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emblem for me

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Everything posted by emblem for me

  1. Reality check I'm afraid. Big time.
  2. Poor BV is cooked. All day I have been waiting to see a dees player lay a solid tackle that makes a pies player think twice but alas we just haven't shown ANY grit.
  3. Howe pushes Spargo and no free. LOL
  4. Hogan having a shocker. I think the Pedo v Weid debate is over. And poor JV although ok is no where near his best form. Anb and Gus have been outstanding in the last month but absent today. Spargo is he injured? He started so well. Poor Vince needs to consider retirement. Lewis not too far away. Petracca is just so very average and will not become a Dangerfield. We may make the 8 but we aint gonna win a flag this year. Still better than Dees of 3 years ago at least but this is not a Premiership side at all. Need some gun players that rip these big games part. Tmac has fought well.
  5. Every time we get close the umps give a free fgs.
  6. If we get one more we have won the quarter again. This game reminds me of last year when Cwood jumped us by 4 goals in the first.
  7. Have not seen Spargo since half time.
  8. Smith is no Lever and Pedo has let us down.
  9. Umpires are sweating on our players.
  10. Disappointing loss. Hogan didn't touch the ball last time we played Cwood.
  11. Lewis is just way too SSSSLLLLOWWW.
  12. Dunn would have been a good replacement for Lever.
  13. I really dislike Jeremy Howe these days.
  14. Still in this chaps. If Gus B and ANB can get the pill it will help. Bit worried about our lack of pressure and Hogan not presenting but we did win the quarter. Will see who our real leaders are in the next 15 mins. If we want a flag this year we will have to win this game. We can still do it. are we hungry enough? Spago has been great. Trac needs to stamp himself in a game. Go Dees.
  15. F2ck I hope we beat this mob.
  16. Scrrp that I think we are asleep. Salem is and Lewis has cement shoes on.
  17. You cant be in the lead with the free count at five times yours.
  18. Cool story bro????? Because as you so clearly pointed out Rance's hit (your words) was the worse thing you have ever seen. How do you rationally debate someone who is so emotive and devoid of reason?
  19. Anyone who thinks Rance's hit to jack Watts last year was worse than T Bugg's hit on Callum MIlls is on drugs and anyone who claims its the most cowardly thing they have seen on an AFL field has watched no more than 4 games. You might want to post sober.
  20. yea a well balanced agnostic that calls others with different beliefs wankers. OOOO your just too smart.
  21. Oh please stop. The internet might break.
  22. As opposed to you projecting your own narrow views. Ah yes evangelical athesim is alive and well.
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