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Posts posted by PeterJames

  1. The article is a load of BS really.

    The issue with CS was he wanted Bailey out and so did Connolly. They want to get rid of him but the board and players wanted him to stay. After Saturday the Board had decided that CS was right with regards to Bailey and his coaching so he was gone. Not sure about CS ever being not re-signed but thats what I have heard. Nothing to do with Scully are other garbage just that they didn't see Bailey as the future coach.

  2. The same people that said CS was gone and Bailey had another year are the same people that said Walker was of to GWS and no mention of Davis. They make up rumours and then when they don't eventuate say people backed out. Will be the same as Scully if he stays, they will say a lsat minute bid by Melbourne to make him stay.

    Media lies and people just believe it to be truth. Often because it sounds like a great story, sad things is Ricky Nixon was trying to say this but he is to slimy for people to believe him.

  3. We have to aim for it and not give up. Dare to dream!!!

    We have to go out to win every week. No reason why we can't. But do I think we will no way in hell but I will still be there every week!

  4. It's probably an appropriate thread to bring it up on here, but I'm on the Twitter-ban campaign again! Last night I heard them say on "On The Couch" that the players had met with Club officals twice in the week leading up to the Geelong game, and that mentally, they were stuffed going in to the game. Well, if anyone here can do me a favour and post the photo that Cale Morton put on his Twitter account from the Friday night - the one where he took it upon himself to trash Jack Watts' bed, by turning it upside down, and putting anything that wasn't tied down on it (which included an ironing board). Am I the only supporter that thinks that leading in to a game, any game, especially on the back on your teammates complaining about off-field things within the Club, that this behaviour is totally unacceptable? Were the meetings with HQ that draining that your mental state was in total dissaray?

    Hey certain players - You think the Admin aren't professional, well, take a look at your teammates.

    I think you will be one of only a few. If you have issues with this then you will mortified by the amount of pranks in a footy club.It was a joke relax and also Cale was the best player for Casey.

  5. Sad Yze has come out and said this. I think Robbo has set a good example. He was vexed after being axed, and had a few little things to say in the press. Eventually after other clubs felt the same, he accepted his fate and came back to the club. His game day work is always professional and he really adds to the home games at the MCG.

    Well said. Robbo has done a fantastic job at the club, helping out where he can. All players don't have to do it but for Yze to say on twitter at the time he did was disappointing. Not going to have a go at him presonally because I loved him as player. Some people are being very harsh on his career.

  6. Footy clubs are like family, fight a lot but at tough times stick together. Let's hope this is true for Melbourne. I did think watching it that this will mean changes and it may turn out to be a good thing. Short term pain for the long term gain. But how often have we said that on here!

  7. Why are they not allowed to go out? You were out after the loss! Seriously get a life. The one night a week they can go our and have a few beers and you want them home in bed.

    The best course of action would have been the whole team go out and have a few beers together and work there sh... out.

  8. Jack Watts has been fantastic this year. Was ok yesterday which in that mess means very good. You have to look at our inside 50's to see how tough it has been for him. I thought he would struggle to be anything, he has proved me wrong. Mainly his attitude to the contest has improved out of site. A couple more preseasons he will be one of the best forwards in the comp.

  9. Not a Bailey fan, think he will be gone soon enough. But it won't fix everything. Will Green show heart under a new coach? Will we still give up when it gets to hard? Will players still miss 20m targets by 10 metres like nicholson in the first?

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