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  1. I know you're still upset about Greg Wells, time to move on!!!!
  2. Thanks mate, Jesse got it far worse than I did, he still has a piece of his skull bone on ice waiting to be grafted back in which is so depressing, a young man like that cut down in his prime. I'm taking him to the dees vs the blues in a few weeks and he is really looking forward to that as am I. Cheers and thanks for the good wishes.
  3. A quick update for those interested, I just spent the last 2 months in the Royal Talbot rehabilitation centre with Jesse as I had a stroke myself. Jesse is doing well and has just started to walk with the aid of a crutch. There is still plenty of rehab ahead for him but being the fine young man he is I have no doubt he will meet any future challenges head on. Go Blues!
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