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Posts posted by snarler

  1. its baileys job to make sure the players dont get complacent! make an example of players who make silly errors. when i played footy, if you made a mistake you were dragged and spoken to. simple.he is responsible for player behaviour. he is the coach.

  2. he had a bad game. when you have no options and no movement he is pressured to kick without thought. its poor coaching i reckon, move him up the ground to get confidence. you cant rip a player because he made a few mistakes, rip a player who consistently makes mistakes, i.e dean bailey.(not that he was a good player) bring in todd viney already!

  3. hate me if you will, but two weeks running brock mclean has no vision for team mates. are our players taught to handball into traffic? sure, we are a young side, we should learn from this, but ive seen it time and time again. too many skill errors and bad decisions by experienced players. two weeks running we have had the game in the balance at half time and thrown it away. some big pre season hey. ok we could have had an easier draw, two top 4 sides in two weeks, some signs for the future, but its a long way off. umpiring is terrible, for both sides, its just not consistent. now i know why i enjoy watching nrl over afl, they have to stop changing the rules so much. no rushed behind rule is making too many players panic, especially when you are blooding youngsters. i dont know why i renew my membership every year, but if i see a continuation of ordinary performances i might just give up, its too humiliating to even care anymore, for the future i wish them luck, but im not counting on it.

  4. i was the biggest critic of miller and he has made me look like an idiot of late. he looks sharp, has fantastic hands, makes better decisions with the ball and his kicking has improved 100%. yes it is only a handful of games, but its the most promising and consistent spell for him ive seen. playing forward IS his only area to play. his talk and body language are probably the best in the club alongside brad green. keep up the good work miller because i like to see players trying their guts out and getting something out of it, its the best way to answer critics like me.

  5. last week at the gabba wheatley in the last quarter kicked long out from there goal and it made it to the centre square. what does this tell you? 1: cuts out short [censored] kicks inside defensive 50. 2: makes a contest in the middle where our taller men are going to be. 3:we got goals at the gabba from this situation. also, has anyone noticed are we just slow starters to games? its just a theory but we seem to finish well even if we are getting flogged. i heard bailey say the results will come from the training track, does this mean he has been running them off there feet every week at training or is he just talking about improving foot skills at training?

  6. i dont blame him for not choosing us, have a look at us, we are a rabble, so it was a smart choice, carlton are going to be force in years to come, we on the other hand, you be the judge, we all just dont know what to predict with melbourne. if we had of had him we would still be lanquishing on the bottom, he hasnt played that good has he? by whatever tactics carlton have done in the past, im giving them credit, we werent smart enough to do the same. i love the club, and i pay my membership even though i live interstate, but get over it, chris judd is only a person like everyone else on the field, maybe a little better, but really ive been over it for ages.

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