the mighty dockers.
  3. We'll see whos laughing in a few yrs...but yes right now we are a joke
  4. If only i had a computer of my own to protect...
  5. HAHAHAHAHA I was just about to post that exact same thing, exactly, i got home yesterday and opened it up with joy thinking about time cos ive signed up for the first time this yr and everything was fine until i saw half the bloody thing was st kilda stuff!!, like the stickers, fridge magnet and some other things... WTF!! Now i do find it slightly hilarious, but seriously, give me a break, even if they were done in china or some other country, how can this even happen?! Melbourne better fix this or i wont be a happy little chappy
  6. for sure we'll win by at least 10 goals, at least
  7. Barcelona FC do something similar aswell, when they finally decided to get a shirt sponsor a couple of years ago, they decided to sponser unicef and put their logo on their tops, whilst paying unicef around 1 million a year or so, or something along those lines
  8. All i can say is, thats what you get...for all you paramore fans p.s article in yesterdays Herald Sun if anyone is wondering
  9. What a pointless topic. Your post doesn't match the heading, and if you think thats why we finished last in 2008 then god have mercy on us all
  10. Pick No. 1 - Melbourne - Ben Cousins
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