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Everything posted by Bails

  1. HOORAH!!! finally someone that doesnt complain and rows the boat in the same direction as the club!!! for gods sake the point of supporting a team and being involved in a team is to back each other!!! if you cant back jimmy stynes then who the hell can you back??? open your eyes some of you
  2. got ya Mcnamee had to go end of story! time is crucial right now
  3. im lost.... high tower what are you trying to say mate?
  4. again must i say!!! THE MFC dont have time to sit on average individuals that go on holidays and have no football experience....... i agree it would be nice to have let him do a yr or maybe more... but we are in dire straights and cannot afford the wrong people on board. forgetting the fact that it looks bad... to be a successful club you need a C.E.O that is doing the job and doing it well... he clearly wasnt and was hired on gardner's watch... Can you forget the issue of how bad it looks and worry about the friggen club and how the club is run......
  5. Dont you get it davey Magik?? MFC is in strife.... we cant afford to wait till then and if we could we would have..... do you think we want to pay him out??? we DONT HAVE TIME TO MESS AROUND sometimes i dont think some of our supporters understand our position..... WE CANNOT AFFORD TO KEEP SOMEONE ON BOARD COZ WE ARE WORRIED ABOU HURTING THERE FEELINGS
  6. Jimmy that is one exciting thought........ lots of pace.. some aerial ability and some aggression!!! has all the makings!!! Demons '09
  7. watts pik one warnock pik one of pre season draft and straight swap - sylvia for alwyn davey!! id be happy with that!!!
  8. saw that!!! hes a melbourne boy too.... i think we have to take him!! hands like glue, composure and can kick goals!! correct me if im wrong but arent we screaming out for that?
  9. i dont know why people can't just trust the board? its the first time in a long time where our board has been real, passionate, red and blue blood running characters.... and still people arent happy!!! mcnamee was not the right man..... and now we can get the right man
  10. well said Jimmy!! its about time everyone started to bak the new Board and face the facts!! we dont have any other option but to bak the new board so we may aswell do it and unite as 1
  11. Watts? fair to say we need a KPP up front Newton cant be it for us
  12. well yes it does!!! you dont have to be einstein to know that running a club depends alot on the passion of the board and the relationship they have amongst themselves... if your C.E.O, President and General Manager of Football is out to dinner two nights a week..... GOOD NEWS!!
  13. The axing of our C.E.O happened for a reason and i have complete trust in the board for taking this step. I see it as the final piece of the puzzle and crucial to our future success.. I think Shwab will come on board and i know that all three of connolly, stynes, and schwab are very close mates and will bind together to try and prove everyone wrong and get our demons back to being a force.... I know that it doesnt look great... and i know we are out of pocket a bit of $$$$ but it had to be done and we are one recruiting step away from finally being settled..... look out Demons '09-'10
  14. i cant believe daniher and his mates let the list go on an on for so long when we all knew that most of the players were not good enough and we were never going to go anywhere with it. and i dont care for the old excuse "he wanted to go home" - if the club was showing signs of improving and giving the impression that the list was being managed in a way that it should be managed then these "wantaway players" wouldnt have gone! for some reason our list managament has been hopeless for a very long time - i am now hopeful and confident that this will change with the new leaders at the club. delistings this yr: Carroll Yze newton Weetra Meesen Holland Mcdonald? possible trades: Bell Sylvia
  15. on field game plan?? hhhmmmm im pretty sure that is daniher's responsibility no?? and the fact he had chris johnson and wheatley etc playing at sandy and had ward and godfrey playing seniors!!! cmon grimesy.... daniher is a in a big way responsible for it all!
  16. Did anybody else see both Jolly and Simmonds play an integral part of both their teams victories on the weekend?? Hind sight is a wonderfuly thing i know...... but I blame Daniher for alot of our F@#%K ups and i believe the decision to keep White (who is the least physical ruckman in the game, and alwys has been) over both Simmonds and Jolly as the biggest mistake of them all. And isnt it nice to see that both Chris Johnson and Paul Wheatley are both finally getting a proper go under Bailey and performing each week, constantly being names in the best players. neal Daniher and his team (including chorcoran - dont start me on him) are the main reason and the sole contributor to our clubs current position. How they couldnt see the direction we were going with your Godfrey's, Walsh's, Wards, etc etc is beyond me. The strange thing is i have complete confidence in the Bailey/Stynes reign and i never felt that confidence with Daniher/Gardner at the helm! Demons '09
  17. good topic demoneddy i think we need a FB... obviously! ??? CHB could be an issue also (maybe martin??) Centre is fine with your brocks, bartrams, jones etc CHF in morton fills out and conitnues to grow.... FF juice newton CHEW ON THAT FELLOW DEMON LANDERS
  18. judging someone on whether or not they win a b and f is a little rich the question was do you think he is capable of playing 22 rounds of good footy.. which TJ never did
  19. Is Colin potentially going to frustrate us like TJ did? i hope not because i like his style... and his aggresion!! i just worry bout his consistency.......
  20. well said demoneddy you sound like you know a bit about the kid..... do u think he is capabale of steeping it up over the next 12 months... and how would he and flash compliment eachother up forward?? i think we have a spot for him.. especially as yze is getting old, and it would be nice to push flash up the ground 2 dees 08
  21. Can we talk a little bit about our new little wizard....please?? has he started training and some pics of him would be great..... DEES 08
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