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Everything posted by theacademic

  1. Many thanks to everyone sharing their thoughts on the survey.
  2. Dear all, I am involved in some research looking at sportsmen and women's activism in sport. I have created a short survey that should only take a few minutes of your time: https://northumbria.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/athlete-activism Participation is completely voluntary, but I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this subject area.
  3. Last shout to see if anyone has a spare few minutes to help me out with the survey.
  4. Survey is still live if anyone has a spare few minutes.
  5. Many thanks hardtack and anyone else who has completed the survey.
  6. Absolutely, demonstone. Many thanks for completing the survey.
  7. Absolutely not jnrmac. Just trying to get an overview of fans' views on the topic area through their own experiences/observations. Thanks to those who have completed the survey and shared these.
  8. Dear all, I am an academic at the University of South Australia and I am conducting some research on fans’ views of racism in the AFL. To do so I have created an anonymous and confidential survey that should only take a few minutes of your time to complete: https://doit.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8qzEMac13Dw4X7E The survey is optional and a participant information sheet providing more detail about the study is located on the opening page when you click on the link. I hope you agree it is a topical study and I thank in advance those who volunteer their time to assist me with my research.
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