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Everything posted by Demon16

  1. I'd be very careful trading pick one for 3 if warnock is part of that deal. we've all said we would be happy with any one of watts, rich or nat, but if we get warnock, freo take rich, w.c take watts.......i'm not sure we would even want nik nat.
  2. even harder to believe that the premiers of 2 years ago scored 1 goal in the last 2 1/2 quarters against us last week and lost by 5 goals. if they were tanking surely you can make it look better than that.
  3. ahhh yes, those glasses look exactly the same.
  4. i think left footers in general are waaaaaaay overrated.
  5. agreed. most of those players with aggression put their body on the line too much (brown, dermie etc) and as good as they are, they ain't here long enough.
  6. if he actually did say he's up for a new challenge (hopefully the hardest of them all!) then he should be chased hard.
  7. no more so than woey i wouldn't think.
  8. i would trade one of bruce or green for a pick inside 20, but not both, we need to keep one of them.
  9. lets not get too carried away with Waldron. whilst i quite like the guy, he arrived at the storm when they were in very good shape, and i'm not sure he looks in the rearview mirror too often after he left richmond and st.kilda.
  10. i think it's way too early to call with melbourne and essendon. think back only a few short years when steve johnson was almost traded, cam mooney an average forward, milburn was just a player and bartel treading water. i would think 3/4 of melbourne's team should be given at least another 2 years. they only young players under question are the ones that have been there 3years+, and aside from silvia and bell, i can't think of many.
  11. fair call. those that have seen more of sandy than i would know better, but i'm not sure he did anything to justify a return. then he again he might still have been our only option to replace jamar.
  12. i really hope jeff white wasn't thinking like that. guys that don't care or don't put in or don't play for the jumper should be weeded out of our football club, jeff white or any player on the list regardless of their level of development. i was soo disappointed with the way white played last night. i understand he is close to the end, but , to get another opportunity (probably last) and to dish up that rubbish was absolutley pathetic from an experienced player. i have never regarded white as a champion, he's been a very good footballer for the melbourne football club. after a performance like last night i've lost significant respect for him.
  13. you gotta give the guy some credit though, yes he turns it over at times but when he breaks the lines it's really the only time we look like doing something creative. he will be a key part of our future imo.
  14. keeping things in perspective a result like this was always on the cards. we are a developing side to begin with let alone the players we had missing, who i need not list as we all know who they are. players that stood out for me were maric, valenti, buckley, junior, pj was ok as was warnock and martin given the constant pressure. oh and jeff white stood out, but for other reasons............
  15. hmmmmmmmmm you saw something that i didn't
  16. will david neitz kick a bag again? hmmmmmmm
  17. exactly. should also be noted that whilst a.f.l players get paid very well, they also have a short amount of time to earn the money they do unless they have other career paths, which many don't. brilliant gesture from brock.
  18. it's a hard decision. not sure how long the current wait is, but i know it's ugly. do you pay the $550 odd a year for bugger all in the hope that you might use it more down the track? or chuck it in, put your name down again and hope it comes around before your 6 feet under?
  19. agreed, and i cut c.j some slack because he is obviously taking longer to develop than most. c.j had the size from day one at the club, but the confidence has come in the last 5 weeks. if he melts the first time the heat is on, i'll tilt my hat to you.
  20. i didn't know we ever had one for what it's worth, i'm an mcc member and a full mfc member who is considering chucking in the mcc membership my father put me down for when i born with ian ridley as a signee, because i don't need it with mfc membership.
  21. i'm sure you have seen, as i have, cale morton pull out of contests, but that is ok because he's younger and smaller than c.j? i understand the difference between finals football and home and away, but that does'nt mean every player on our list has to be as hard as nails. i have seen plenty of soft players have a major impact on finals (eg.michael long) who have done so because they have SOME hard players around them. i just think c.j is just now starting to adjust to the tempo of the game and feels comfortable, so who are we to stay his development stops here? lets judge him 12 months down the track rather than 5 weeks after he's started playing good footy. btw, i have seen bradley, long etc pull out of plenty of contests. when long used to stick his leg out into an opponent to avoid contact, was as weak as shirking a contest imo, and he used to do it all the time.
  22. i know what you mean in terms of dollars, but we do also get a monetary subsidy from the mcc which is around 500k i believe. that would go some way to balancing the cheap mcc/mfc membership.
  23. you stated johnson was soft, i gave 3 examples of "champion" players, 2 of which are premiership players who are soft and the best you can come up with is "rubbish". it's an ill informed comment in your eyes (as is virtually everything anyone says that isn't the same as an opinion held by your good self) only because you cannot tell me soft players can often be champion players or major contributers to a premiership side.
  24. nice argument. now i'm convinced. rubbish............... wtf is that?
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