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Posts posted by Brockstar

  1. I havent been on the boards much this year, so I didnt realise Brock was copping it?

    He's been good this year! Started slowly but has been working really hard and getting alot of hard ball the last 3 weeks or so. Definitely in our best few this year I'd say.

    Jones on the other hand has been woeful. He is my biggest disappointment thus far in 08. People here will defend him saying he works hard and always gets to the bottom of packs etc, but fact is he isnt very good at the moment. He isnt getting as many clearances this year due to more opposition attention, and his disposal is poor. He has had no impact. I just hope they can fix his kicking.

    Agreed Lord Trav, Brockie has worked hard to be back in our "best". Do you think though, perhaps the attention (re. tags) has been moved from Brock TO Jonesy, who was much more potent last year? Or has Brock just learnt to deal with it better - Personally I hope it's the latter.

    Whatever the reason, it's great to see my namesake doing so well, but there is no I in team is there?

    We're backing you all the way lads, through thick and thin. GO DEES!

  2. D'you think we were ever really a chance, or did he just pretend to be interested in us to make it look as though he wasn't a cash-chasing pig? Perhaps he had NO intention of coming to us or the bombers and thought, "Hey, people won't hate me so much if I at least appear interested."

    Can't wait to see Brock and Jonesy tear him a new one next year. Oh and good luck with the groin juddy.....


  3. Having only smoked a bit of weed as a teen and enjoyed a few beers in my time, I had my drink spiked a few months ago and I will never understand why anyone would consciously take drugs and want to feel the way I did. I have never felt so bizarre in all my life and I will never forget it. I still feel completely creeped out by it. I honestly thought i was going to die and couldn't even stand under the shower it felt like bullets hitting my skin. Why anyone would want to feel that way is beyond me, and how you could spike someone's drink and put them in so much danger is just unfathomable.

  4. Because they like going out chasing tale.

    I guess... Dunno about the rest of you girls but I just LOVE guys who are off their heads , picking fights and acting the hero...um, wait, I've actually just summed up every guy I went out with up until I was 21!! :lol:

    He'll grow out of it - either (hopefully) by choice - and now - or he'll have to be made to, which will be pretty embarrassing for him.

  5. I find this all pretty disappointing. The kid has talent to burn, but maybe not the drive/focus at the moment.

    Was it Brock saying a couple of years ago that he went on a fishing trip with him and he was staggered by the amount of grog him and his mates could put away? Col obviously has a liking for the booze and these incidences are already too frequent.

    Yeah, and I think Brock also said at the time that they ate meat pies and drank cans for brekky and that he had to come back and go on a strict diet for a month to get back to normal!! LOL

    They live a different life the ol' country boys - I guess it's bred into alot of them!

    Seriously though - and I'm not speculating about this current "incident" as I don't know much about it - I can't see why if afl players want to get smashed they can't just stay home and get a few mates around for a barbie like the rest of us. You can drink yourself silly, pass out, act like a tool and we are all none the wiser. I do remember what it's like to be 21, but at 32 I've finally realised staying home is the wiser option. ;)

  6. Watched the game with my filthy other half.

    Never again.

    He woo-hooed through the first quarter, sooked as much as his players did at the umpires, pumped up Pendlebury (whom he pathetically refers to as "Pendles" UGH!) marvelled at Didaks almost soccer goal, and complained about our frees in the third.

    He was genuinely sickened by Belly's hit, but argued the point with me about how long Johnson will be out. Then when we started coming back he cracked the poos and said "oh I might as well go to bed I'm not watching this bullS..." Instead he got himself another wine and preceeded to tell me that I was a hypocrite because I merely said "well with the injuries we've had tonight it'll be understandable if we DO lose as we'll run out of legs". He says when he says that about collingwood I say "well that's an excuse". Anyway we launched into a whole argument about making excuses for playing like crap and ended the night with the silent treatment... but I broke it long enough to say "I will never watch Melbourne/Collingwood with you ever again, you are an arrogant tool."

    Think a divorce may be on the cards.. :rolleyes: seriously what was I thinking in the first place?!!

  7. Yeah, personally I think The Kev would be fantastic for the club.

    Imagine how much our young fellas and our future leaders like Brock and Jonesy etc would benefit from all his experience. Everyone within the footy community has respect for Sheeds- sadly WE currently don't have anyone's respect. He may be the man to help us win it back.

    Its pretty obvious that with Connolly at the helm we won't be any better off...Get Sheeds and it'll be "game on molles!"

    We need someone with intestinal fortitude of the contagious kind.

  8. Heading down to Launceston on saturday morning....a relaxing afternoon then off to the game around 5.00 pm....Never been to Aurora Stadium before,,,,went to North Hobart twice...one win...one loss...

    GO ZEBRAS...

    Tis quite a nice stadium actually, especially on a nice clear nite. Was counting on going up but finances are stretched to the limit this week. Have a great time, GO ZEBS! Should be an absolute flogging! (sorry tassie, have to be a traitor this week!)

  9. Brock McLean never looks slow, occassionally slow looks Brock McLean

    ;) nice!

    I think "Brock Mclean was what Willis was talkin' 'bout" should be a bumper sticker, or even better someone take a banner of it to the footy...Would be a classic. Wonder if the great man has come across these yet? I'm sure he'd get a huge laff out of our hero worship!! :wub:

    Scary part is, it's all true ;)

  10. :lol: Some great stories here! wish I'd been at the game!

    I watched at home with my other half who'd invited one of his fellow filth supporters round for back up - I had our two kids and myself decked out in our no.5 jumpers no less...

    Yeah, they did the whole "woo-hoo!" and high fives every time the filth goaled or looked promising (sickening really). My mouth has gotten me into trouble before so I remained extremely calm and composed until the last quarter when I let a few things slip out, and then they started the whole "umps are on your side..Blah, blah blah..." "we have players out etc...".

    When the siren went I grabbed the cd of the song and played it about 10 times while the kids and I danced around the house. Today I still have the jumper on and can't stop smiling. He is relatively quiet, but I think if they had won he would be giving me absolute hell!

    Ha ha, BTW in the last stages of the game I came out with the (much used round here) gem :

    "I wanna have Brock's babies!!" and He said (sounding like a spoilt 7 year old) "well go on then!"

    It was hilarious. :P

  11. I am sorry. I can't be sure as they were in a group. They appeared to be staring at Nathan Carrol at one stage but don't know if it was in reference to that remark or another. I guess a trip to training for a peek then cast your votes for the top 3 contenders. There have been some really good replies on this site. Our gp. here have enjoyed your responses and i'm sorry i'm not certain about anything.

    Maybe it's a pet name for Chooka -like an offshoot of it or something...

  12. i spose that really does bring a new meaning to 'takes one for the team' doesnt it?

    He he...I like Jaded am not a he and totally agree with her...I would take one for the team if it were Brock (but Brock only!).

    All the boys on big footy keep saying they want to do it with him anyway...we are not immune to his charms either y'know! Imagine all the father/sons we could have - we'd have to rename the club as the Mclean Demons. has a nice ring to it!!

  13. I enjoyed that

    Finally a decent thing from the age

    yep that was great - I reckon the boys should have to watch that several times before they play on monday!!

    :wub: Love the pic of Brock coming back down the race :wub:

  14. :lol: agree with Jeff white and jim carrey - we always call jeff white "Llloyd Christmas" in our house.

    Always thought Pete Vardy looked like actor Steve Zahn and Trav reminds me of Owen wilson when Owen's hair is particularly shaggy.


    That is my fave Chop lookalike! haha

  15. post-1238-1180737084_thumb.jpg

    Stay tuned for a repeat of this next week!

    :wub: Congrats Brocky Baby - I was beginning to think you'd never get to 50 - Let's hope the next 50 doesn't take as long to come around!

    As much as even the most serious and level-headed of us try not to get wrapped up in the hype You can guarantee we will all have butterflies when you run through the banner today...

    Wish I could be there - if his fitness hadn't been so unpredictable I would've planned to fly over!

    I HATE LIVING IN TASSIE!!! Anyway have a super game Brock I will be rooting for you! haha

    Enjoy the game guys- win or lose it'll be a special one. :wub:

    By the way, love the line "Superman wears Brock Mclean underpants" ;)

  16. 3 or 4 times he took a mark handballed to a player running by and then took out the chasing player or atleast made them change direction

    how many shepards did we apply this game?

    how many times did we get run down or tackled with a player standing a few meters away unwilling to take 3 steps and a hit for their team mate?

    how many tackles did we break?

    how many did we miss?

    why have we slimmed down when we still cant match a pretty slow outfit in geelong?

    why is there no hurt in the players faces when they walk off?

    They should look absolutely heart broken, peed off and disappointed. They don't seem any of the above.

  17. Whoa...Brad miller is one of our best. the way he presents up the ground is 10/10..he dishes it off well with the hands, yet its a shame he doesnt have a kick on him..but its fine cos he's a CHF. I agree with most of the rest bar godfrey again as he's our only tagger and tries hard. again, he doesn't have the skill. Ferg is alright, hasn't played afl for a while tho, but has a good spoil and contested mark on him.

    Godders does his best with what he's got. If he had skills he'd be dangerous.

    If only the more seasoned players had his attitude.

  18. :rolleyes:

    I have to agree. My first thoughts when i saw the pic of Cam Bruce was omg there is nothing of him.

    Chopper is looking great as is Chooka

    Chopper definitely has the phwoar factor going on...and Chook, well, he may not be a pin-up boy, but I'm loving the washboard!!

    Seriously, the boys are looking AMAZING - Hope they can back it up mentally. I have a good feeling about this year, how about you?

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