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Posts posted by Olgreybeard49

  1. On 8/11/2018 at 9:43 PM, Undeeterred said:

    Well I, for one, am wrapped somebody pointed this out.

    rapt - feeling great rapture or delight.

    Wrapped - covered with.

    But let's face it, footy fan sites are exempt from grammar, spelling and sometimes commonsense and that is part of their attraction,

  2. 5 hours ago, Biffen said:

    Robbie was a ball player and rarely tackled-you must admit that much.

    Provoked me to log in for the first time in years. Well done.

    Tulip went when it was his turn and often when it wasn't, backed into pack marks and was downright courageous.  If it wasn't for his smarts he would have been steamrolled every match.

    I admire JW kicking skills and decision making apart from when the decision is 'don't think I'll go for that' which is too often.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    A big factor in Port's wins has been Robbie Gray.  He has averaged 2.4 goals per game.  And he has had some big hauls of 4+ goals in some games.

    His tally yesterday:  0 goals, 0 points!!!  He did play on the ball for some of the game.  But him going scoreless was huge for us. 

    He is Port's danger player and the difference between winning and losing.

    Our defence, especially Jetta and Hibberd did a superb job of keeping him on a leash when he was down there. 

    Whole defence played well and the only stat in PA's favour was goals from free kicks.

    • Like 4
  4. 20 minutes ago, Deeoldfart said:

    I became 'welded on' as kid in the 1950s.  It was obviously easy back then, but I'm proud to say there's never been hint of wavering in my passion throughout the doldrums that have followed.  Oh yeah, "go Scorps" in 2017!

    Congrats for persevering DOF. Like you I got on board in the 50's when the family came down from the bush and have stuck through all the years when it took a full phrase 'long suffering Demons supporter'.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, ProDee said:


    It's hardly a revelation that amateur observers miss the nuance of conditioning and intensity as they watch training.  Watching training and picking up some odds and sods is very different to processing training, knowing what the coaches are assessing, as well as being behind the scenes in meetings/conversations and having an understanding of what is being asked of the player.  Scoop is worried that his entire 2018 training observations won't be taken seriously because he had no clue Watts wasn't meeting training standards.  Annoying players by questioning their injuries and getting told porkies doesn't help his credibility either.

    I draw both of your attention to these direct quotes from Goodwin, "Jack had a few months where he wasn’t at the level, to his own admission."  Link below.  It also mentions in the article that Watts came back "underdone", although that's not a quote from Goodwin, so no doubt you'll dismiss it, because it suits your biased narrative even though it's a logical conclusion given recent reports, as well as comments from @Leoncelli_36 who received inside mail that this was indeed the case..

    So this isn't about one intra-club performance as Scoop asserts, it's about "a few months" of below level training intensity.  However you want to put your own slant on it you're both wrong.  Accept the coach just may have a better handle on things than your good selves.


    In tennis terms:15 all, Saty's serve.

    Fair enough to have a different view but I don't think the personal attack is warranted. I for one appreciate Saty's input to the training reports.

    • Like 12
  6. Bring back the Bailey(?) double huddle for kick in from points. A huddle just before centre and another around CHF. Fast spread to wings / flanks, confuse self and opposition simultaneously..  I always thought it was our most entertaining method of turning the ball over from kick in.

    • Like 6
  7. 1 hour ago, binman said:

    Alternatively you should now have two tickets. Wait until it sells out and sell one for 27.95 and get in for free! 

    (or drag along a potential dees supporter!). or take it with you and sell it to someone who is a walk up

    ... and use the profit to buy 4 cans to stand on which was accepted procedure last time I was squeezed into suburban standing room.

  8. 2 hours ago, binman said:

    Not your fault at all. Incredibly stupid process - i mean of course you indicate you want an adult ticket! If you can bothered you should ask for a refund of the $20 they stung you. They can put a man on the moon but.....

    Previous ticketmaster experience dictates I refrain from headbutting brick wall but thanks for the thought:mellow:

  9. 9 hours ago, binman said:

    I think you have paid too much.I just bought mine (after multiple error messages - it took about 45 mins to complete!) and i was correct before. You don't click on any of the ticket options just put your barcarole in from your members card and click thorough to payment section. 7.95 in total. Initially i clicked on adult ticket, which seemed logical but baulked at the cost.

    Thanks DeeSpencer. Saved me $20

    Cost of technological incompetence - $15. :) Oh well. I'll look harder next time.

  10. 19 minutes ago, binman said:

    Are you a member? If so how much did you have to pay fr the ticket (i went to buy my ticket but realised i didn't have my member's card on me)

    $20 plus the fees. Standing room only. Now wondering where to get my 4 VB cans for personal grandstand circa 1970.

    • Like 2
  11. Any relation to Laurie Mithen, premiership player and a teacher at Melbourne High where he famously went through a whole British History lesson accidentally substituting Grand Trunk Hotel for Grand Trunk Canal? I guess he had only drunk from one of them.


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