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  1. As mentioned in a previous post.... As far as I'm concerned he can play with whoever he wants.. A common theme in recovery is to change your environment, that's what was recommended by his doctor and that's what he's done. Everyone is entitled to their view, but I feel that a little balance is required. It's only a game and someone's long term health is far more important.
  2. He's not 'well' again, he still has a long way to go... metal illness is not something that you can just flick a switch and recover from.
  3. Hi RPFC. But he did explain why he isn't playing for us. He has depression.... and part of his doctors recommendations on how he can recover is to change his environment. This is a common recommendation in similar situations. Who are we to say that's not the case? And yes, you're right. He doesn't 'need' to play afl. No one 'needs' to play AFL. But why shouldn't he if he can and it's not going to hurt his ongoing recovery. My point is simply, people here have no idea about what was and is still going on inside his head. So let's stop being so negative and look at the positives that we as a club can take out of this. - No longer paying the massive salary - He wasn't playing games for us anyway - We've ended up with Lamumba he may be really good for the clubs development
  4. I've been reading Demonland this year for the first time, but after reading this thread I've decided to sign up and post my thoughts for the first time. All the people on here spraying Clarke clearly have no idea what mental state the man was in when it came time to leave the club. I know for a fact that he was suffering from depression and was in a very low place. For him to come out and publicly admit it took a lot of courage and I applaud him for doing it and taking some of the stigma away from it. There are many young men in the community suffering with depression and abuse and narrow mindedness like this will not help. When you're in the macho environment of a footy club, standing up and saying I have a problem and I need help takes some guts. Who are people on here to spray Clarke for admitting he had a problem. Or to say he's lying about it. You don't know him. Would they prefer he stayed quiet, stayed at the club against his doctors advice, kept taking the $1m a year in salary, still not play due to mental illness and not recover. Melbourne is better off not having him on our list taking the $$ and not playing. We've at least brought in H who hopefully will provide something. I know one thing. Whilst I love this game, it's just that, a GAME. And a young man's mental health for now and the long term is far more important. Yes, it will hurt to watch him kicking goals for the cats, but it's much better than possible alternatives. As for 'booing' him... I certainly won't be one of those supporters. I suggest people have a good hard look at themselves if they're going to be in this camp. Think about if this was your friend, brother or son. The man was sick, he sought treatment, followed doctors advice and is still improving and still has a long way to go. I wish him well......... unless he's playing against us!
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